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Test Bank For Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing 6th Edition By Patricia Potter, Wendy Duggleby, Patricia Stockert, Barbara Astle, Anne Perry, Amy Hall $17.99
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Test Bank For Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing 6th Edition By Patricia Potter, Wendy Duggleby, Patricia Stockert, Barbara Astle, Anne Perry, Amy Hall

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  • Canadian Fundamentals Of Nursing 6th Ed., Potter

Test Bank For Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing 6th Edition By Patricia Potter, Wendy Duggleby, Patricia Stockert, Barbara Astle, Anne Perry, Amy Hall 9781771721134 Chapter 1-48 Complete Guide .Table of Content: 1. Health and Wellness 2. The Canadian Health Care Delivery System 3. The Development of...

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  • January 10, 2025
  • 1113
  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
  • 6th edition
  • 2024
  • 2025
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  • Canadian Fundamentals Of Nursing 6th Ed., Potter
  • Canadian Fundamentals Of Nursing 6th Ed., Potter
Test hjbank hjfor hjCanadian hjFundamentals hjof hjNursing hj6th hjEdition hjPotter, hjPerry



, Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing 6th Edition Potter Test Bank

Chapter 01: Health and Wellness
hj hj hj hj

Potter et al: Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing, 6th Edition
hj hj hj hj hj hj hj hj


1. The hjnurse hjis hjusing hjthe hjpopulation hjhealth hjpromotion hjmodel hjto hjdevelop hjactions hjfor
hjimproving hjhealth. hjAfter hjasking, hj―On hjwhat hjshould hjwe hjtake hjaction?‖; hj―How hjshould hjwe
hjtake hjaction?‖; hjand h
j―Why hjshould hjwe hjtake hjaction?‖ hjthe hjnurse hjwill hjask hjwhich hjof hjthe

hjfollowing hjquestions?

a. ―With hjwhom hjshould hjwe hjact?‖
b. ―When hjshould hjwe hjtake hjaction?‖
c. ―Which hjgovernment hjshould hjtake hjaction?‖
d. ―Where hjshould hjwe hjfirst hjact?‖
ANS: h j A
The hjnext hjquestion hjto hjask hjwhen hjusing hjthe hjpopulation hjhealth hjmodel hjapproach hjis hj―With
hjwhomh jshould hjwe hjact?‖ hjThe hjother hjchoices hjare hjnot hjquestions hjincluded hjin hjthis hjmodel.

DIF: Apply REF: hj13, hjFigure hj1-5
OBJ: hjContrast hjdistinguishing hjfeatures hjof hjhealth hjpromotion hjand hjdisease
hjprevention. hjTOP: h j Implementation MSC: h j CPNRE: hjFoundations hjof

2. The hjprinciple hj―Health hjpromotion hjis hjmultisectoral‖ hjmeans hjwhich hjof hjthe hjfollowing?
a. Relationships hjbetween hjindividual, hjsocial, hjand hjenvironmental hjfactors hjmust
hj behjrecognized.
b. Physical, hjmental, hjsocial, hjecological, hjcultural, hjand hjspiritual hjaspects hjof hjhealth
musthjbe hjrecognized.
hj N hjR hjI hjG hjB.C hjM
c. In hjorder hjto hjchange hjunhealthU y hjliS
d hjworkiO
ng hjconditions, hjareas hjother hjthan
hjhealth hjmust hjalso hjbe hjinvolved.

d. Health hjpromotion hjinvolves hjthe hjuse hjof hjknowledge hjfrom hjdisciplines hjsuch hjas
hjsocial, hjeconomic, hjpolitical, hjenvironmental, hjmedical, hjand hjnursing hjsciences, hjas

hjwell hjas hjfromhjfirst-hand hjexperience.

ANS: h j C
The hjstatement hj―Health hjpromotion hjis hjmultisectoral‖ hjis hjthe hjprinciple hjexplained hjby hjthe
hjnecessity hjto hjinvolve hjareas hjother hjthan hjhealth hjin hjorder hjto hjchange hjunhealthy hjliving hjand

hjworking hjconditions.

