McCance & Huether’s Pathophysiology The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and
b b b b b b b b b b b
Children 9th Edition by Julia Rogers
b b b b b b
Chapter 1-49 b
Chapter 01: Cellular Biology
b b b
Rogers: McCance & Huether’s Pathophysiology, 9th Edition
b b b b b b
1. Which bstatement bbest bdescribes bthe bcellular bfunction bof bmetabolic babsorption?
a. Cells bcan bproduce bproteins.
b. Cells bcan bsecrete bdigestive benzymes.
c. Cells bcan btake bin band buse bnutrients.
d. Cells bcan bsynthesize bfats.
ANS: b C
In bmetabolic babsorption, ball bcells btake bin band buse bnutrients band bother bsubstances bfrom btheir
bsurroundings. bThe bremaining boptions bare bnot binclusive bin btheir bdescriptions bof bcellular
bmetabolic babsorption.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bRemembering
2. Where bis bmost bof ba bcell’s bgenetic binformation, bincluding bRNA band bDNA, bcontained?
a. Mitochondria
b. Ribosome
c. Nucleolus
d. Lysosome
ANS: b C
The bnucleus bcontains bthe bnucleolus, ba bsmall bdense bstructure bcomposed blargely bof bRNA,
bmost bof bthe bcellular bDNA, band bthe bDNA-binding bproteins, bsuch bas bthe bhistones, bwhich
bregulate bits bactivity. bThe bmitochondria bare bresponsible bfor bcellular brespiration band benergy
Ribosomes’ bchief bfunction bis bto bprovide bsites bfor bcellular bprotein bsynthesis. bLysosomes
bfunction bas bthe bintracellular bdigestive bsystem.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bRemembering
3. Which bcomponent bof bthe bcell bproduces bhydrogen bperoxide b(H2O2) bby busing boxygen bto
bremove bhydrogen batoms bfrom bspecific bsubstrates bin ban boxidative breaction?
a. Lysosomes
b. Peroxisomes
c. Ribosomes
d. Endosome
ANS: b B
, Peroxisomes bare bso bnamed bbecause bthey busually bcontain benzymes bthat buse boxygen bto
bremove bhydrogen batoms bfrom bspecific bsubstrates bin ban boxidative breaction bthat bproduces
bH2O2, bwhich bis ba bpowerful boxidant band bpotentially bdestructive bif bit baccumulates bor bescapes
bfrom bperoxisomes. bRibosomes bare bRNA-protein bcomplexes b(nucleoproteins) bthat bare
bsynthesized bin bthe bnucleolus band bsecreted binto bthe bcytoplasm bthrough bpores bin bthe bnuclear
benvelope bcalled bnuclear bpore bcomplexes. bLysosomes bare bsaclike bstructures bthat boriginate
bfrom bthe bGolgi bcomplex band bcontain bmore bthan b40 bdigestive benzymes bcalled bhydrolases,
bwhich bcatalyze bbonds bin bproteins, blipids, bnucleic bacids, band bcarbohydrates. bAn bendosome bis
ba bvesical bthat bhas bbeen bpinched boff bfrom bthe bcellular bmembrane.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bRemembering
4. Which bcell bcomponent bis bcapable bof bcellular bautodigestion bwhen bit bis breleased bduring
cell binjury?
a. Ribosome
b. Golgi bcomplex
c. Smooth bendoplasmic breticulum
d. Lysosomes
ANS: b D
The blysosomal bmembrane bacts bas ba bprotective bshield bbetween bthe bpowerful bdigestive
benzymes bwithin bthe blysosome band bthe bcytoplasm, bpreventing btheir bleakage binto bthe
bcytoplasmic bmatrix. bDisruption bof bthe bmembrane bby bvarious btreatments bor bcellular binjury
bleads bto ba brelease bof bthe blysosomal benzymes, bwhich bcan bthen breact bwith btheir bspecific
bsubstrates, bcausing bcellular bself- bdigestion. bThe bchief bfunction bof ba bribosome bis bto bprovide
bsites bfor bcellular bprotein bsynthesis. bThe bGolgi bcomplex bis ba bnetwork bof bflattened, bsmooth
bvesicles band bmembranes boften blocated bnear bthe bcell bnucleus. bThe bsmooth bendoplasmic
breticulum bis binvolved bin bsteroid bhormone bproduction band bremoving btoxic bsubstances bfrom
bthe bcell.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bRemembering
5. Which bcAMP-mediated bresponse bis brelated bto bantidiuretic bhormone?
a. Increased bheart brate band bforce bof
b contraction
b. Secretion bof bcortisol
c. Increased bretention bof bwater
d. Breakdown bof bfat
ANS: b C
Antidiuretic bhormone bleads bto bincreased bretention bof bwater bin bthe bbody. bEpinephrine bcauses
bincreases bin bheart brate band bforce bof bcontraction. bIncreased bcortisol bsecretion bis bdue bto bACTH.
