2025 EXAM
Section 1. Reading
At first, the woman’s contractions were only intermittent, so the nurse had trouble determining how
far her labor had progressed.
1. Which of the following is the definition for the underlined word?
a. frequent
b. irregular
c. painful
d. dependable
2. Which of the following would be the best source to begin developing a position about civil rights
for an oral debate?
a. A blog created by a proponent of civil rights.
b. An interview with someone who took part in a civil rights march.
c. A history textbook detailing civil rights.
d. A speech by a famous civil rights leader.
The heavy spring rain resulted in a plethora of zucchini in Kit’s garden, and left her desperately giving
the vegetables to anyone who was interested.
3. Which of the following is the definition for the underlined word in the sentence?
a. irritation
b. quantity
c. abundance
d. waste
4. The guide words at the top of a dictionary page are needs and negotiate. Which of the following
words is an entry on this page?
a. needle
b. neigh
c. neglect
d. nectar
,Chapter 4: The Fictional Writings of Dorothy L. Sayers
Short Stories
5. Analyze the headings above. Which of the following does not belong?
a. Novels
b. Plays
c. Mysteries
d. Letters
The next three questions are based on the following passage.
Among the first females awarded a degree from Oxford University, Dorothy L. Sayers
proved to be one of the most versatile writers in post-war England. Sayers was born in
1893, the only child of an Anglican chaplain, and she received an unexpectedly good
education at home. For instance, her study of Latin commenced when she was only six years
old. She entered Oxford in 1912, at a time when the university was not granting degrees to
women. By 1920, this policy had changed, and Sayers received her degree in medieval
literature and modern languages after finishing university. That same year, she also received
a master of arts degree.
Sayers’s first foray into published writing was a collection of poetry released in 1916.
Within a few years, she began work on the detective novels and short stories that would
make her famous, due to the creation of the foppish, mystery-solving aristocrat Lord Peter
Wimsey. Sayers is also credited with the short story mysteries about the character
Montague Egg. In spite of her success as a mystery writer, Sayers continued to balance
popular fiction with academic work; her translation of Dante’s Inferno gained her respect
for her ability to convey the poetry in English while still remaining true to the Italian terza
rima. She also composed a series of twelve plays about the life of Christ, and wrote several
essays about education and feminism. In her middle age, Dorothy L. Sayers published
several works of Christian apologetics, one of which was so well-received that the
archbishop of Canterbury attempted to present her with a doctorate of divinity. Sayers, for
reasons known only to her, declined.
6. Which of the following describes the type of writing used to create the passage?
a. narrative
b. persuasive
c. expository
d. technical
, ATI iTEAS iSecrets 240
7. Which iof ithe ifollowing isentences iis ithe ibest isummary iof ithe ipassage?
a. Among ithe ifirst ifemales iawarded ia idegree ifrom iOxford iUniversity, iDorothy iL. iSayers
iproved ito ibe ione iof ithe imost iversatile iwriters iin ipost-war iEngland.
b. Sayers iwas iborn iin i1893, ithe ionly ichild iof ian iAnglican ichaplain, iand ishe ireceived
ian iunexpectedly igood ieducation iat ihome.
c. Within ia ifew iyears, ishe ibegan iwork ion ithe idetective inovels iand ishort istories ithat iwould
imake iher ifamous, idue ito ithe icreation iof ithe ifoppish, imystery-solving iaristocrat iLord
iPeter iWimsey. id.In iher imiddle iage, iDorothy iL. iSayers ipublished iseveral iworks iof
iChristian iapologetics, ione iof iwhich iwas iso iwell-received ithat ithe iarchbishop iof
iCanterbury iattempted ito ipresent iher iwith
a idoctorate iof idivinity.
8. Which iof ithe ifollowing isentences icontains ian iopinion istatement iby ithe iauthor?
a. Among ithe ifirst ifemales iawarded ia idegree ifrom iOxford iUniversity, iDorothy iL. iSayers
iproved ito ibe ione iof ithe imost iversatile iwriters iin ipost-war iEngland.
b. Sayers iwas iborn iin i1893, ithe ionly ichild iof ian iAnglican ichaplain, iand ishe ireceived
ian iunexpectedly igood ieducation iat ihome.
c. Her itranslation iof iDante’s iInferno igained iher irespect ifor iher iability ito iconvey ithe
ipoetry iin iEnglish iwhile istill iremaining itrue ito ithe iItalian iterza irima.
d. Sayers, ifor ireasons iknown ionly ito iher, ideclined.
The inext ifour iquestions iare ibased ion ithe ifollowing iinformation.
The iDewey iDecimal iClasses
000 iComputer iscience, iinformation, iand igeneral
iworks i100 iPhilosophy iand ipsychology
200 iReligion
300 iSocial isciences
400 iLanguages
500 iScience iand i mathematics
i600 iTechnical iand iapplied
iscience i700 iArts iand irecreation
800 iLiterature
900 iHistory, igeography, iand ibiography
9. Jorgen iis idoing ia iproject ion ithe iancient iGreek imathematician iand ipoet iEratosthenes. iIn ihis
iinitial ireview, iJorgen ilearns ithat iEratosthenes iis iconsidered ithe ifirst iperson ito icalculate ithe
icircumference iof ithe iearth, iand ithat ihe iis iconsidered ithe ifirst ito idescribe igeography ias iit iis
istudied itoday. iTo iwhich isection iof ithe ilibrary ishould iJorgen igo ito ifind ione iof ithe iearly imaps
icreated iby iEratosthenes?
a. 100
b. 300
c. 600
d. 900