NURS 5315 UTA etExam 1: Concept and
Clinical Complication UPDATED Questions
and CORRECT Answers
Action Potential: Hypokalemia leads to what complications - CORRECT ANSWER -
Potassium leaves the cell leaving behind negative anions, cell hyperpolarizes making the cell
more negative and therefore less excitable
CC: Weakness, Smooth Muscle atony, parathesias (pins and needles), Cardiac dysrythmias
Action Potential: Hyperkalemia lead to what complications - CORRECT ANSWER -
Increased potassium will come into the cell and make it more positive, depolarization will occur
taking the RMP closer to the Threshold potential. This makes cells more excitable.
CC: Peak T waves, Widening QRS Complex, paralysis, paresthesia, weakness, cardiac
Action Potential: Hypercalcemia - CORRECT ANSWER - High calcium (Ca2+) decreases
the cells permeability to Na+ ions. Cell becomes less positive. Hyper polarized and less excitable
CC: Weakness, hyporeflexia, fatigue, lethargy, confusion, encephalopathy, Shorted QT segment,
Depressed widened T waves
Action Potential: Hypocalcemia - CORRECT ANSWER - Less Calcium leads to more per
i ability of Na+ ions into the cell. The cell becomes more positive and depolarizes. Closed to
threshold potential means more excitable cells.
CC: Tetany (involuntary contraction of muscle), hyperreflexia, circumoral paresthesia, seizures,
,Atrophy - CORRECT ANSWER - CC: Decreased muscle size due to lack of exercise or
bed ridden, reduced thymus in children as they grow
Hypertrophy - CORRECT ANSWER - Physiologic: Increased muscle size when
Pathologic: cardiomegaly in HTN, kidney growth when one kidney is removed
Hyperplasia - CORRECT ANSWER - Physiologic: Liver regeneration after resection,
uterine and mammary gland enlargement in pregnancy
Pathologic: Endometrial lining in response to estrogen (Endometrial Cancer)
Metaplasia - CORRECT ANSWER - Pathologic: Chronic Smokers Columnar cells to
Squamous cells, Barrett Esophagus (Normal squamous epithelial cells replaced by columnar
cells) in response to heart burn, GERD
Dysplasia - CORRECT ANSWER - Dysplastic cells of the cervix during a papsmear, pre
Sickle Cell Anemia can cause what type of cell injury? - CORRECT ANSWER - Hypoxic
A decrease in the production of red blood cells happens with what type of conditions? -
CORRECT ANSWER - Iron Deficiency Anemia
Hypoxic injury of the muscle cells including the heart will release which enzyme? - CORRECT
ANSWER - Creatinine Kinase
Hypoxic injury if the muscle cells, liver cells, lung cells, heart, RBC, and brain will release
which enzyme? - CORRECT ANSWER - LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase)
, What free radical plays a part in all of the following conditions: Heart Disease, Alzheimer's
Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - CORRECT ANSWER -
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
What are examples of Antioxidants that can fight against Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)? -
CORRECT ANSWER - Antioxidants, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, beta carotene, flavonoids,
cysteine, glutathione, albumin, ceruloplasmin and transferrin
Alcohols consumption leads to what type of damage? - CORRECT ANSWER - Liver
Nutritional deficiencies
Wernicke Encephalopathy
Peripheral neuropathy
Korsakoff Psychosis
What supplements would you recommend for someone struggling with ethanol abuse? -
CORRECT ANSWER - Folic acid, magnesium, vitamin B6, thiamine, and phosphorus
Acetaldehyde from Ethanol is responsible for what type of cancer? - CORRECT
ANSWER - Head and neck cancers
Lead decreases the uptake of what elements? - CORRECT ANSWER - Zinc (Zn)
Iron (Fe)
Magnesium (Mg)
Vitamin D
Lead can lead to what clinical conditions? - CORRECT ANSWER - Neurological Issues
Multiple sclerosis MS
Reproductive issues