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Test Bank for Focus on Adult Health Medical Surgical Nursing 2nd Edition by Linda Honan ISBN:9781496349286 | Complete Guide A+
Focus on Adult Health Medical Surgical Nursing 2nd
Focus On Adult Health Medical Surgical Nursing 2nd
Test Bank for Focus on Adult Health Medical Surgical Nursing 2nd Edition by Linda Honan ISBN:9781496349286 | Complete Guide A+
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Focus on Adult Health Medical Surgical Nursing 2nd
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Focus on Adult Health Medical Surgical Nursing 2nd Edition Honan Test Bank
go go go go go go go go go go go
Well Elaborated Answers & Questions
go go go go
Chapter go1 goThe gonurse’s goRole goin goAdult goHealth goNursing
1. The gonurse goensures gothat goa goclient’s gobeds gopace gois goneat goand goclean gowith gothe gocall golight
go within goeasy goreach. goThe gonurse gois gofocusing goon gowhich gonursing gotheorist gowho gorealized
go the goimportance goof gothe goenvironment gofor gocare?
1. Florence goNightingale
2. Sister goCallista goRoy
3. Dorothea goOrem
4. Martha goRogers
ANS: go1
Florence goNightingales gotheory gofocused goon gothe goenvironment gofor gocare. goSister goCallista goRoys
gomodel gois gobased goin gosystems gotheory goand goan goindividual’s goability goto goadapt. goDorothea goOrems
gomodel gois gothe goself- gocare godeficit gotheory. goMartha goRogers gomodel gois gothe goscience goof gounitary
gohuman gobeings.
PTS:1DIF: goApply
REF: goEmergence goof goContemporary goNursing goin gothe goUnited goStates
2. The gonurse gois goinstructing goa goclient goon goself-administration goof goinsulin goso gothat gothe goclient
gowill gonot goneed goa gohealth gocare goprovider goto godo gothis goactivity. goThe gonurse gois
goimplementing gowhich goof gothe gofollowing goaspects goof goVirginia goHendersons gotheory goof
1. A gocaring gorelationship
2. Helping gothe goclient goachieve goindependence gofrom gothe gonurses’ goassistance goas goquickly goas gopossible
3. Integration goof goobjective goand gosubjective godata
4. Application goof
critical gothinkingANS: go2
,Med goC
,3. Virginia goHendersons gotheory goof gonursing gois goto gohelp gopeople goachieve gohealth goor goa gopeaceful godeath goso gothat
gothey gocan gobe goindependent gofrom gothe gonurses’ goassistance goas goquickly goas gopossible. goA gocaring gorelationship,
gointegration goof goobjective goand gosubjective godata, goand goapplication goof gocritical gothinking goareincluded goin gothe
goAmerican goNurses goAssociations goessential gofeatures goof goprofessional gonursing.
PTS:1DIF: goAnalyze
REF: goEmergence goof goContemporary goNursing goin gothe goUnited goStates
A. client gotells gothe gonurse gothat gohe gohas goan goHMO gofor gohis gohealth goinsurance. goThe gonurse
gounderstands gothat gothe gopurpose goof gothis gotype goof gohealth goplan gois goto:
1. ensure gopayment gois gomade goto goMedicare gofor goservices gorendered.
2. maximize gothe goutilization goof gohealth gocare goresources.
3. efficiently gomanage gocosts gowhile goproviding goquality gocare.
4. focus goon gothe goillness gowhen goproviding gocare.
ANS: go3
Health gomaintenance goorganizations go(HMOs) gowere gocreated goto goefficiently gomanage gohealth gocare
gocosts gowhile goproviding goquality gocare. goAn goHMO gois goa gotype goof gomanaged gocare goplan gowith gothe
gogoal goof goproviding gowellness gocare goand gonot gofocusing goon gothe goillness goduring gothe goprovision goof
gocare. goHMOs godo gonot goensure gopayment gois gomade goto goMedicare gofor goservices gorendered. goHMOs
goalso godo gonot gomaximize gothe goutilization goof gohealth gocare goresources gobut gorather gouses gofinancial
goincentives goto godecrease gocare gocosts.
PTS: go1 goDIF: goUnderstand goREF: goCost goof goCare
4.A client gotells gothe gonurse gothat gohe godoes gonot gohave goa goprimary gocare gophysician gobut gorather
gomakesan goappointment gowith goa godoctor gowho gospecializes goin gothe goarea goin gowhich gohe gois
goexperiencing goa goproblem. goThe gonurse gorealizes gothis goclient gois goat gorisk gofor gowhich goof gothe
1. Fragmented gocare
2. Overpayment goof goservices
3. Inability goto gosustain gohealth
4. Finding goan goappropriate gogeneral gopractitioner
, ANS: go1
In gothe go1980s, gothe goclose goand gotrusting gorelationship gobetween goan goindividual goand gothe
goindividual’s gophysician gowaned goand gowas goreplaced goby goacquaintances gowith gospecialists gobased
goupon goparticular gohealthcare goproblems. goThese goepisodes goof gocare gocause gofragmentation goof gocare.
goThe goclient gowho goutilizes gospecialists gois gonot goat gorisk gofor gooverpayment goof goservices, gothe
goinability goto gosustain gohealth, goorfinding goan goappropriate gogeneral gopractitioner.
PTS:1DIF: goAnalyze goREF goProviders goof goCare
5. The gonurse gois goattending goa gomaster’s godegree goprogram goin goefforts goto gobe goeducationally
go prepared gotoserve goas goa gohospital goleader. goThe gonurse gorealizes gothat gothis goeducational
go preparationwill:
1. hinder gothe gonurses’ goability goto gowork gowith gophysicians.
2. be goviewed goas gonot gosupporting gothe goprofession goof gonursing goby goother gonurses.
3. ensure gothe gonurse gois gobiased gotowards goclinician’s gointerests.
prepare gothe gonurse goto goserve goas gostrong goclinical gosupport gowith gothe goability goto gointegrate gobusiness goand
4. caring.
ANS: go4
The gonurse gois goattending goan goeducational goprogram goto goserve goas goa gohospital goleader. goThis
goeducation gowill goprepare gothe gonurse goto goserve goas gostrong goclinical gosupport gowith gothe goability goto
gointegrate gobusiness goand gocaring. goThis goeducation gowill gonot gohinder gothe gonurse’s goability goto gowork
gowith gophysicians. goThis goeducation gowill gonot gobe goviewed goas gounsupportive goto gothe goprofession goof
gonursing. goThe goeducation gowill goensure gothat gothe gonurse gois gonot gobiased gotowards goclinician’s
PTS: go1 goDIF: goAnalyze goREF: goClinical goSystems goLeadership
6. A goclient gotells gothe gonurse gothat goall gohospitals gocare goabout gois godoing gothe gominimum gofor
a goclient goregardless goof gothe gooutcome. goWhich goof gothe gofollowing goshould gothe gonurse
respond goto gothis goclient?
1. It godoes gofeel golike gothat gosometimes.
2. Health goinsurance gocompanies gohave gocaused gothis goproblem.
3. The godoctors gowill goget gopaid goregardless goof gothe goclients’ gooutcomes.