PSYC 290N – Week 7
Course Project II – Late Adulthood
My Virtual Life – Late Adulthood
Regardless of whether you are a parent or step-parent in your virtual life that you are
leading, why do you think many parents report difficulties in maintaining or increasing
intimacy with their adult children? In your answer, consider that for some parents their
children often provide a perceived source of validation of their own beliefs, values, &
st&ards. What are some reasons why or how children might resist their parents' desires
to maintain a close intimacy with them?
When people start transitioning from adolescence to young adults, they start to develop their
own beliefs, values, & st&ards, based on their own experiences. These newly formed ideas
could be conflicting what their parents believe. The opposing views could create a problematic
relationship, rather than an intimate one. These young adults begin to explore new realms in
life & they could eventually start to disagree with what their parents have told them in the past.
Sometimes older adults hesitate to give their adult children or other family members
unsolicited advice or feedback because it might cause tension in the relationship if that
feedback is negative. How do you feel about giving younger adults your advice or
opinions, particularly if it might cause tension? Are there times when it is appropriate or
inappropriate to give someone unsolicited advice? Draw on your own experiences or
even your virtual person to provide examples.
I feel that it is acceptable to offer advice to a young adult, regardless if it will cause tension. In
today’s society, I’ve noticed that younger adults tend to be more tense about almost everything,
anyhow. However, most of the time younger adults need that guidance or opinion in their life.
Additionally, young adults can be knuckleheads, who require a dose of tough love. But this
situation correlates with the saying, “it’s not about what you’re saying, it’s about how you’re
saying it.” I genuinely believe that determining whether something is appropriate or
inappropriate is subjective. Likewise, I believe that there is always a tactful way of delivering
your message effectively, regardless of the situation. Whether that means changing your
approach, cooling down for a minute before engaging, or taking a few days to generate a level-
headed response, there is always a way.
Based upon the theory & research about mid-life crises discussed in your textbook &
class, how might you explain a 40-something-year-old family member's sudden change
towards unpredictable behaviors & emotionality?
When a person experience’s a mid-life crisis, they may allow their insecurities consume them.
Examples of insecurities would be feeling as if you’ve done nothing with your life, feeling as if
you’ve done things but have nothing to show for, or feeling as if you messed up early on in life
& therefore are paying for your actions. For people who succumb to these negative thoughts,
they’re constant reminders of what isn’t their reality. These insecurities then provoke people to
reflect on their age, how they feel like is almost over for them, & how they want to die feeling
accomplished. In turn, this ideology stimulates impulsive & outl&ish behaviors, purchases &
emotions. Suddenly a 40-year-old leaves his wife for a younger woman, buys a new sports car,
& owns a mansion.
, How can involvement in civic or religious activity buffer you against stress effects? Give
some examples from your personal life.
I do & I don’t consider myself a religious person. I do have a religion & I do practice it on
occasion. However, I am not as involved as I probably should be, & I definitely bend some of
the rules. Nonetheless there are specific times when I turn to religion. For instance, if I have a
huge exam coming up or if someone close to me has fallen in bad health, I will turn to religion. I
will pray for the situation, pray that God takes the situation into his h&s & provide with the best
possible outcome.
What are some reasons why you or your friends might continue to work past the age of
Retirement is the time in life where you feel that you have contributed enough to
society/workforce, & in turn want society to take care of you, for all the years of work you’ve put
in. However, some people choose to past the age of retirement for reasons of their own. A few
reason I believe either my friends or myself would work past the age of retirement would be
because we’d be bored at home, we need the money, our spouse/partner is driving us nuts, or
our spouse/partner died & we’re seeking a distraction.
Imagine you are 65 years old & you are experiencing conflicts with your adult children
over a number of things: communication & style of interaction; lifestyle choices &
habits; parenting practices; values, religion, ideology, & politics; work habits; & st&ards
of household maintenance. How might you approach these conflicts or communicate
with your children about them? Which differences could you feel at ease with & which
would really bother you?
I can only assume approaching this situation with 65 years of experience under my belt I would
be able to remain cool, calm & collected. I would have to wrap my mind around the fact that my
children are adults now, no matter how I view them. They are free to make their own decisions,
form their own opinions, make their own mistakes, & be their own person. It's obvious that I
would like to see them walk a similar path as I did; however, that's no longer in my control or for
me to decide. I'd also be forced to take a step back & reflect on my decisions/actions/views
when I was their age. In my emerging adulthood, I was originally going to college to be a
teacher, & my parents encouraged that path. Mid-way through my college career, I decided that
I no longer wanted to pursue a career in education & switched my studies/focus to engineering.
Though my parents were disappointed & tried to convince me otherwise, I stuck with my gut
feeling & got an engineering degree. If I didn't make that decision independently, I would’ve
never been the Vice President of my company & who knows where I would've ended up? So
with that in mind, I would have to respect any differences my child & I may have, & continue to
love/support my child. I would also have to keep an open-mind & be willing to accept these
What employment problems might an older person face that could be the result of their