Solution Manual for Global Business
x x x x
5th Edition x
by Peng Mike. Complete Chapters 1 - 17
x x x x x x x
1 © x2023 xCengage. xAll xRights xReserved. xMay xnot xbe xscanned, xcopied xor xduplicated, xor
xposted xto
a xpublicly xaccessible xwebsite, xin xwhole xor xin xpart.
1. Chapter x1: xIntroduction
2. Chapter x2: xFormal xInstitutions: xPolitics, xLaws, xand xEconomics
3. Chapter x3: xInformal xInstitutions: xCultures, xEthics, xand xNorms
4. Chapter x4: xResources xand xCapabilities
5. Chapter x5: xInternational xTrade
6. Chapter x6: xForeign xDirect xInvestment
7. Chapter x7: xForeign xExchange
8. Chapter x8: xGlobal xand xRegional xIntegration
9. Chapter x9: xThe xEntrepreneurial xFirm
10. Chapter x10: xForeign xMarket xEntry
11. Chapter x11: xGlobal xCompetitive xDynamics
12. Chapter x12: xAlliances xand xAcquisitions
13. Chapter x13: xStrategy, xStructure, xand xInnovation xin xMultinationals
14. Chapter x14: xMarketing xand xSupply xChain xManagement
15. Chapter x15: xHuman xResource xManagement
16. Chapter x16: xCorporate xFinance xand xGovernance
Chapter x17: xCorporate xSocial xResponsibility
x x x x x x x x x x x x
2 © x2023 xCengage. xAll xRights xReserved. xMay xnot xbe xscanned, xcopied xor xduplicated, xor
xposted xto
a xpublicly xaccessible xwebsite, xin xwhole xor xin xpart.
,Chapter 1 x
Table of Contentsx x
Purpose xand xPerspective xof xthe xChapter ............................................................................................................. 2
Cengage xSupplements .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Chapter xObjectives ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Complete xList xof xChapter xActivities xand xAssessments .................................................................................... 3
What's xNew xin xThis xChapter...................................................................................................................................... 3
Opening xCase xDiscussion: xEmerging xMarkets—Apple, xAmerica, xand xChina ......................................... 3
Chapter xOutline ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
End-of-Chapter xGuide ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Review xQuestions ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Critical xDiscussion xQuestions ..............................................................................................................................11
Global xAction .............................................................................................................................................................12
Closing xCase: xEmerging xMarkets—Are xUS xMultinationals xGood xfor xAmerica? .............................12
Generic xRubrics .........................................................................................................................................................14
Standard xWriting xRubric........................................................................................................................................14
Standard xDiscussion xRubric .................................................................................................................................14
3 © x2023 xCengage. xAll xRights xReserved. xMay xnot xbe xscanned, xcopied xor xduplicated, xor
xposted xto
a xpublicly xaccessible xwebsite, xin xwhole xor xin xpart.
, Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter
x x x x x
The xpurpose xof xthis xchapter xis xto xexplore xthe xconcepts xof xinternational xand xglobal
xbusiness. xFirst, xwe xdiscuss xthe ximportance xof xstudying xglobal xbusiness. xThen, xwe xdevelop
xthe xunified xframework xused xin xeach xchapter, xwhich xfocuses xlearning xon xone xfundamental
xquestion xand xtwo xcore xperspectives—an xinstitution-based xview xand xa xresource-based xview.
xNext, xwe xexplore xthe xconcepts xof xglobalization, xsemiglobalization, xand xrisk xmanagement.
xAs xa xbackdrop xfor xthe xremainder xof xthe xtext, xthe xGlobal xBusiness xand xGlobalization xat xa
xCrossroads xsection xmakes xtwo xpoints: xFirst, xa xbasic xunderstanding xof xthe xglobal xeconomy
xis xnecessary. xSecond, xit xis ximportant xto xcritically xexamine xyour xown xpersonal xviews xand
xbiases xregarding xglobalization. xAdditionally, xwe xoutline xthree xleading xdebates xconcerning
xbusiness xand xglobalization/deglobalization. xFinally, xwe xexplore xthe xbroad ximplications xfor
xsavvy xmanagers xand xstudents xfor xthe xfuture xof xglobal xbusiness xin xa xless xglobal xworld.
Cengage Supplements x
The xfollowing xproduct-level xsupplements xprovide xadditional xinformation xthat xmay xhelp xyou xin
xpreparing xyour xcourse. xThey xare xavailable xin xthe xInstructor xResource xCenter.
• Transition xGuide x(provides xinformation xabout xwhat’s xnew xfrom xedition xto xedition)
• Educator’s xGuide x(describes xassets xin xthe xplatform xwith xa xdetailed xbreakdown
xof xactivities xby xchapter xwith xseat xtime)
• PowerPoint x(provides xtext-based xlectures xand xpresentations)
• Test xBank x(contains xassessment xquestions xand xproblems)
• Guide xto xTeaching xOnline x(provides xinformation xabout xthe xkey xassets xwithin xthe
xproduct xand xhow xto ximplement/facilitate xuse xof xthe xassets xin xsynchronous xand
xasynchronous xteaching xenvironments)
• Accelerated xCourse xSyllabus x(provides xguidance xon xthe xrecommended xdelivery xof
xcourse xmaterials xgiven xa x5-week, x8-week, x12-week, xand x16-week xcourse)
• MindTap xUser xGuide x(provides xinformation xon xhow xto xnavigate xand xuse xMindTap)
Chapter Objectivesx
The xfollowing xobjectives xare xaddressed xin xthis xchapter:
1-1 Explain xthe xconcepts xof xinternational xbusiness xand xglobal
business. x1-2 Give xthree xreasons xwhy xit xis ximportant xto xstudy xglobal
x business.
1-3 Articulate xone xfundamental xquestion xand xtwo xcore xperspectives xin xthe xstudy xof
xglobal xbusiness.
1-4 Describe xthe ximportance xof xglobalization, xsemiglobalization, xand xrisk xmanagement.
1-5 State xthe xsize xof xthe xglobal xeconomy xand xits xbroad xtrends xand xunderstand xyour
xlikely xbias xin xthe xglobalization xdebate.
1-6 Participate xin xthree xleading xdebates xconcerning xglobal
4 © x2023 xCengage. xAll xRights xReserved. xMay xnot xbe xscanned, xcopied xor xduplicated, xor
xposted xto
a xpublicly xaccessible xwebsite, xin xwhole xor xin xpart.