Test Bank Understanding Anatomy & Physiology A Visual, Auditory,
b b b b b b b b
Interactive Approach 3rd Edition by Gale Sloan Thompson Latest Verified
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Review 2024 Practice Questions and Answers for Exam Preparation, 100
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Anatomy & Physiology for Emergency Care
b b b b b
Bryan Bledsoe, Frederic Martini, Edwin Bartholomew
b b b b b
3rd Edition
,Table of Contents
b b
Chapterb1.bAnbIntroductionbtobAnatomybandbPhysiology 2
Chapterb2.bThebChemicalbLevelbofbOrganization 7
Chapterb3.bCellbStructurebandbFunction 13
Chapterb4.bThebTissuebLevelbofbOrganization 19
Chapterb5.bThebIntegumentarybSystem 25
Chapterb6.bThebSkeletalbSystem 30
Chapterb7.bThebMuscularbSystem 42
Chapterb8.bThebNervousbSystem 50
Chapterb9.bThebGeneralbandbSpecialbSenses 58
Chapterb10.bThebEndocrinebSystem 63
Chapterb11.bThebCardiovascularbSystemb-bBlood 69
Chapterb12.bThebCardiovascularbSystemb-bThebHeart 77
Chapterb13.bThebCardiovascularbSystemb-bBloodbVesselsbandbCirculation 87
Chapterb14.bThebLymphaticbSystembandbImmunity 96
Chapterb15.bThebRespiratorybSystem 105
Chapterb16.bThebDigestivebSystem 114
Chapterb17.bNutritionbandbMetabolism 122
Chapterb18.bThebUrinarybSystem 131
Chapterb19.bThebReproductivebSystem 140
Chapterb20.bDevelopmentbandbInheritance 148
, TestbBankb-
rb1b b AnbIntroductionbtobAnatomybandbPhysiology
1) Grossbanatomy,borbmacroscopicbanatomy,bconsiders:
A) internalbfeaturesbofbthebbody.
B) featuresbvisiblebwithbthebnaked,borbunaided,beye.
C) abstudybofbabsystembofbthebbody.
D) Nonebofbthebaboveb
Answer:b B
2) Thebhumanbformbshownbupright,bhandsbatbthebsides,bpalmsbforward,bandbfeetbtogetherbisbinbthe
A) anatomical
B) physiological
C) prone
D) supineb
Answer:b A
3) Abpersonblyingbfacebdownbisbinbtheb position.
A) physiological
B) prone
C) anatomical WWW.TBSM.WS
D) supineb
Answer:b B
4) Abpersonblyingbfacebupbisbinbtheb position.
A) physiological
B) supine
C) prone
D) anatomical
bAnswer:b B
5) Thebfrontalbplanebdividesbthebbodybintobtheb andb portions.
A) superior,binferior
B) anterior,bposterior
C) lateral,bdorsal
D) Nonebofbthebaboveb
Answer:b B
6) Thebdiaphragmbseparatesbthebabdominopelvicbandb cavities.
A) cranial
B) thoracic
C) intestinal
D) renalbA
nswer:b B
, TestbBankb-
7) Theblayerbofbthebpericardiumbcoveringbthebheartbisbtheb pericardium.
A) parietal
B) visceral
C) cardio
D) pulmonary
bAnswer:b B
8) Thebpericardiumbliesbwithinbthe:
A) pelvicbcavity.
B) peritonealbcavity.
C) abdominopelvicbcavity.
D) mediastinum.
Answer:b D
9) isbanbanatomicalbtermbmeaningb"towardbanbattachedbbase."
A) Inferior
B) Distal
C) Proximal
D) Superficial
bAnswer:b C
10) isbanb anatomicalbtermWmeaWnin
g b" a bb oSv .
e b oWrb atbab higherb level."
A) Lateral
B) Inferior
C) Medial
D) Superior
bAnswer:b D
11) Thebterm
A) anatomy
B) ornithology
C) cytology
D) physiology
bAnswer:b A
12) isbthebstudybofbhowblivingborganismsbperformbtheirbvitalbfunctions.
A) Cytology
B) Ornithology
C) Anatomy
D) Physiology
bAnswer:b D