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Test Bank Gerontologic Nursing 6th Edition (Meiner, 2019) Chapter 1-29 | All Chapters
Gerontologic Nursing 6th Edition
Gerontologic Nursing 6th Edition
Test Bank For Gerontologic Nursing, 6th Edition by Sue Meiner, Jennifer Yeager | 9780323498111 | | Chapter 1-29 | All Chapters with Answers and Rationals Descr: Title: Gerontologic Nursing 6th Edition Meiner Test Bank ISBN: 9780323498111 Number of Pages: 215 Edition: 6th Author: Meiner Number of Ch...
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Gerontologic Nursing 6th Edition
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Gerontologic crNursing cr6th crEdition crMeiner crTest crBank cr lOMoARcPSD|3013804
Gerontologic Nursing 6th Edition Meiner Test Bank
cr cr cr cr cr cr
Chapter 01: Overview of Gerontologic Nursing
cr cr cr cr cr
Meiner: Gerontologic Nursing, 6th Edition
cr cr cr cr
1. cr crIn cr2010, crthe crrevised crStandards crand crScope crof crGerontological crNursing crPractice
crwas cr
published. crThe crnurse crwould cruse crthese crstandards crto
a. cr crpromote crthe crpractice crof crgerontologic crnursing crwithin crthe cracute crcare crsetting.
b. cr crdefine crthe crconcepts crand crdimensions crof crgerontologic crnursing crpractice.
c. cr crelevate crthe crpractice crof crgerontologic crnursing.
d. cr crincorporate crthe crconcepts crof crhealth crpromotion, crhealth crmaintenance,
crdisease cr
prevention, crand crself-care
ANS: crD
The crcurrent crpublishing crof crthe crStandards crand crScope crof crGerontological crNursing crPractice
crin cr2010 crincorporates crthe crinput crof crgerontologic crnurses crfrom cracross cr the crUnited crStates crand
includes crcomprehensive crconcepts crand crdimensions crimportant crto crthose crpracticing
crgerontologic crnursing. cr It crwas crnot crintended crto crpromote crgerontologic cr nursing crpractice
crwithin cracute crcare cr
settings, crdefine crconcepts cror crdimensions crof crgerontologic crnursing crpractice, cror crelevate crthe cr
practice crof crgerontologic crnursing.
DIF: cr cr crRemembering OBJ: 1-1 TOP: cr cr crN/A
MSC: crSafe crand crEffective crCare crEnvironment
2. cr crWhen crattempting crto crminimize crthe creffect crof crageism cron crthe crpractice crof crnursing crolder
cradults, cra cr
nurse crneeds crto crfirst
, Gerontologic crNursing cr6th crEdition crMeiner crTest crBank cr lOMoARcPSD|3013804
a. cr crrecognize crthat crnurses crmust cract cras cradvocates crfor craging crpatients.
b. cr craccept crthat crthis crpopulation crrepresents cra crsubstantial crportion crof crthose
crrequiring cr
nursing crcare.
c. cr crself-reflect crand crformulate crone‟s crpersonal crview crof craging crand crthe crolder crpatient.
d. cr crrecognize crageism cras cra crform crof crbigotry crshared crby crmany crAmericans.
ANS: crC
Ageism cris cran crever-increasing crprejudicial crview crof crthe creffects crof crthe craging crprocess crand crof
crthe crolder crpopulation cras cra crwhole. crWith crnurses crbeing crmembers crof cra crsociety crholding crsuch
crviews, crit cris crcritical crthat crthe crindividual crnurse crself-reflects cron crpersonal crfeelings crand
crdetermines crwhether crsuch crfeelings crwill craffect crthe crnursing crcare crthat cr he cror crshe crprovides crto
crthe craging crpatient. crActing cras cran cradvocate cris cran crimportant crnursing crrole crin crall crsettings.
crSimply craccepting cra crfact crdoes crnot crhelp crend crageism, crnor crdoes crrecognizing crageism cras cra
crform crof crbigotry.
DIF: cr cr crApplying OBJ: 1-6 TOP: cr cr crIntegrated crProcess: crTeaching-Learning
MSC: crSafe crand crEffective crCare crEnvironment
3. cr crThe crnurse crplanning crcare crfor cran crolder cradult crwho crhas crrecently crbeen crdiagnosed crwith
crrheumatoid cr
arthritis crviews crthe crpriority crcriterion crfor crcontinued crindependence crto crbe crthe crpatient‟s
a. cr crage.
b. cr crfinancial crstatus.
c. cr crgender.
d. cr crfunctional crstatus.
Maintaining crthe crfunctional crstatus crof crolder cradults cr(especially crthose crwith crchronic crhealth
conditions) crmay cravert crthe cronset crof crphysical crfrailty crand crcognitive crimpairment, crtwo
crconditions crthat crincrease crthe crlikelihood crof crinstitutionalization.
DIF: cr cr crRemembering OBJ: 1-4
TOP: cr cr crNursing crProcess: crPlanning MSC: crPhysiologic crIntegrity
4. cr crA crnurse crworking crwith crthe crolder cradult crpopulation cris crmost crlikely crto crassess cra crneed
crfor cra cr
financial crsocial crservice‟s crreferral crfor crwhich crperson?
a. cr crWhite crmale
b. cr crBlack crfemale
c. cr crHispanic crmale
d. cr crAsian crAmerican crfemale
ANS: crB
The crpoverty crrate cramong crolder crwomen cris crsubstantially crhigher crthan crthat crseen cramong crmen.
crThe crpoverty crrates crfor crpeople crof crcolor cris crhigher crthan crthat crof crwhites.
DIF: cr cr crRemembering OBJ: 1-4
TOP: cr cr crNursing crProcess: crAssessment MSC: crSafe crand crEffective crCare crEnvironment
5. cr crA crnurse cris crpreparing crto crcomplete cra crhealth crassessment crand crhistory cron cran crolder crpatient.
crWhich cr
statement crreflects cran crunderstanding crof crthe crgeneral crhealth crstatus crof crthis crpopulation?
a. “I‟ll crneed crto crdocument crthe crmedications crthe crpatient cris crcurrently crprescribed.”
b. cr
c. “I crwould crlike crto crunderstand crhow crsupportive crthe crpatient‟s crfamily crmembers
d. crare.”
, N G B.C
cr Oariety crof crchronic crhealth crcare
R crissues.” cr“It crwill crbe crinteresting crto crsee crwhether crthis crpatient crsees crherself cras
g crbeing crhealthy.”
ANS: crA