Test Bank for Fundamentals of Nursing 10th Edition by Taylor
gu gu gu gu gu gu gu gu gu
,Table gu of g u Contents 1
Chapter gu01: guIntroduction g u to guNursing 2
Chapter gu02: guTheory, guResearch, guand guEvidence-Based 11
guPractice guChapter gu03: guHealth, guWellness, g u and g u Health 20
g u Disparities g u Chapter gu04: guHealth guof guthe guIndividual, 29
guFamily, guand guCommunity guChapter gu05: guCultural guDiversity 37
Chapter gu06: guValues, guEthics, g u and g u Advocacy 45
guChapter gu07: guLegal guDimensions guof guNursing 54
guPractice guChapter gu08: guCommunication 62
Chapter gu 09: gu Teaching g u and g u Counseling 69
Chapter gu10: guLeading, guManaging, guand guDelegating 77
guChapter gu11: guThe guHealth guCare guDelivery guSystem 86
Chapter gu12: g u Collaborative g u Practice gu and g u Care g u Coordination g u Across g u Settings 93
Chapter gu13: guBlended guCompetencies, guClinical guReasoning, guand guProcesses guof
guPerson- guCentered guCare 100
Chapter gu 14: g u Assessing 109
Chapter gu15: g u Diagnosing 117
Chapter gu16: guOutcome guIdentification guand guPlanning 125
guChapter gu17: guImplementing 135
Chapter gu18: g u Evaluating 142
Chapter gu19: guDocumenting guand guReporting 150
guChapter gu20: guNursing guInformatics 158
Chapter gu21: g u Developmental g u Concepts 164
guChapter gu22: guConception guThrough guYoung 173
guAdult guChapter gu23: guThe guAging guAdult 182
Chapter gu24: guAsepsis guand guInfection guControl 190
guChapter gu25: guVital guSigns 200
Chapter gu 26: g u Health g u Assessment 211
Chapter gu27: guSafety, guSecurity, guand guEmergency 220
guPreparedness guChapter gu28: guComplementary guand 230
guIntegrative guHealth 239
Chapter gu29: g u Medications 250
Chapter gu30: guPerioperative guNursing 260
guChapter gu31: guHygiene 269
Chapter gu32: guSkin guIntegrity guand guWound guCare 279
guChapter gu33: guActivity 289
Chapter gu34: guRest g u and guSleep 298
Chapter gu35: guComfort guand guPain guManagement 307
guChapter gu36: guNutrition 316
Chapter gu37: guUrinary guElimination 326
guChapter gu38: guBowel guElimination 336
Chapter gu 39: g u Oxygenation g u and g u Perfusion 346
Chapter gu40: guFluid, guElectrolyte, guand guAcid-Base guBalance 356
guChapter gu41: guSelf-Concept 365
Chapter gu42: guStress guand guAdaptation 375
guChapter gu43: guLoss, guGrief, guand 384
guDying guChapter gu44: guSensory 393
guFunctioning guChapter gu45: guSexuality 403
Chapter gu46: gu Spirituality
,Chapter 01: Introduction to Nursing
gu gu gu gu
1. Which guof guthe gufollowing gustatements gu accurately gudescribe guan guelement gu of gunursing? gu Select guall guthat guapply.
A) The guskills guinvolved gu in gunursing guare guprimarily gu technical guin gunature.
B) The guprimary gu focus gu of gunursing guis gu to guassist guindividuals guto gurecover gufrom gu illness.
C) The guscience guof gunursing guis guthe guknowledge gu base gufor guthe gucare guthat guis gugiven.
D) The guart guof gunursing gu is gu the gucollection gu of guknowledge gu through gu research.
E) Nursing guis guconsidered guto gube guboth guan guart guand gua guscience.
F) Nursing guis gua guprofession guthat gu used guspecialized gu knowledge guand gu skills.
2. Which guof guthe gufollowing gu set guof guterms gu best gudescribes gunursing guat guthe guend guof guthe guMiddle gu Ages?
A) continuity, gucaring, gucritical guthinking
B) purpose, gudirection, gu leadership
C) assessment, gu interventions, guoutcomes
D) advocacy, guresearch, gu education
3. Which guof guthe gufollowing guis gua gucharacteristic guof gunursing gupracticed gufrom guearly gucivilization
guto guthe gu16th gucentury?
A) Most guearly gucivilizations gubelieved guthat guillness guhad gusupernatural gucauses.
B) The guphysician gu was guthe gupriest guwho gutreated gudisease gu with guprayer.
C) The gunurse guwas gua gunun gucommitted guto gu caring gufor guthe guneedy guand guhomeless.
D) Nursing guchanged gu from gu a guspiritual gu focus guto gu an gu emphasis gu on guknowledge gu expansion.
4. In guwhat gutime gu period gudid gunursing gu care guas gu we gunow guknow guit gubegin?
A) pre-civilization
B) early gucivilization guto gu16th gucentury
, C) 16th guto gu 17th gu century
D) 18th guto gu 19th gu century
5. Who gu is guconsidered guto gube guthe gu founder guof guprofessional gunursing?
A) Dorothea guDix
B) Lillian guWald
C) Florence guNightingale
D) Clara guBarton
6. Which guof guthe gufollowing gu nursing gu pioneers gu established guthe guRed guCross guin gu the guUnited guStates guin gu1882?
A) Florence guNightingale
B) Clara guBarton
C) Dorothea g u Dix
D) Jane g u Addams
7. What guwas guone gubarrier guto guthe gudevelopment guof guthe gunursing guprofession guin guthe guUnited guStates
guafter guthe guCivil guWar?
A) lack guof gueducational gustandards
B) hospital-based guschools gu of gunursing
C) lack guof guinfluence gu from gunursing guleaders
D) independence guof gu nursing guorders
8. Which guof gu the gu following gu individuals gu provided gu community-based gu care guand gu founded gu public gu health
gu nursing?
A) Adelaide guNutting
B) Lillian guWald
C) Sojourner guTruth
Fundamentals guof guNursing gu10th guEdition guby guTaylor, guLynn, guBartlett guTest guBank gu|
guChapter gu1-46
|CompleteGuide A+