bBreakdown bof bfat bis bdue bto bglucagon.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bRemembering
6. During bwhich bphase bof bthe bcell bcycle bis bDNA bsynthesized?
a. G1
b. S
c. G2
d. M
ANS: b B
, The bfour bdesignated bphases bof bthe bcell bcycle bare: b(1) bthe bG1 bphase b(G b= bgap), bwhich bis bthe
bperiod bbetween bthe bM bphase b(M b= bmitosis) band bthe bstart bof bDNA bsynthesis; b(2) bthe bS bphase
= bsynthesis), bduring bwhich bDNA bis bsynthesized bin bthe bcell bnucleus; b(3) bthe bG2 bphase, bduring
bwhich bRNA band bprotein bsynthesis boccurs, bthe bperiod bbetween bthe bcompletion bof bDNA
bsynthesis band bthe bnext bphase b(M); band b(4) bthe bM bphase, bwhich bincludes bnuclear band
bcytoplasmic bdivision.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bRemembering
7. What borganic bcompound bfacilitates btransportation bacross bcell bmembranes bby bacting
bas breceptors, btransport bchannels bfor belectrolytes, band benzymes bto bdrive bactive
a. Lipids
b. Proteases
c. Proteins
d. Carbohydrates
ANS: b C
Proteins bhave bseveral bfunctions, bincluding bacting bas breceptors, btransport bchannels bfor
belectrolytes, band benzymes bto bdrive bactive bpumps bLipids bhelp bact bas bthe b―glue‖ bholding bcell
bmembranes btogether. bProteases bcause bthe bbreakdown bof bprotein. bCarbohydrates bare binvolved
bin bcellular bprotection band blubrication band bhelp bproduce benergy bvia boxidative
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bRemembering
8. Understanding bthe bvarious bsteps bof bproteolytic bcascades bmay bbe buseful bin bdesigning
bdrug btherapy bfor bwhich bhuman bdiseases?
a. Cardiac band bvascular bdisorders
b. Autoimmune band bmalignant bdisorders
c. Gastrointestinal band brenal bdisorders
d. Endocrine band bgastrointestinal bdisorders
ANS: b B
Understanding bthe bvarious bsteps binvolved bin bthis bprocess bis bcrucial bfor bdesigning bdrug
binterventions. bDysregulation bof bproteases bfeatures bprominently bin bmany bhuman bdiseases,
bincluding bcancer, bautoimmunity, band bneurodegenerative bdisorders. bCardiac, bvascular,
bgastrointestinal, brenal, band bendocrine bdisorders bdo bnot binvolve bthis bprocess.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bRemembering
9. Which bstructure bprevents bwater-soluble bmolecules bfrom bentering bcells bacross bthe
bplasma bmembrane?
a. Carbohydrate bchains
b. Glycoprotein bchannels
c. Membrane bchannel bproteins
d. Lipid bbilayer
ANS: b D
, The bbilayer’s bstructure baccounts bfor bone bof bthe bessential bfunctions bof bthe bplasma bmembrane.
bIt bis bimpermeable bto bmost bwater-soluble bmolecules b(molecules bthat bdissolve bin bwater)
bbecause bthe bwater-soluble bmolecules bare binsoluble bin bthe boily bcore bregion. bThe bbilayer
bserves bas ba bbarrier bto bthe bdiffusion bof bwater band bhydrophilic bsubstances bwhile ballowing
blipid-soluble bmolecules, bsuch bas boxygen b(O2) band bcarbon bdioxide b(CO2), bto bdiffuse bthrough
bit breadily.
Carbohydrate bchains, bglycoprotein bchannels, band bmembrane bchannel bproteins bdo bnot
bprevent bwater-soluble bmolecules bfrom bentering bcells bacross bthe bcell bmembrane.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bRemembering
10. A bstudent basks bfor ban bexplanation bof bthe babsolute brefractory bperiod bof bthe baction
bpotential. bWhat bresponse bby bthe bprofessor bis bbest?
a. A bstronger bthan bnormal bimpulse bwill bevoke banother bresponse.
b. No bstimulus bis bable bto bevoke banother bresponse bat bthis btime.
c. Multiple bstimuli bcan bproduce bmore brapid baction bpotentials.
d. The bhyperpolarized bstate bmeans ba bweaker bstimulus bproduces ba
ANS: b B
During bthe babsolute brefractory bstate bof bthe baction bpotential, bno bstimulus bis bable bto bevoke
banother bresponse bfrom bthe bcell. bA bstronger bthan bnormal bimpulse bmay bgenerate ba bresponse bin
bthe brelative brefractory bperiod. bThis bperiod bof btime bis bnot brelated bto bthe bnumber bof bstimuli.
bA bhyperpolarized bstate bmeans ba bstronger bthan bnormal bstimulus bwould bbe bneeded bto
bgenerate ba bresponse.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bRemembering
11. Which bform bof bcell bcommunication bis bused bto bwithin bthe bcell bitself band bwith bother bcells
in bdirect bphysical bcontact?
a. Protein bchannel b(gap bjunction)
b. Plasma bmembrane-bound bsignaling bmolecules
c. Hormone bsecretion bsuch bas bneurotransmitters
d. Extracellular bchemical bmessengers bsuch bas bligands
ANS: b B
Cells bcommunicate bin bthree bmain bways; bthey bdisplay bplasma bmembrane-bound bsignaling
bmolecules bthat baffect bthe bcell bitself band bother bcells bin bdirect bphysical bcontact bwith bit, bthey
baffect breceptor bproteins binside bthe btarget bcell, band bthey bform bprotein bchannels b(gap
bjunctions) bthat bdirectly bcoordinate bthe bactivities bof badjacent bcells. bNeurotransmitters bare
breleased bby bneurons band bcross bthe bsynaptic bcleft bto bcommunicate bwith bthe bcells bthey
binnervate. bLigands bare binvolved bin bbinding bprocesses.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bRemembering
12. Which bmode bof bchemical bsignaling buses bblood bto btransport bcommunication bto bcells
some bdistance baway?
a. Paracrine
b. Autocrine
c. Neurotransmitter
d. Hormonal
ANS: b D