1. Which name identifies a drug listed by the US Food and
Drug Administration (FDA)?
a. Brand
b. Nonproprietary
c. Official
d. Trademark
The official name is the name under which a drug is listed
by the FDA. The brand name, or trademark, is the name
given to a drug by its manufacturer. The nonproprietary, or
generic, name is provided by the United States Adopted
Names Council.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: p. 9
OBJ: 1NAT: NCLEX Client Needs Category: Safe, Effective Care
Environment TOP: Nursing Process Step: Assessment CON:
Patient Education
2. Which source contains information specific to nutritional supplements?
a. USP Dictionary of USAN & International Drug Names
b. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database
c. United States Pharmacopoeia/National Formulary (USP NF)
d. Drug Interaction Facts
United States Pharmacopoeia/National Formulary contains information specific to nutritional
supplements. USP Dictionary of USAN & International Drug Names is a compilation of drug
names, pronunciation guide, and possible future FDA approved drugs; it does not include
nutritional supplements. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database contains
evidence-based information on herbal medicines and herbal combination products; it does not
include information specific to nutritional supplements. Drug Interaction Facts contains
comprehensive information on drug interaction facts; it does not include nutritional
DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: p. 4 OBJ: 3
NAT: NCLEX Client Needs Category: Physiological Integrity
TOP: Nursing Process Step: Assessment CON: Nutrition | Patient Education
3. Which drug reference contains drug monographs that describe all drugs in a therapeutic class?
a. Drug Facts and Comparisons
,Test MBank MFor MClayton’s MBasic MPharmacology Mfor MNurses M19th 2
b. Drug Interaction Facts
c. Handbook on Injectable Drugs
d. Martindale—The Complete Drug Reference
Drug Facts and Comparisons contains drug monographs that describe all drugs in a
therapeutic class. Monographs are formatted as tables to allow comparison of similar
products, brand names, manufacturers, cost indices, and available dosage forms
Online version is available.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: p. 4 Table 1.2
OBJ: 3 NAT: NCLEX Client Needs Category: Physiological Integrity
TOP: Nursing Process Step: Assessment CON: Safety | Patient Education | Clinical Judgment
4. Which drug reference contains monographs about virtually every single-entity drug available
in the United States and describes therapeutic uses of drugs, including approved and
unapproved uses?
a. Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference
b. AHFS Drug Information
c. Drug Reference
d. Drug Facts and Comparisons
AHFS Drug Information contains monographs about virtually every single-entity drug
available in the United States and describes therapeutic uses of drugs, including approved and
unapproved uses.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: p. 4 Table 1.2
OBJ: 3 NAT: NCLEX Client Needs Category: Physiological Integrity
TOP: Nursing Process Step: Planning CON: Safety | Patient Education | Clinical Judgment
5. Which online drug reference makes available to healthcare providers and the public a
standard, comprehensive, up-to-date look up and downloadable resource about medicines?
a. American Drug Index
b. American Hospital Formulary
c. DailyMed
d. Drug Reference
DailyMed makes available to healthcare providers and the public a standard, comprehensive,
up-to-date look up and downloadable resource about medicines. The American Drug Index is
not appropriate for patient use. The American Hospital Formulary is not appropriate for
patient use. The drug reference is not appropriate for patient use.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: p. 3 | p. 4 OBJ: 3
