Systemic Infections
- bacteremia
• high fever, chills, NVD, SOB, malaise >
- rocky mountain spotted fever (RMSF)
• septic shock - hypotension from inflammation and • rickettsia rickettsii - intracellular pathogens
dilation of blood vessels • all parts of US - American dog tick, rocky
• petechiae - small hemorrhagic skin lesions on trunk, mountain wood tick, brown dog tick
face, extremities • HA, vomiting, muscle pain, rash (small, flat, pink
• oestomyelitis - spreads to joints and bones spots on wrist, arms, ankles inwards)
• meningitis - spread to CNS • antibiocs effective within 5 days of symptoms
• lymphangitis - septicemia spreads to lymphatic • if untreated: blood vessel damage impacting
circulation, limb amputation, fatal organ/brain
• numerous bacteria can cause - just need to access bleeding
bloodstream and multiply - can be fatal within 8 days
• virulence >
infectious mononucleosis - epstein barr virus (EBV)
- capsule to prevent phagocytosis • person to person, fomites, respiratory droplets
- siderophores to trap iron for metabolism • epithelial cells of throat/salivary glands, enters
- hemolysins to destroy RBCs blood, infects B lymphocytes
• direct inoculation of bacteria into blood • becomes latent (95% adults infected)
- catheters, surgery, central venous line, dialysis, IV • replicates in orophayngeal epithelium, tonsils,
drug use, abrasions, result of secondary infection salivary glands
• immunocompromised more susceptible (AIDS, cancer, • fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, HA, sore throat,
diabetes, elderly, newborn) chronic tiredness
> toxic shock syndrome - S. aureus and S. pyogenes • treatment: symptom relief, most resolve without
• secrete exotoxin superantigen (TSST) treatment
- binds to receptors on immune cells, trigger
exaggerated response: high fever, vomiting, rash, ↳ yellow fever
hypotension • acute: HA, fever, muscle pain 3-5 days
- bacterial endocarditis - result from bacteremia • severe: fever, NV, liver damage, internal needling,
• infect endocardium, trigger inflammation, formation coma, death
of vegetations (mass of platelets and clotting factors) • virus infect & replicate in liver/spleen, incite
- bury bacteria in endocardium inflammatory response, cause leaky capillaries,
decreases BP, shock/organ failure
• present with tachycardia, murmurs, can lead to
strokes/cardiac failure • transmission:
• viridans alpha streptococci cause almost half - jungle: between monkeys via mosquitos
• tooth lesions/wounds, IV drug users, artificial heart - intermediate: mosquitoes infect both humans
valve recipients and monkeys
• treatment: surgery to remove vegetations, IV - urban: human to human transmission via
antibiotics mosquitos
↳ dengue fever
- borrelia burgorferi - lyme disease
• asymptomatic, mild fever with or w/out rash
• 3 phases: bulls eye rash, neurological symptoms,
arthritis • 1st stage: fever, vomiting, rash, body aches
• treatment: doxycycline, cefuroxime, amoxicillin for • 2nd stage: abdominal pain, vomiting, dehydration,
hemorrhagic features (bleeding from nose/mouth,
14-28 days petechia, leaky capillaries, decrease in blow
- babesia spp. - parasite
volume, shock, organ failure, death)
• northeast/upper midwest • monkeys/humans infected, pass via mosquitos
• deer ticks and mice reservoirs
• babesiosis - incubation 1-4wks
- malaise, fever, HA, chills, sweating, fatigue
- hemolytic anemia, renal failure, heptatosplenomegaly