Exam (elaborations)
Test Bank For Growth and Development Across the Lifespan 3rd Edition By Gloria Leifer; Eve Fleck
DCF child growth and development
DCF Child Growth And Development
Table of Content
Chapter 1 Healthy People 2020
Chapter 2 Government Influences on Health Care
Chapter 3 Cultural Considerations in Health Care
Chapter 4 The Influence of Family on Developing a Lifestyle
Chapter 5 Theories of Development
Chapter 6 Prenatal Influences on Healthy Development
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Test Bank For Growth and Development
Across the Lifespan
3rd Edition By Gloria Leifer; Eve Fleck
Chapters 1 - 16 Complete
,Table of Content
Chapter 1 Healthy People 2020
Chapter 2 Government Influences on Health Care
Chapter 3 Cultural Considerations in Health Care
Chapter 4 The Influence of Family on Developing a Lifestyle
Chapter 5 Theories of Development
Chapter 6 Prenatal Influences on Healthy Development
Chapter 7 The Infant
Chapter 8 Early Childhood
Chapter 9 Middle Childhood
Chapter 10 Adolescence
Chapter 11 Young Adulthood
Chapter 12 Middle Adulthood
Chapter 13 Late Adulthood
Chapter 14 Advanced Old-Age and Geriatrics
Chapter 15 Planning for the End of Life
Chapter 16 Loss, Grief, and Bereavement
,Chapter 1: Healthy People
Test Bank
1. The rpurpose rof rHealthy rPeople r2020 ris rto:
a. examine rworld rhealth rneeds.
b. evaluate raccomplishments rfor ryears r2010–2020.
c. focus rprimarily ron rinfant rhealth rand rmortality.
d. examine rfunding rissues rfor rhealth rcare.
Healthy rPeople r2020 ris ran revidence-based r10-year rreport rcard rdescribing rhealth-care
raccomplishments rin rthe rUnited rStates rbetween rthe ryears rof r2010 rand r2020.
DIF: Cognitive rLevel: rComprehension REF: rp. r1 OBJ: r1
TOP: rHealthy rPeople r2020 KEY: rNursing rProcess rStep: rIntervention
MSC: rNCLEX: rHealth rPromotion rand rMaintenance: rprevention rand rearly rdetection rof rdisease
2. A rhealth-care rworker rplanning ra rresearch rproject rrelated rto rteenage rpregnancy rin rhis
rcommunity rwould rinclude rin rthe rinitial rassessment rthe rhealth rstatus rof rthe rtarget
rpopulation. rHealth rstatus rcould rbe rbest revaluated rby rthe rexamination rof rthe: ra.
birth rrate, rdisease
rmorbidity, rand rlife rexpectancy.
b. birth rrate, raccess rto rhealth rcare, rand rdeath rrate.
c. disease rmorbidity, rlife rexpectancy, rand rhealth rinsurance rcoverage.
d. health rinsurance rcoverage, rdeath rrate, rand raccess rto rhealth rcare.
Birth rrate rstatistics ridentify rage rof rmother; rdeath rrates rinclude rinfant rmortality rand rage
rof rmother; raccess rto rhealth rcare rmay raffect ra rteenager’s rability rto robtain radequate
rprenatal rcare.
DIF: Cognitive rLevel: rApplication REF: rp. r6 OBJ: r3
TOP: rHealth rstatus KEY: rNursing rProcess rStep: rPlanning
MSC: rNCLEX: rHealth rPromotion rand rMaintenance: rprevention rand rearly rdetection rof rdisease
3. The rhealth-care rworker rteaches ra rgroup rof rnew rparents rabout rthe r“back rto rsleep”
rprogram, rwhich ris rdirected rtoward rthe rreduction rof rsudden rinfant rdeath rsyndrome
r(SIDS) rby: ra.
positioning rthe rbaby ron ra rsmall rflat rpillow.
b. placing rthe rbaby ron rits rback rin rthe rcrib.
c. gently rrocking rthe rbaby rbefore rreturning rit rto rbed.
d. tucking rinfant rsnuggly rin rthe rcrib rwith ra rlight rblanket.
The rback rto rsleep rprogram rhelps rreduce rthe rincidence rof rSIDS rby rplacing rthe rinfant ron
rits rback rrather rthan ron rits rstomach.
DIF: Cognitive rLevel: rApplication REF: rp. r8 OBJ: r5
, TOP: rBack rto rsleep rprogram KEY: rNursing rProcess rStep: rIntervention
MSC: rNCLEX: rHealth rPromotion rand rMaintenance: rprevention rand rearly rdetection rof rdisease
4. Healthy rPeople r2020 rendorses rthe rcompletion rof ra rhigh rschool reducation rprimarily rto
renable ra rperson rto:
a. secure ra rbetter rjob.
b. increase rthe rquality rof rlife.
c. make rhealthy rlifestyle rchoices.
d. maintain rthe rfamily runit.
One rof rthe rgoals rof rHealthy rPeople r2020 ris rto rincrease rthe rnumber rof rpersons
rgraduating rfrom rhigh rschool rso rthat rthey rhave ra rbetter reducation rbasis ron rwhich rto
rmake rhealthy rlifestyle rchoices.
DIF: Cognitive rLevel: rApplication REF: rp. r8 OBJ: r4
rTOP: rHealth rindicators r KEY: rNursing rProcess rStep: rNA rMSC: rNCLEX:
5. Healthy rPeople r2020 ris rpublished rby rthe:
a. Centers rfor rDisease rControl rand rPrevention.
b. Department rof rthe rInterior.
c. World rHealth rOrganization.
d. Department rof rHealth rand rHuman rServices.
Healthy rPeople r2020 ris rpublished rby rthe rU.S. rDepartment rof rHealth rand rHuman
DIF: Cognitive rLevel: rKnowledge REF: rp. r1 OBJ: r1
TOP: rHealthy rPeople r2020 r KEY: rNursing rProcess rStep: rNA rMSC: rNCLEX: rNA
6. Infant rmortality rrates rare rbased ron rinfant rdeaths rthat roccur:
a. at rbirth, rper r1000 rdeliveries.
b. before r1 ryear rof rage, rper r1000 rlive rbirths.
c. from rinfection rand rcongenital rdisorders, rper r1000 rlive rbirths.
d. from runexplained rcauses, rper r1000 rlive rbirths.
Infant rmortality ris rreported ron rdeaths roccurring rbefore rthe rage rof r1 ryear rper r1000 rlive
DIF: Cognitive rLevel: rKnowledge REF: rp. r6 OBJ: r4
TOP: rInfant rmortality KEY: rNursing rProcess rStep:
rPlanning rMSC: rNCLEX: rHealth rPromotion rand rMaintenance: rgrowth rand
7. Although rthe rlife rexpectancy rhas rincreased, rHealthy rPeople r2020 rwill rfocus ron rthe
rolder radult’s rneed rfor:
a. better rpharmacy rinsurance rcoverage.
b. improved rextended rcare rfacilities.
c. increased rcompliance rto rmedical rprotocols.
d. maintenance rof rindependent rlifestyles.