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j j
DAINS ISBN: 9780323594554
This jTest jBank jis jDirectly jfrom jThe jPublisher
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j j
Test jBank jfor jAdvanced jHealth jAssessment j& jClinical jDiagnosis jin jPrimary jCare
j6th jEdition jDains
Chapter j1: jClinical jReasoning, jDifferential jDiagnosis, jEvidence-Based jPractice, jand jSymptom jAnalysis
Multiple jChoice
Identify jthe jchoice jthat jbest jcompletes jthe jstatement jor janswers jthe jquestion.
1. Which jtype jof jclinical jdecision-making jis jmost jreliable?
A. Intuitive
B. Analytical
C. Experiential
D. Augenblick
2. Which jof jthe jfollowing jis jfalse? jTo jobtain jadequate jhistory, jhealth-care jproviders jmust jbe:
A. Methodical jand jsystematic
B. Attentive jto jthe jpatient‘s jverbal jand jnonverbal
C. Able jto jaccurately jinterpret jthe jpatient‘s jresponses
D. Adept jat jreading jinto jthe jpatient‘s jstatements
3. Essential jparts jof ja jhealth jhistory jinclude jall jof jthe jfollowing jexcept:
A. Chief jcomplaint
B. History jof jthe jpresent jillness
C. Current jvital jsigns
D. All jof jthe jabove jare jessential jhistory
4. Which jof jthe jfollowing jis jfalse? jWhile jperforming jthe jphysical jexamination, jthe jexaminer jmust jbe jable jto:
A. Differentiate jbetween jnormal jand jabnormal jfindings
B. Recall jknowledge jof ja jrange jof jconditions jand jtheir jassociated jsigns jand
C. Recognize jhow jcertain jconditions jaffect jthe jresponse jto jother jconditions
D. Foresee junpredictable j findings
5. The jfollowing jis jthe jleast jreliable jsource jof jinformation jfor jdiagnostic jstatistics:
A. Evidence-based j investigations
B. Primary jreports jof jresearch
C. Estimation jbased jon ja jprovider‘s
D. Published j meta-analyses
6. The jfollowing jcan jbe jused jto jassist jin jsound jclinical jdecision-making:
A. Algorithm jpublished jin ja jpeer-reviewed jjournal
B. Clinical jpractice jguidelines
C. Evidence-based j research
D. All jof jthe jabove
7. If ja jdiagnostic jstudy jhas jhigh jsensitivity, j this jindicates ja:
A. High jpercentage jof jpersons jwith jthe jgiven jcondition jwill jhave jan jabnormal
B. Low jpercentage jof jpersons jwith jthe jgiven jcondition jwill jhave jan jabnormal
C. Low jlikelihood jof jnormal jresult jin jpersons jwithout ja jgiven jcondition
D. None jof jthe jabove
8. If ja jdiagnostic jstudy jhas jhigh jspecificity, j this jindicates ja:
A. Low jpercentage jof jhealthy jindividuals jwill jshow ja jnormal jresult
B. High jpercentage jof jhealthy jindividuals jwill jshow ja jnormal jresult
C. High jpercentage jof jindividuals jwith ja jdisorder jwill jshow ja jnormal
D. Low jpercentage jof jindividuals jwith ja jdisorder jwill jshow jan jabnormal
9. A jlikelihood jratio jabove j1 jindicates jthat ja jdiagnostic jtest jshowing ja:
A. Positive jresult jis jstrongly jassociated jwith jthe jdisease
B. Negative jresult jis jstrongly jassociated jwith jabsence jof jthe
C. Positive jresult jis jweakly jassociated jwith jthe jdisease
D. Negative jresult jis jweakly jassociated jwith jabsence jof jthe
10. Which jof jthe jfollowing jclinical jreasoning jtools jis jdefined jas jevidence-based jresource jbased jon jmathematical
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jmodeling jto jexpress jthe jlikelihood jof ja jcondition jin jselect
j j jsituations, jsettings, jand/or jpatients?
