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Test Bank- Essentials of Maternity Newborn and Women’s Health Nursing 5th Edition Susan Ricci, All Chapters ||Complete A+ Guide
Maternity Newborn
Test Bank- Essentials of Maternity Newborn and Women’s Health Nursing 5th Edition Susan Ricci, All Chapters ||Complete A+ Guide
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Test Bank- Essentials of Maternity Newborn and
Women’s Health Nursing 5th Edition Susan Ricci
Chapter n1- nPerspectives non nMaternal, nNewborn, nand nWomen’s nHealth nCare ........................................................... 4
Chapter n2- n Family-Centered nCommunity-Based nCare .................................................................................................. 9
Chapter n3- nAnatomy nand nPhysiology nof nthe nReproductive nSystem .......................................................................... 14
Chapter n4- nCommon nReproductive nIssues .................................................................................................................. 19
Chapter n5- nSexually nTransmitted nInfections ............................................................................................................... 24
Chapter n6- nDisorders nof nthe nBreasts ........................................................................................................................... 29
Chapter n7- nBenign nDisorders nof nthe nFemale nReproductive nTract............................................................................... 34
Chapter n8- nCancers nof nthe nFemale nReproductive nTract .............................................................................................. 39
Chapter n9- nViolence nand nAbuse .................................................................................................................................. 44
Chapter n10- nFetal nDevelopment nand nGenetics ............................................................................................................ 49
Chapter n11- nMaternal nAdaptation nDuring nPregnancy ................................................................................................ 54
Chapter n12- nNursing nManagement nDuring nPregnancy ............................................................................................... 60
Chapter n13- nLabor nand nBirth nProcess ......................................................................................................................... 66
Chapter n14- nNursing nManagement nDuring nLabor nand nBirth ..................................................................................... 72
Chapter n15- nPostpartum nAdaptations .......................................................................................................................... 78
Chapter n16- nNursing nManagement nDuring nthe n Postpartum nPeriod ........................................................................... 84
Chapter n17- nNewborn nTransitioning ........................................................................................................................... 90
Chapter n18- nNursing nManagement nof nthe nNewborn .................................................................................................. 96
Chapter n19- nNursing nManagement nof nPregnancy nat n Risk- nPregnancy .................................................................... 102
Chapter n20- nNursing nManagement nof nthe nPregnancy nat nRisk ................................................................................. 108
Chapter n21- nNursing nManagement nof nLabor nand nBirth nat nRisk ............................................................................... 114
Chapter n22- nNursing nManagement nof nthe nPostpartum nWoman nat nRisk .................................................................. 120
Chapter n23- nNursing nCare nof nthe nNewborn nWith nSpecial nNeeds............................................................................. 126
Chapter n24- nNursing nManagement nof nthe nNewborn nat nRisk..................................................................................... 132
Chapter n25- nGrowth nand nDevelopment nof nthe nNewborn nand nInfant ........................................................................ 138
Chapter n26- nGrowth nand nDevelopment nof nthe nToddler ............................................................................................ 144
Chapter n27- nGrowth nand nDevelopment nof nthe nPreschooler ...................................................................................... 150
Chapter n28- nGrowth nand nDevelopment nof nthe n School-Age nChild .......................................................................... 157
Chapter n29- nGrowth nand nDevelopment nof nthe nAdolescent ....................................................................................... 164
Chapter n30- nAtraumatic nCare nof nChildren nand nFamilies .......................................................................................... 171
Chapter n31- nHealth nSupervision ................................................................................................................................ 176
Chapter n32- nHealth nAssessment nof nChildren ............................................................................................................ 183
