Gastric Infections and Food Safety
- digestive system
- peptic ulcer
• lymphatic tissues - tonsils, appendix, peyer's patches
• helicobacter pylori
• major entry portal for pathogens
• colonize stomach: neutralize acidic pH, flagella to
• upper GI burrow through mucus, inhibits phagocytosis,
- salivary glands: enzymes start lipid/carb digestion adhesions bind to gastric cells, urease degrades
- stomach: begin protein digestion, acids limit urea
microbial growth • fecal oral route
• lower GI • presentation: peptic ulcers, upper abdominal pain,
- bile aids in fat digestion NV, black stools, internal bleeding, gastric cancer
- pancreas aid in digestion • treatment: amoxicillin, omepreazole
• barriers limiting microbes in GI tract: lysozyme in - food poisoning/intoxiccation
saliva, bile salts, mucus lining, MALT, normal • symptoms caused by ingested enterotoxin
microbiota • sudden onset of GI, may cause inflammation of
> top 5 foodborne pathogens
intestinal cells, prevent water absorption
• norovirus, salmonella, C. perfringens, campylobacter • leading causes
spp, S. aureus - S. aureus:dairy based foods, poultry, meat
> culture independent diagnostic tests
• rapid identification, earlier reporting - C. perfringes (spore former): animal testiness,
- viral gastroenteritis
raw meat
• virus attaches to intestinal brush border, infects and - B. cereus (spore former): soil can contaminate
cause cell lysis produce, rice
• NVD, abdominal pain, cramping 24 hr after infectoin bacterial gastroenteritis
• most self limiting 1-4 days • most due to ingestion of fecal contaminated
• transmission: fecal oral food/water
• treatment: fluid and electrolyte replacement • dysentery: severe gastroenteritis, frequent BM
• rotavirus - stomach flu mostly in kids with loose, mucous, bloody stools
• norovirus - mostly in adults - campylobacteriosis - campylobacter jejuni
viral hepatitis • can cause guillain barre
• liver damage and inflammation leads to jaundice, • poultry main source (undercook, contamination)
bilirubinuria, NV, abdominal pain, weight loss, - shigellosis - shigella spp.
hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis • shiva toxin
↳ Hepatitis A
• cause cell lysis and abscesses in mucosa
• fecal oral - e. coli infection
• virus cause lysis of liver cells • survive in soil, plants, water
• fever, fatigue, nausea, jaundice, bilirubinuria • major antigens
↳ hepatitis E
- O: somatic, LPS
• usually mild, self limiting
- H: flaggelar
• poor sanitation
- K: capsular
• risk group - pregnant women
4 hepatitis B
↳ enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) - travelers diarrhea
• transmission through body fluids • usually self limiting
↳ • treatment: rehydration therapy
hepatitis D
• hepatitis superinfection - lead to altered brain enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC)
function, extensive jaundice, hepatic necrosis • person to person spread
↳ hepatitis C
• attachment, effacement of intestinal epithelial
• infection via body fluids cells
• can lead to liver cirrhosis, cancer, scarring, often
requires transplants