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j j
A. Clinical jpractice jguideline
B. Clinical jdecision jrule
C. Clinical jalgorithm
Chapter j1: jClinical jreasoning, jdifferential jdiagnosis, jevidence-based jpractice, jand jsymptom jana
Answer jSection
1. ANS: B
Croskerry j(2009) jdescribes jtwo jmajor jtypes jof jclinical jdiagnostic jdecision-making: jintuitive jand janalytical. jIntuitive
jdecision- jmaking j(similar jto jAugenblink jdecision-making) jis jbased jon jthe jexperience jand jintuition jof jthe jclinician jand
jis jless jreliable jand jpaired jwith jfairly jcommon jerrors. jIn jcontrast, janalytical jdecision-making jis jbased jon jcareful
jconsideration jand jhas jgreater jreliability jwith jrare jerrors.
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2. ANS: D
To jobtain jadequate jhistory, jproviders jmust jbe jwell jorganized, jattentive jto jthe jpatient‘s jverbal jand jnonverbal jlanguage,
jand jable jto jaccurately jinterpret jthe jpatient‘s jresponses jto jquestions. jRather jthan jreading jinto jthe jpatient‘s jstatements,
jthey jclarify jany jareas jof juncertainty.
PTS: 1
3. ANS: C
Vital jsigns jare jpart jof jthe jphysical jexamination jportion jof jpatient jassessment, jnot jpart jof jthe jhealth jhistory.
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4. ANS: D
While jperforming jthe jphysical jexamination, jthe jexaminer jmust jbe jable jto jdifferentiate jbetween jnormal jand jabnormal
jfindings, jrecall jknowledge jof ja jrange jof jconditions, jincluding jtheir jassociated jsigns jand jsymptoms, jrecognize jhow
jcertain jconditions jaffect jthe jresponse jto jother jconditions, jand jdistinguish jthe jrelevance jof jvaried jabnormal jfindings.
PTS: 1
5. ANS: C
Sources jfor jdiagnostic jstatistics jinclude jtextbooks, jprimary jreports jof jresearch, jand jpublished jmeta-analyses. jAnother
jsource jof jstatistics, jthe jone jthat jhas jbeen jmost jwidely jused jand javailable jfor japplication jto jthe jreasoning jprocess, jis jthe
jestimation jbased jon ja jprovider‘s jexperience, jalthough jthese jare jrarely jaccurate. jOver jthe jpast jdecade, jthe javailability
jof jevidence jon jwhich jto jbase jclinical jreasoning jis jimproving, j and jthere jis jan jincreasing jexpectation jthat jclinical
jreasoning jbe jbased jon jscientific jevidence.
Evidence-based jstatistics j are j also jincreasingly jbeing jused jto jdevelop j resources jto jfacilitate j clinical j decision-making.
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6. ANS: D
To jassist jin jclinical jdecision-making, ja jnumber jof jevidence-based jresources jhave jbeen jdeveloped jto jassist jthe jclinician.
jResources, jsuch jas jalgorithms jand jclinical jpractice jguidelines, jassist jin jclinical jreasoning jwhen jproperly japplied.
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7. ANS: A
The jsensitivity jof ja jdiagnostic jstudy jis jthe jpercentage jof jindividuals jwith jthe jtarget jcondition jwho jshow jan jabnormal, jor
j positive, jresult. jA jhigh jsensitivity jindicates jthat ja jgreater jpercentage jof jpersons jwith jthe jgiven jcondition jwill jhave jan
jabnormal jresult.
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8. ANS: B
The jspecificity jof ja jdiagnostic jstudy jis jthe jpercentage jof jnormal, jhealthy jindividuals jwho jhave ja jnormal jresult. jThe
jgreater jthe jspecificity, jthe jgreater jthe jpercentage jof jindividuals jwho jwill jhave jnegative, jor jnormal, jresults jif jthey jdo
jnot jhave jthe jtarget jcondition.
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9. ANS: A
The jlikelihood jratio jis jthe jprobability jthat ja jpositive jtest jresult jwill jbe jassociated jwith ja jperson jwho jhas jthe jtarget
jcondition jand ja jnegative jresult jwill jbe jassociated jwith ja jhealthy jperson. jA jlikelihood jratio jabove j1 jindicates jthat ja
jpositive jresult jis jassociated jwith jthe jdisease; ja jlikelihood jratio jless jthan j1 jindicates jthat ja jnegative jresult jis jassociated
jwith jan jabsence jof jthe jdisease.