t e t e t e
Inclusive teof teChapters te1-15
CHAPTER 01: The Science of Psychology
te te te te te
1. Which teof tethe tefollowing teis tethe tebest tedefinition teof tepsychological tescience?
A. the testudy teof tethe tebrain teand teits
tefunc- tetion
B. the testudy teof tethe temind, tethe tebrain,
teand tethought teprocesses
C. the testudy teof tethe temind, tethe tebrain,
teand tebehavior
D. the testudy teof tethe temind, tethe
tepsyche, teand tebehavior
ANS: t e C DIF: Easy REF: t e 1.1 teWhat teIs tePsychological
teScience? teOBJ: t e 1.1A NAT: teAPA teGoal te1, teKnowledge teBase tein tePsychology
MSC: teRemembering
2. Psychological tescience teis tethe testudy teof:
A. the temind. C. behavior.
B. the tebrain. D. all teof tethe teabove.
ANS: t e D DIF: Easy REF: t e 1.1 teWhat teIs tePsychological
teScience? teOBJ: t e 1.1A NAT: teAPA teGoal te1, teKnowledge teBase tein tePsychology
MSC: teRemembering
3. Trying teto teunderstand tethe terelationship tebetween tethe teactions teof teneurons
teand tea tethought teis tean teexample teof tethe teconnection tebetween:
A. the tebrain teand tethe C. genes teand
temind. tethe temind.
B. nature teand tenur- D. the tebrain teand
teture. teemotion.
ANS: t e A DIF: Moderate REF: t e 1.1 teWhat teIs tePsychological
teScience? teOBJ: t e 1.1A NAT: teAPA teGoal te1, teKnowledge teBase tein tePsychology
MSC: teApplying
4. Based teon teyour tetextbook‘s tedefinition teof tepsychology, tewhich testatement
tebest tere- teflects tethe terelationship tebetween tethe temind teand tethe tebrain?
A. The tebrain teis tethe tesame tething teas
tethe temind.
, B. The tebrain teinfluences tethe temind.
C. The tebrain teis teunrelated teto tethe temind.
D. The tebrain tereflects tethe temind.
ANS: t e B DIF: Moderate REF: t e 1.1 teWhat teIs tePsychological
teScience? teOBJ: t e 1.1A NAT: teAPA teGoal te1, teKnowledge teBase tein tePsychology
MSC: teApplying
5. Barry teand teCandace teare tedisagreeing. teBarry testates tethat tepsychology teis tethe
testudy teof tethe temind. teCandace tebelieves tethat tepsychology teis tethe tescience teof
tebehavior. teGiven teyour teknowledge teof tepsychology, tehow tewould teyou teresolve
tethis teargument?
A. Barry teis tecorrect. tePsychology teonly
testudies tethe temind.
B. Candace teis tecorrect. tePsychology
teonly testudies tebehavior.
C. Both teare tecorrect. tePsychology
testudies teboth tethe temind teand
D. Both teare teincorrect. tePsychology
teonly testudies teemotions.
ANS: t e C DIF: Difficult REF: t e 1.1 teWhat teIs tePsychological
teScience? teOBJ: t e 1.1A NAT: teAPA teGoal te1, teKnowledge teBase tein tePsychology
MSC: teUnderstanding
6. Allanah teis tea tepsychology temajor. teWhich teof tethe tefollowing tebest tedescribes
tewhat teAl- telanah tewill telearn teabout?
A. the testructure teand tefunction teof tethe
B. mental tedisorders teand tetheir tetreat-
C. feelings teand teother tesubjective testates
D. the temind, tethe tebrain, teand tebehavior
ANS: t e D DIF: Easy REF: t e 1.1 teWhat teIs tePsychological
teScience? teOBJ: t e 1.1A NAT: teAPA teGoal te1, teKnowledge teBase tein tePsychology
MSC: teUnderstanding
7. For temuch teof teits tehistory, tepsychologists tefocused temostly teon:
A. the tebrain. C. behaviors.
B. disorders. D. the temind.
ANS: t e C DIF: Moderate REF: t e 1.1 teWhat teIs tePsychological
teScience? teOBJ: t e 1.1A NAT: teAPA teGoal te1, teKnowledge teBase tein tePsychology
MSC: teRemembering
, 8. Which teof tethe tefollowing teis tean teexample teof tea tepsychologist tewho teis testudying
tethe temind?
