CST - Chapter 31 - Orthopedic surgery Test
Questions And Answers 100% Pass.
Cortical, cancellous - Answer✔There are two types of bone tissue, ________ (compact bone)
and ________ (spongy bone).
osteons, haversian canal - Answer✔Cortical bone is found on the surface of the bone, and
contains the _________ and ________ ________.
Cancellous - Answer✔_________ bone is found on the end of bones in the inner layer and is less
dense with no geometric structure. It is within the spaces that red and yellow marrow fill.
7, 12, 5 - Answer✔Cervical column has ______ vertebrae.
The thoracic column has _____ vertebrae.
The lumbar column has _____ vertebrae.
skull, facial, hyoid, sternum, ribs, vertebral - Answer✔Axial skeleton includes: ________,
______ bones, _______, ________, _______ and _________ column.
injury, disease, pain - Answer✔Orthopedic surgery is a specialization of the bodies connective
tissues. It treats or corrects injuries, congenital anomalies and disease of the bone, joints,
ligaments, tendons, or muscle. Procedures focus on restoring bone and joint function, lost or
diminished due to genetic _______ or _______. The primary goal is to alleviate _______.
periosteum - Answer✔The __________ is the tough bilayered membrane covering the bones to
protect the surface and provides attachments for tendons. Must be scraped away from the body
before cutting or remodeling takes place.
endosteum - Answer✔The _________ is the inner channels of long bones and fills the interstitial
spaces of cancellous bone. Provides the nutritional substances and initiates bone growth.
wrist, ankle - Answer✔Short bones: _______ and _______.
patella - Answer✔Sesamoid bones:________
Synarthrosis - Answer✔_________ joint has eliminated movement [Skullbones].
Amphiarthrosis - Answer✔_________ join has slight movement [symphysis pubis].
Diarthrosis - Answer✔_________ or synovial joint: freely movable [hip and shoulder].
restoring, function, pain - Answer✔Orthopedic surgery is a specialization of the bodies
connective tissues. It treats or corrects injuries, congenital anomalies and disease of the bone,
joints, ligaments, tendons, or muscle. Procedures focus on _____ bone and joint _____, lost or
diminished due to genetic injury or disease. The primary goal is to alleviate _____.
soft tissues - Answer✔Our skeleton is a structural support for the ____ _____ of the body. It is
divided into axial and appendicular.
upper, lower, pelvis - Answer✔The appendicular skeleton includes the _____ extremities, _____
extremities and the _____.
Upper - Answer✔The _____ extremities include the scapula, clavicle, humorous, glenoid fossa,
ulnar, radius, carpal, and metacarpals.
Lower - Answer✔_____ extremities include the ilium, ischium, pubis, femur, patella, tibia,
fibula, calcaneus, cuboid, navicular, personals, and metatarsals.
Endosteum - Answer✔The ______ is the inner channels of long bones and fills the interstitial
spaces of cancellous bone. Provides the nutritional substances and initiates bone growth.
diaphysis, epiphysis - Answer✔Long bones are characterized by the ______ (the middle shaft)
and the ______ (the two ends).
epiphyseal - Answer✔Break in the ______plate and a child may delay bone growth.
Long - Answer✔_____ bones have shafts that are composed of compact bone with a hollow
medullary canal - Answer✔Mature long bones have a hollow cavity called the _____ _____.
cancellous - Answer✔The epiphysis is wider and has protrusions where ligaments are attached.
This is composed of ______ bone that forms joints. This is covered with cartilage to strengthen
the joint and reduced friction between the bones.
Irregular - Answer✔____ bones: vertebrae, spine and face.
Flat - Answer✔_____ bones: ribs, cranial bones, scapula and sternum.
vertebrae, spine, face - Answer✔Irregular bones: ____, ____, and ____.
Landmarks, projections - Answer✔_____ or areas of attachment for ligaments provide a pathway
for nerves and blood vessels. They appear as _____, bumps, ridges, channels and tunnels.
Synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis, Diarthrosis (or synovial): - Answer✔Joints are classified according
to the degree of movement they allow in the shape of the articulating surface.