DIF: Understand REF: hj11
OBJ: hjContrast hjdistinguishing hjfeatures hjof hjhealth hjpromotion hjand hjdisease
jTOP: h j Planning MSC: h j CPNRE: hjFoundations hjof hjPractice

3. According hjto hjthe hjWorld hjHealth hjOrganization, hjwhat hjis hjthe hjbest hjdescription hjof hj―health‖?
a. Simply hjthe hjabsence hjof hjdisease.
b. Involving hjthe hjtotal hjperson hjand hjenvironment.
c. Strictly hjpersonal hjin hjnature.
d. Status hjof hjpathological hjstate.
ANS: h j B

, Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing 6th Edition Potter Test Bank

The hjWHO hjdefines hjhealth hjas hj―…the hjextent hjto hjwhich hjan hjindividual hjor hjgroup hjis hjable, hjon
hjthe hjone hjhand, hjto hjrealize hjaspirations hjand hjsatisfy hjneeds; hjand, hjon hjthe hjother hjhand, hjto

hjchange hjor hjcope hjwith hjthe hjenvironment. hjHealth hjis, hjtherefore, hjseen hjas hja hjresource hjfor

hjeveryday hjlife, hjnot hjthe hjobjective hjofhjliving; hjit hjis hja hjpositive hjconcept hjemphasizing hjsocial hjand

hjpersonal hjresources, hjas hjwell hjas hjphysical hjcapacities.‖ hjNurses‘ hjattitudes hjtoward hjhealth hjand

hjillness hjshould hjaccount hjfor hjthe hjtotal hjperson, hjas hjwell hjas hjthe hjenvironment hjin hjwhich hjthe

hjperson hjlives. hjPeople hjfree hjof hjdisease hjare hjnot hjequally hjhealthy. hjViews hjof hjhealth hjhave

hjbroadened hjto hjinclude hjmental, hjsocial, hjand hjspiritual hjwell-being, hjashjwell hjas hja hjfocus hjon

hjhealth hjat hjfamily hjand hjcommunity hjlevels. hjConditions hjof hjlife, hjrather hjthan hjpathological

hjstates, hjare hjwhat hjdetermine hjhealth.

DIF: Knowledge REF: hj2
OBJ: hjDiscuss hjways hjthat hjdefinitions hjof hjhealth hjhave hjbeen
hjconceptualized.hjTOP: h j Evaluate MSC: h j CPNRE: hjFoundations
hjof hjPractice

4. What hjpriority hjstrategy hjfor hjhealth hjpromotion hjin hjCanada hjis hjoptional hjbut hjseen hjas
hj important hjtohjincorporate hjin hjnursing hjeducation hjcurricula?
a. Knowledge hjof hjdisease hjprevention.
b. Strategies hjfor hjhealth hjpromotion.
c. Policy hjadvocacy.
d. Concepts hjof hjdeterminants hjof hjhealth.
ANS: h j C
Increasingly, hjpolicy hjadvocacy hjis hjincorporated hjinto hjnursing hjrole hjstatements hjand hjnursing
hjeducation hjcurricula. hjNurses hjshould hjthink hjabout hjpolicies hjthat hjhave hjcontributed hjto hjhealth

hjproblems, hjpolicies hjthat hjwould hjhelp hjto hjalleviate hjhealth hjproblems, hjand hjhow hjnursing


public hjpolicies. hjDisease hjprevention hjis hjan hjintegral hjpart hjof hjnursing hjcurricula. hjHealth
hjpromotion hjish
ja hjfundamental hjpart hjof hjnursing hjcurricula.
N R I G B.C hjM
USNThj hj hj O
DIF: Understand REF: hj11 hj| hj12
OBJ: hjAnalyze hjhow hjthe hjnature hjand hjscope hjof hjnursing hjpractice hjare hjinfluenced hjby
jconceptualizations hjof hjhealth hjand hjhealth hjdeterminants. TOP: hjPlanning
hjMSC: h j CPNRE: hjFoundations hjof hjPractice

5. Which hjof hjthe hjfollowing hjis hja hjprerequisite hjfor hjhealth, hjas hjidentified hjby hjthe hjOttawa
Charter hjforhjHealth hjPromotion?

a. Education.
b. Social hjsupport.
c. Self-esteem.
d. Physical hjenvironment.
ANS: h j A
Education hjis hjone hjof hjthe hjnine hjprerequisites hjfor hjhealth hjthat hjwere hjidentified hjin hjthe hjOttawa
hjCharterh jfor hjHealth hjPromotion. hjLack hjof hjsocial hjsupport hjand hjlow hjself-esteem hjwere

hjidentified hjas hja hjpsychosocial hjrisk hjfactors hj by hjLabonte hj(1993). hj Dangerous hjphysical

hjenvironments hjwere hjidentified hjas hjsocioenvironmental hjrisk hjfactors hjby hjLabonte hj(1993).