Chapter n33- nCaring nfor nChildren nin nDiverse nSettings .............................................................................................. 190
Chapter n34- nCaring nfor nthe nSpecial nNeeds nChild ..................................................................................................... 197
Chapter n35- nKey nPediatric nNursing nInterventions .................................................................................................... 203
Chapter n36- nPain nManagement nin nChildren ............................................................................................................. 210
Chapter n37- nNursing nCare nof nthe nChild nWith nan nInfectious nor nCommunicable nDisorder....................................... 217
Chapter n38- nNursing nCare nof nthe nChild nWith nan nAlteration nin nIntracranial n Regulation n/ nNeurologic nDisorder ..... 224
,Chapter n39- nNursing nCare nof nthe nChild nWith nan nAlteration nin nSensory nPerception n/ nDisorder nof nthe nEyes nor nEars 231
Chapter n40- nNursing nCare nof nthe nChild nWith nan nAlteration nin nGas nExchange n/ nRespiratory nDisorder ................ 238
Chapter n41- nNursing nCare nof nthe nChild nWith nan nAlteration nin nPerfusion n/ nCardiovascular nDisorder ..................... 244
Chapter n42- nNursing nCare nof nthe nChild nWith nan nAlteration nin nBowel nElimination n/ nGastrointestinal nDisorder ... 250
Chapter n43- nNursing nCare nof nthe nChild nWith nan nAlteration nin nUrinary nElimination n/ nGenitourinary nDisorder .... 257
Chapter n44- nNursing nCare nof nthe nChild nWith nan nAlteration nin nMobility n/ nNeuromuscular nor nMusculoskeletal nDisorder
................................................................................................................................................................................. 264
Extra n Questions: n Musculoskeletal nDisorder .......................................................................................................... 270
Chapter n45- nNursing nCare nof nthe nChild nWith nan nAlteration nin nTissue nIntegrity n/ nIntegumentary nDisorder ............ 277
Chapter n46- nNursing nCare nof nthe nChild nWith nan nAlteration nin nCellular nRegulation n/ nHematologic nor
nNeoplastic nDisorder ................................................................................................................................................. 283
Extra nQuestions: nNeoplastic nDisorder ................................................................................................................... 290
Chapter n47- nNursing nCare nof nthe nChild nWith nan nAlteration nin nImmunity nor nImmunologic nDisorder ..................... 296
Chapter n48- nNursing nCare nof nthe nChild nWith nan nAlteration nin nMetabolism n/ nEndocrine nDisorder ....................... 303
Chapter n49- nNursing nCare nof nthe nChild nWith nan nAlteration nin nGenetics ............................................................... 310
Chapter n50- nNursing nCare nof nthe nChild nWith nan nAlteration nin nBehavior, nCognition, nor nDevelopment .................. 317
Chapter n51- nNursing nCare nDuring na nPediatric nEmergency...................................................................................... 324
, Chapter 1- Perspectives on Maternal, Newborn, and Women’s
n n n n n n n
Health Care
n n
1. The nUnited nStates nranks n50th nin nthe nworld nfor nmaternal nmortality nand n41st namong
nindustrialized nnations nfor ninfant nmortality nrate. nWhen ndeveloping nprograms nto nassist nin
ndecreasing nthese nrates, nwhich nfactor nwould nmost nlikely nneed nto nbe naddressed nas nhaving nthe
ngreatest nimpact?
A) Resolving nall nlanguage nand ncultural ndifferences
B) Assuring nearly nand nadequate nprenatal ncare
C) Providing nmore nextensive nwomen’s nshelters
D) Encouraging nall nwomen nto neat na nbalanced ndiet
2. When nintegrating nthe nprinciples nof nfamily-centered ncare, nthe nnurse nwould ninclude nwhich nof
nthe nfollowing?
A) Childbirth nis nviewed nas na nprocedural nevent
B) Families nare nunable nto nmake ninformed nchoices
C) Childbirth nresults nin nchanges nin nrelationships
D) Families nrequire nlittle ninformation nto nmake nappropriate ndecisions
3. When npreparing na nteaching nplan nfor na ngroup nof nfirst-time npregnant nwomen, nthe nnurse
nexpects nto nreview nhow nmaternity ncare nhas nchanged nover nthe nyears. nWhich nof nthe nfollowing
nwould nthe nnurse ninclude nwhen ndiscussing nevents nof nthe n20th ncentury?
A) Epidemics nof npuerperal nfever
B) Performance nof nthe nfirst ncesarean nbirth
C) Development nof nthe nx-ray nto nassess npelvic nsize
D) Creation nof nfree-standing nbirth ncenters
4. After nteaching na ngroup nof nstudents nabout npregnancy-related nmortality, nthe ninstructor
ndetermines nthat nadditional nteaching nis nneeded nwhen nthe nstudents nidentify nwhich ncondition nas
na nleading ncause?
A) Hemorrhage
B) Embolism
C) Obstructed nlabor
D) Infection
5. The nnurse nis nworking nwith na ngroup nof ncommunity nhealth nmembers nto ndevelop na nplan nto
naddress nthe nspecial nhealth nneeds nof nwomen. nWhich nof nthe nfollowing nconditions nwould nthe
ngroup naddress nas nthe nmajor nproblem?
A) Smoking
B) Heart ndisease
C) Diabetes
D) Cancer
6. When nassessing na nfamily nfor npossible nbarriers nto nhealth ncare, nthe nnurse nwould nconsider
nwhich nfactor nto nbe nmost nimportant?
A) Language