Dynamic Business Law: The Essentials,
5th Edition Kubasek, Browne, All Chapters 1-25),
PARTk1:kThekLegalkEnvironmentkofkBusiness k
C h. 1 An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Dynamic Business Law
Ch. 2 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Ch. 3 The U.S. Legal System and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Ch. 4 Administrative Law
Ch. 5 Constitutional Law
Ch. Criminal Law and Business
Ch. 7 Tort Law
Ch. 8 Real, Personal, and Intellectual Property
PARTk2:kContractkLaw k
Ch. 9 Introduction to Contracts and Agreement
Ch. 10 Consideration
Ch. 11 Capacity and Legality
Ch. 12 Reality of Assent
Ch. 13 Contracts in Writing and Third-Party Contracts
Ch. 14 Discharge and Remedies
Ch. 15 Formation and Performance of Sales and Lease Contracts
Ch. 16 Sales and Lease Contracts: Performance, Warranties, and Remedies
Ch. 17 Negotiable Instruments: Negotiability and Transferability
Ch. 18 Holder in Due Course, Liability, and Defenses
,Ch. 19 Secured Transactions and Bankruptcy
Ch. 20 Agency and Liability to Third Parties
PARTk7:kBusinesskOrganizations k
Ch. 21 Forms of Business Organization
Ch. 22 Corporations: Formation and Organization
Ch. 23 Securities Regulation
Ch. 24 Employment and Discrimination Law
Ch. 25 ConsumerkLaw
, Chapter 1 - An Introduction to Dynamic Business Law
ChapterkOne lays the foundation for the textbook. Make sure you look on the publisher‘s web site for inform
ation about how business law intersects with the six functional areas of business. The authors encourage stud
ents to ―connect to the core,‖ and remember the ways in which lawkintersects with otherkareas of study, inclu
ding corporate management, production and transportation, marketing, research and development,kaccountin
g and finance, and human resource management.
This manual supports the ―connectingkto the core‖ theme by givingkideas forkassignments that encourage stu
dents to integrate their business lawkknowledge with knowledge they are acquiringkfrom their other business c
lasses. The manual also encourages professors to improve their teachingkskills. Finally, the manual suggests te
aching ideas for both beginningkand experienced teachers.
After reading this chapter,kstudents will be able to:
1-1 Define business law.
1-2 Relate the functional areas of business to the relevant areas of business law1-
3 Recall the purposes of law.
1-4 Distinguish amongktypes of law.
1-5 Differentiate between sources of the law.
1-6 Identifykthe various schools of jurisprudence.
In the news… Teaching tip: For each chapter, consider asking students to relate current newsite
ms to material from the chapter.
In addition to ideas students come up with on their own, considerk weaving inne
ws stories provided by the McGrawkHill.
For Chapter One, McGraw Hill offers the followingkstories:
―SmokingkBan: Tobacco Tyrants: Gone Too Far? Many States Are PuttingStronge
r Restrictions on Where You Can Smoke‖
Have states gone too far in banningksmoking?