Mark Klimek Lectures 1 to 12: Study Guide 100% GRADED A+
2025 EXAMS Preparation
chicken answers - asking someone to do something for you, these are never the correct answer
what is a great s/s to put for all SATA questions? - headache
For IVP related to time to give... - when you don't know go slow, except for adensosine
A best question is different than a first question... - best is what solves the problem and what you would
do if you could only do one
first is what you would do first
Any order question that involves an emergency situation... - always choose IV fluids first
Drunk is Drunk (S/S) - staggering gait, slurred speech, delayed judgement, labile emotions
shock is shock (S/S) - hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea, cold, clammy, pale
Drunk + shock= - hypoglycemia
Drunk + shock + abdominal distress= - Dumping syndrome
s/s of abd distress: cramping, guarding, borborygmi, diarrhea, abd pain, bloating, distension, tenderness
Never pick infection within... - first 72 hours
2 most common causes of episodic tachycardia... - hypoxia and dehydration
All psych drugs cause - low BP and weight change (usually gain)
,if you have a question about a pt on one drug and new drug is introduced, answer usually will be... - to
decrease dose of old drug unless known otherwise
what do you give a patient when they are sweating? - a drink with electrolytes not free water
if you get a question about what lab value to monitor when a patient is on a drug and you need to guess,
pick... - Elevated liver enzymes (ALT or A liver test)
OB answer that will always win... - check FHR
If the pH and the BiCarb are both in the same direction then it is? - metabolic
As my pH goes... - so goes my patient, except for potassium
mac kussmaul= - metabolic acidosis
If it isn't lung, vomiting, or suctioning, it will always be - metabolic acidosis
vomiting and suctioning= - metabolic alkalosis
When in doubt during an acid base question, pick... - metabolic acidosis
HOLD ventilator alarms - high, obstruction, low, disconnection
When do you suction a patient? - as needed, not scheduled
Do you open a closed suction system? - NO
What do you do when a high pressure alarm goes off? - first unkink it, then empty water from tubing,
then turn cough and deep breath, then suction
,over or under ventilating with respiratory alkalosis? - over/hyperventilating
over or under ventilating with respiratory acidosis? - under/hypoventilating
Wernicke's= - encephalopathy
Korsakoff's= - psychosis, caused by vitamin B1 deficiency, s/s: amnesia and confabulation, tx: vitamin B1
Disulfuram (Antabuse) - Aversion therapy, takes 2 weeks to work/wear off, avoid all alcohol containing
products: mouthwash, aftershaves, perfumes, colognes, OTC liquid meds, elixir, hand sanitizer, vanilla
grief stages - DABDA: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
don't confront, just support
Abuse - Denial is #1 problem, confront denial, tx of codependency and manipulation is to set limits and
enforce them
Uppers (stimulants) - ex: caffeine, cocaine, PCP/LSD, methamphetamines, Adderall
s/s: euphoria, tachycardia, restless, irritable, borborygmi, diarrhea, and possible seizures
Downers (depressants) - opioids, alcohol, marijuana, etc.
s/s: lethargy, bradycardia, respiratory depression, and possible arrest
In withdrawal.... - you do the opposite of what the drug does
ex: upper withdrawals as a downer, downer withdrawals as an upper
Newborn Intoxicated - intoxicated at birth, withdrawal at 24 hours
, AWS and DT - AWS starts at 24 hours
DT is rare but would start at 72 hours
DT is deadly, dangerous to self and others, needs to be restrained
Tx: BP med, tranquilizer and multivitamin with B1
Aminoglycosides - a mean old -mycin
throw out the -mycin's that contain thro
s/s: think ears: ototoxic, nephrotoxic, effects cranial nerve 8
hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, dizziness, monitor creatinine
do not give PO: unless hepatic come/encephalopathy and pre op bowel surgery
Who can cleanse my bowel? - Neo-Kan
When do you draw a trough level? - 30 minutes before the next scheduled dose.
when do you draw peak of sublingual medication? - 5-10 minutes after drug dissovles
When do you draw peak of a IV medication? - 15-30 minutes
when do you draw a peak of an IM medication? - 30-60 minutes
If you have 2 times in the same range... - pick the highest number
how long do antidepressant medications take to peak? - 2-4 weeks
calcium channel blockers - Treats: (remember batteries) Antihypertensive, Anti Anginal, Anti Atrial