NAT: NCLEX Client Needs Category: Physiological Integrity
TOP: Nursing Process Step: Implementation
CON: Safety | Patient Education | Clinical Judgment
6. Which legislation authorizes the FDA to determine the safety of a drug before its marketing?
a. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1938)
b. Durham Humphrey Amendment (1952)
Test Bank For Clayton’s Basic Pharmacology for Nurses 19th
,Test MBank MFor MClayton’s MBasic MPharmacology Mfor MNurses M19th 3
c. Controlled MSubstances MAct M(1970)
d. Kefauver MHarris MDrug MAmendment M(1962)
The MFederal MFood, MDrug, Mand MCosmetic MAct Mof M1938 Mauthorized Mthe MFDA Mto Mdetermine
Mthe Msafety Mof Mall Mdrugs Mbefore Mmarketing. MLater Mamendments Mand Macts Mhelped Mtighten
MFDA Mcontrol Mand Mensure Mdrug Msafety. MThe MDurham MHumphrey MAmendment Mdefines Mthe
Mkinds Mof Mdrugs Mthat Mcannot Mbe Mused Msafely Mwithout Mmedical Msupervision Mand Mrestricts
Mtheir Msale Mto Mprescription Mby Ma Mlicensed Mpractitioner. MThe MControlled MSubstances MAct
Maddresses Monly Mcontrolled Msubstances Mand Mtheir Mcategorization. MThe MKefauver MHarris MDrug
MAmendment Mensures Mdrug Mefficacy Mand Mgreater Mdrug Msafety. MDrug Mmanufacturers Mare
Mrequired Mto Mprove Mto Mthe MFDA Mthe Meffectiveness Mof Mtheir Mproducts Mbefore Mmarketing
DIF: Cognitive MLevel: MKnowledge REF: M p. M5 MTable Ml.3
OBJ: M 5 NAT: MNCLEX MClient MNeeds MCategory: MPhysiological
MIntegrity MTOP: M Nursing MProcess MStep: MAssessment
CON: M Safety M| MPatient MEducation M| MEvidence M| MHealth MCare MLaw
7. Which Mclassification Mdoes Mmeperidine M(Demerol) Mfall Munder?
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
Meperidine M(Demerol) Mis Ma MSchedule MII Mdrug; Mit Mhas Ma Mhigh Mpotential Mfor Mabuse Mand
Mmay Mlead Mto Msevere Mpsychological Mand Mphysical Mdependence. MSchedule MI Mdrugs Mhave Mhigh
Mpotential Mfor Mabuse Mand Mno Mrecognized Mmedical Muse. MSchedule MIII Mdrugs Mhave Msome
Mpotential Mfor Mabuse. MUse Mmay Mlead Mto Mlow Mto Mmoderate Mphysical Mdependence Mor Mhigh
Mpsychological Mdependence. MSchedule MIV Mdrugs Mhave Mlow Mpotential Mfor Mabuse. MUse Mmay
Mlead Mto Mlimited Mphysical Mor Mpsychological Mdependence.
DIF: Cognitive MLevel: MKnowledge REF: M p. M10 OBJ:
M2 MNAT: M NCLEX MClient MNeeds MCategory: MSafe, MEffective MCare
TOP: M Nursing MProcess MStep: MAssessment CON: M Patient MEducation M| MAddiction M|MPain
8. Which Maction Mwould Mthe MFDA Mtake Mto Mexpedite Mdrug Mdevelopment Mand Mapproval Mfor Man
Moutbreak Mof Msmallpox?
a. List Msmallpox Mas Ma Mhealth Morphan Mdisease.
b. Omit Mthe Mpreclinical Mresearch Mphase.
c. Extend Mthe Mclinical Mresearch Mphase.
d. Fast Mtrack Mthe Minvestigational Mdrug.
Once Mthe MInvestigational MNew MDrug MApplication Mhas Mbeen Mapproved, Mthe Mdrug Mcan
Mreceive Mhighest Mpriority Mwithin Mthe Magency, Mwhich Mis Mcalled Mfast Mtracking. MA Msmallpox
Moutbreak Mwould Mbecome Ma Mpriority Mconcern Min Mthe Mworld. MOrphan Mdiseases Mare Mnot
Mresearched Min Ma Mpriority Mmanner. MPreclinical Mresearch Mis Mnot Momitted. MExtending Many
Mphase Mof Mthe Mresearch Mwould Mmean Ma Mlonger Mtime Mto Mdevelop Ma Mvaccine. MThe MFDA Mmust
Mensure Mthat Mall Mphases Mof Mthe Mpreclinical Mand Mclinical Mresearch Mphase Mhave Mbeen
Mcompleted Min Ma Msafe Mmanner.