DIF: Understand REF: hj4
OBJ: hjDiscuss hjcontributions hjof hjthe hjfollowing hjCanadian hjpublications hjto hjconceptualizations hjof
jand hjhealth hjdeterminants: hjLalonde hjReport, hjOttawa hjCharter, hjEpp hjReport, hjStrategies hjfor

hjPopulation hjHealth, hjJakarta hjDeclaration, hjBangkok hjCharter, hjToronto hjCharter. TOP: h j Planning

MSC: h j CPNRE: hjFoundations hjof hjPractice

, Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing 6th Edition Potter Test Bank

6. The hjdeterminant hjof hjhealth hjwith hjthe hjgreatest hjeffect hjon hjthe hjhealth hjof hjCanadians hjis hjwhich
of hjthehjfollowing?

a. Education.
b. Health hjservices.
c. Social hjsupport hjnetworks.
d. Income hjand hjsocial hjstatus.
ANS: h j D
Income, hjincome hjdistribution, hjand hjsocial hjstatus hjare hjthe hjdeterminants hjof hjhealth hjthat
hjinfluence hjmost hjother hjdeterminants. hjSome hjinvestigators hjsuggest hjthat hjliteracy hjand

hjeducation hjare hjimportanth jinfluences hjon hjhealth hjstatus hjbecause hjthey hjaffect hjmany hjother

hjhealth hjdeterminants.

Approximately hj25% hjof hja hjpopulation‘s hjhealth hjstatus hjis hjattributed hjto hjthe hjquality hjof hjits
hjhealth hjcare hjservices. hjSocial hjsupport hjaffects hjhealth, hjhealth hjbehaviours, hjand hjhealth hjcare

hjutilization hjbut hjis hjnoth
jthe hjmost hjinfluential hjdeterminant hjof hjhealth.

DIF: Understand REF: hj6
OBJ: hjDiscuss hjkey hjhealth hjdeterminants hjand hjtheir hjinterrelationships hjand hjhow hjthey hjinfluence
jTOP: h j Planning MSC: h j CPNRE: hjFoundations hjof hjPractice

7. A hjparaplegic hjpatient hjin hjthe hjhospital hjfor hjan hjelectrolyte hjimbalance hjis hjreceiving hjcare hjat
whichhjprevention hjlevel?

a. Primary hjprevention.
b. Secondary hjprevention.
c. Tertiary hjprevention.
d. Health hjpromotion.
ANS: h j B
The hjsecondary hjprevention hjlevNeU l hjfR
ocSuI shjG
seN onTeBar.lyCdeM
tection hjof hjdisease hjonce hjpathogenesis hjhas
hjoccurred, hjso hjthat hjprompt hjtreatment hjcan hjbe hjinitiated hjto hjhalt hjdisease hjand hjlimit hjdisability.


primary hjprevention hjlevel hjfocuses hjon hjhealth hjpromotion, hjspecific hjprotection hjmeasures
hjsuch hjash
jimmunizations, hjand hjthe hjreduction hjof hjrisk hjfactors hjsuch hjas hjsmoking. hjThe

hjtertiary hjprevention hjlevel hjfocuses hjon hjminimizing hjresidual hjdisability.

DIF: Apply REF: hj11
OBJ: hjContrast hjdistinguishing hjfeatures hjof hjhealth hjpromotion hjand hjdisease
hjprevention. hjTOP: h j Implementation MSC: h j CPNRE: hjFoundations hjof

8. The hjnurse hjincorporates hjlevels hjof hjprevention hjon hjthe hjbasis hjof hjpatient hjneeds hjand hjthe
type hjof hjnursing hjcare hjprovided. hjWhich hjof hjthe hjfollowing hjis hjan hjexample hjof hjtertiary

level hjpreventivehjcaregiving?

a. Teaching hja hjpatient hjhow hjto hjirrigate hja hjnew hjtemporary hjcolostomy.
b. Providing hja hjlesson hjon hjhygiene hjfor hjan hjelementary hjschool hjclass.
c. Informing hja hjpatient hjthat hjimmunizations hjfor hjher hjinfant hjare hjavailable
hjthrough hjthehjhealth hjdepartment.

d. Arranging hjfor hja hjhospice hjnurse hjto hjvisit hjwith hjthe hjfamily hjof hja hjpatient hjwith hjcancer.
ANS: h j D

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