Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory
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Care 12th Edition Kacmarek Test
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Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory
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Care 12th Edition Kacmarek
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100% Verified Answers COVERS ALL CHAPTERS
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, Chapter 01 - History of Respiratory Care
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Kacmarek aret aral.: arEgan’s arFundamentals arof arRespiratory ar Care, ar12th arEdition
Which arof arthe arfollowing aris aran arexpected arrole arof ara arrespiratoryartherapist?
Promoting arlung arhealth arand
arwellness arProviding arpatient
Assessing arthe arpatient’s arcardiopulmonaryarhealth arstatus
arSelling aroxygen ar(O2) artherapy ardevices arto arpatients
1 aronly
1 arand ar4 aronly
1, ar2, arand ar3 aronly
d. a r 1, ar2, ar3, arand ar4
ANS: a r C
Respiratory arcare arincludes arthe arassessment, artreatment, armanagement, arcontrol, ardiagnostic
arevaluation, areducation, arand arcare arof arpatients arwith ardeficiencies arand arabnormalities arof arthe
arcardiopulmonary arsystem. arRespiratory arcare aris arincreasingly arinvolved arin arthe arprevention arof
arrespiratoryardisease, arthe armanagement arof arpatients arwith archronic ardisease, arand arpromotion arof
arhealth arand arwellness.
DIF: Recall REF: a r p. ar3 OBJ: ar 1
Where arare arthe armajorityarof arrespiratoryartherapists aremployed?
Skilled arnursing arfacilities
arDiagnostic arlaboratories
arHospitals aror aracute arcare
arsettings arOutpatient arphysician
ANS: a r C
Approximatelyar75% arof arall arrespiratoryartherapists arwork arin arhospitals aror arother aracute arcare arsettings.
DIF: Recall REF: a r p. ar3 OBJ: ar 1
Who aris arconsidered arto arbe arthe ar―father arof armedicine‖?
ANS: a r A
The arfoundation arof armodern arWestern armedicine arwas arlaid arin arancient arGreece arwith arthe
ardevelopment arof arthe arHippocratic arCorpus. arThis arcollection arof arancient armedical arwritings aris
arattributed arto arthe ar―father arof armedicine,‖ arHippocrates, ara arGreek arphysician arwho arlived arduring
arthe arfifth arand arfourth arcenturies arBC.
DIF: Recall REF: a r pp. ar3-4 OBJ: a r 2
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, In ar1662, ara archemist arpublished ara arbook arthat ardescribed arthe arrelationship arbetween argas, arvolume,
arand arpressure. arWhat arwas arthe archemist’s arname?
arRobert arBoyle
Anthonyarvan arLeeuwenhoek
arNicolaus arCopernicus
ANS: a r B
The archemist, arRobert arBoyle, arpublished arwhat aris arnow arknown aras ar―Boyle’s arlaw,‖ argoverning
arthe arrelationship arbetween argas, arvolume, arand arpressure.
DIF: Recall REF: a r p. ar6 OBJ: a r 2
Who ardiscovered arO2 a r in ar1774 arand ardescribed arit aras ar―dephlogisticated arair‖?
Robert arBoyle
arJacque arCharles
arThomas arBeddoes
arJoseph arPriestley
ANS: a r D
In ar1774, arJoseph arPriestley ardescribed arhis ardiscoveryarof arO2, arwhich arhe arcalled
ar―dephlogisticated ar air.‖
DIF: Recall REF: a r pp. ar6-7 OBJ: a r 2
Who aris arcredited arwith arfirst ardescribing arthe arlaw arof arpartial arpressures arfor ara argas armixture?
John arDalton
arJoseph arPrestley
arJacque arCharles
arThomas arYoung
ANS: a r A
John arDalton ardescribed arhis arlaw arof arpartial arpressures arfor ara argas armixture arin ar1801 arand arhis
aratomic artheory arin ar 1808.
DIF: Recall REF: a r p. ar7 OBJ: ar 2
Who arwas arthe arfirst arscientist arin ar1865 arto arsuggest arthat armicroorganisms arcaused armanyardiseases?
Thomas arYoung
arLouis arPasteur
arRobert arKoch
ANS: a r B
In ar1865, arLouis arPasteur aradvanced arhis ar―germ artheory‖ arof ardisease, arwhich arheld arthat armany
ardiseases arare arcaused arby armicroorganisms.
DIF: Recall REF: a r p. ar7 OBJ: ar 2
Who ardiscovered arthe arx-ray arand aropened arthe ardoor arfor arthe armodern arfield arof arradiology?
John arDalton
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