DIF: Cognitive MLevel: MKnowledge REF: M M p. M7 OBJ: M 5
Test Bank For Clayton’s Basic Pharmacology for Nurses 19th
, Test MBank MFor MClayton’s MBasic MPharmacology Mfor MNurses M19th 4
NAT: MNCLEX MClient MNeeds MCategory: MSafe, MEffective MCare
MEnvironment MTOP: M Nursing MProcess MStep: MAssessment
CON: M Health MCare MLaw M|MHealth MCare MPolicy M| MInfection M| MCare MCoordination
9. Which Mstatement Mis Mtrue Mabout Mover-the-counter M(OTC) Mdrugs?
a. They Mare Mnot Mlisted Min Mthe MUSP MNF.
b. A Mprescription Mfrom Ma Mhealthcare Mprovider Mis Mneeded.
c. They Mare Msold Mwithout Ma Mprescription.
d. They Mare Mknown MonlyMby Mtheir Mbrand Mnames.
OTC Mmedications Mdo Mnot Mrequire Ma Mprescription. MA Mvariety Mof Mnames, Mboth Mgeneric Mand
Mtrade, Mcan Mbe Mused Mfor Mindividual Mdrugs Msold MOTC. MOTC Mdrugs Mare Mlisted Min Mthe MUSP
MNF. MPrescription Mdrugs Mrequire Man Morder Mby Ma Mhealth Mprofessional Mwho Mis Mlicensed Mto
Mprescribe, Msuch Mas Ma Mphysician, Mnurse Mpractitioner, Mphysician Massistant, Mor Mdentist.
DIF: Cognitive MLevel: MComprehension REF: M p. M2 OBJ:
M2 MNAT: M NCLEX MClient MNeeds MCategory: MPhysiological MIntegrity
TOP: M Nursing MProcess MStep: MPlanning CON: M Patient MEducation
10. Which Mis Mthe Mmost Mauthoritative Mreference Mfor Mmedications Mthat Mare Minjected?
a. Martindale: MThe MComplete
b. Handbook Mon MInjectable MDrugs
c. DailyMed
d. Handbook Mof MNonprescription MDrugs
The MHandbook Mon MInjectable MDrugs Mis Mthe Mmost Mcomprehensive Mreference Mavailable Mon
Mthe Mtopic Mof McompatibilityMof Minjectable Mdrugs. MIt Mis Ma Mcollection Mof Mmonographs Mfor Mmore
Mthan M300 Minjectable Mdrugs Mthat Mare Mlisted Malphabetically Mby Mgeneric Mname.
DIF: Cognitive MLevel: MKnowledge REF: M p. M4 OBJ:
M3 MNAT: M NCLEX MClient MNeeds MCategory: MPhysiological MIntegrity
TOP: M Nursing MProcess MStep: MAssessment CON: M Clinical MJudgment M| MSafety
11. Which Mstatement Mis Mtrue Mabout MLomotil?
a. Abuse Mpotential Mfor Mthis Mdrug Mis Mlow.
b. Psychological Mdependency Mis Mlikely.
c. There Mis Ma Mhigh Mpotential Mfor Mabuse.
d. This Mdrug Mis Mnot Ma Mcontrolled Msubstance.
Lomotil, Ma MSchedule MV Mdrug, Mhas Man Mabuse Mpotential Mof Mlimited Mphysical Mor
Mpsychological Mdependence Mliability Mcompared Mwith Mdrugs Min MSchedule MIV. MBecause Mabuse
Mpotential Mis Mlow Mwith Ma MSchedule MV Mdrug, Ma Mprescription Mmay Mnot Mbe Mrequired.
MPsychological MdependencyMis Mnot Mlikely Mwith Ma MSchedule MV Mdrug. MSchedule MV Mdrugs Mare
Mclassified Mas Mcontrolled Msubstances.
DIF: Cognitive MLevel: MKnowledge REF: M p. M5 MBox M1.1
OBJ: M2 MNAT: M NCLEX MClient MNeeds MCategory: MPhysiological
TOP: M Nursing MProcess MStep: MAssessment CON: M Clinical MJudgment M| MSafety M| MPatient MEducation