A. Dr. teChu, tewho testudies tehow
teweather teinfluences techildren‘s
teactions teon tethe teplayground
B. Dr. teWell, tewho testudies teneural teactivity
teduring tesleep tecycles teof teelderly
C. Dr. teMann, tewho testudies tethe
teaccuracy teof tetraumatic tememories
teover tetime
D. Dr. teEast, tewho testudies tethe tefacial
teex- tepressions teof terelationship
tepartners teduring tea tefight
ANS: t e C DIF: Difficult REF: t e 1.1 teWhat teIs tePsychological
teScience? teOBJ: te1.1A
NAT: teAPA teGoal te1, teKnowledge teBase tein tePsychology te| teAPA teGoal te5, teProfessional
MSC: teApplying
9. Which teof tethe tefollowing teis tean teexample teof tea tepsychologist tewho teis testudying
tethe tebrain?
A. Dr. teFields, tewho testudies tethe tepurchas-
teing tehabits teof teimpulsive teindividuals
B. Dr. teJoe, tewho testudies tehow teneural
teac- tetivity techanges teas tenewborn
tebabies tedevelop
C. Dr. tePerez, tewho testudies tehow teour tefeel-
teings tecan teinfluence teour tethought
tepro- tecesses
D. Dr. teLadd, tewho testudies tethe
tetraining teactivities teof teprofessional
ANS: t e B DIF: Moderate REF: t e 1.1 teWhat teIs tePsychological
teScience? teOBJ: te1.1A
NAT: teAPA teGoal te1, teKnowledge teBase tein tePsychology te| teAPA teGoal te5, teProfessional
MSC: teApplying
10. Which teof tethe tefollowing teis tean teexample teof tea tepsychologist tewho teis testudying
tebehav- teior?
A. Dr. teWick, tewho testudies tehow
tecertain tesmells tecan te trigger
tecertain te feelings
, B. Dr. teWoods, tewho testudies tepatterns
teof teneural teactivity terelated teto
tedrug teuse
C. Dr. tePaul, tewho testudies tethe tethought
processes teinvolved tein tedecision
temak- teing
D. Dr. teHull, tewho testudies tethe tefacial
teex- tepressions teof terelationship
tepartners teduring tea tefight
ANS: t e D DIF: Moderate REF: t e 1.1 teWhat teIs tePsychological
teScience? teOBJ: te1.1A
NAT: teAPA teGoal te1, teKnowledge teBase tein tePsychology te| teAPA teGoal te5, teProfessional
MSC: teApplying
11. According teto teyour tetext, teamiable teskepticism teis tean teimportant teelement tein
tea tetype teof tereasoning tecalled:
A. scholarly t e inquiry. C. analytic teargu-
B. nay-sayerism. D. critical t e thinking.
ANS: t e D DIF: t e Easy
REF: t e 1.1 tePsychological teScience teTeaches teCritical teThinking OBJ:
t e 1.1B teNAT: teAPA teGoal te1, teKnowledge teBase tein tePsychology te| teAPA teGoal te2,
teScientific teIn- tequiry teand teCritical teThinking MSC:
12. Which teof tethe tefollowing teis tea techaracteristic teof tea tegood teconsumer teof
tescientific tere- tesearch?
A. open teto C. wary teof tescientific
tenew teideas tefindings
B. carefully teconsid- D. all teof tethe teabove
teers tethe tefacts
ANS: t e D DIF: t e Easy
REF: t e 1.1 tePsychological teScience teTeaches teCritical teThinking OBJ:
t e 1.1B teNAT: teAPA teGoal te1, teKnowledge teBase tein tePsychology te| teAPA teGoal te2,
teScientific teIn- tequiry teand teCritical teThinking MSC:
13. Critical tethinking teis tebest tedefined teas tethinking tethat:
A. is tesystematic teand tereasonable.
B. is teopen-minded teand tecreative.
C. criticizes t e others‘ t e opinions.