,Test Bank For Dewits Fundamental Concepts And Skills For Nursing 6th Edition By Williams
Chapter 01: Nursing and the Health Care System
1. Florence Nightingale‘s contributions to nursing practice and education:
a. are historically important but have no validity for nursing today.
b. were neither recognized nor appreciated in her own time.
c. were a major factor in reducing the death rate in the Crimean War.
d. were limited only to the care of severe traumatic wounds.ANS: C
By improving sanitation, nutrition ventilation, and handwashing techniques, Florence
Nightingale‘s nurses dramatically reduced the death rate from injuries in the Crimean War.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: p. 2 OBJ: Theory #1 TOP: Nursing History
KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A MSC: NCLEX: N/A
2. Early nursing education and care in the United States:
a. were directed at community health.
b. provided independence for women through education and employment.
c. were an educational model based in institutions of higher learning.
d. have continued to be entirely focused on hospital nursing.ANS: B
Because of the influence of early nNuUrRsiSnIgNGleTaBd.eCrOs,Mnursing education became
more formalized through apprenticeships in Nightingale schools that offered independence to
women through education and employment.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: p. 2 OBJ: Theory #4 TOP: Nursing History
KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A MSC: NCLEX: N/A
3. In order to fulfill the common goals defined by nursing theorists (promote wellness,
prevent illness, facilitate coping, and restore health), the LPN must take on the roles of:
a. caregiver, educator, and collaborator.
b. nursing assistant, delegator, and environmental specialist.
c. medication dispenser, collaborator, and transporter.
d. dietitian, manager, and housekeeper. ANS: A
In order for the LPN to apply the common goals of nursing, he or she must assume the roles of
caregiver, educator, collaborator, manager, and advocate.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: p. 3 OBJ: Theory #2 TOP: Art and
Science of Nursing KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A MSC: NCLEX: N/A
4. Although nursing theories differ in their attempts to define nursing, all of them base their
beliefs on common concepts concerning:
a. self-actualization, fundamental needs, and belonging.
,b. stress reduction, self-care, and a systems model.
c. curative care, restorative care, and terminal care.
d. human relationships, the environment, and health.
Although nursing theories differ, they all base their beliefs on human relationships, the
environment, and health.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: p. 4 OBJ: Theory #2 TOP: Nursing
Theories KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A MSC: NCLEX: N/A
5. Standards of care for the nursing practice of the LPN are established by the:
a. Boards of Nursing Examiners in each state.
b. National Council of States Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).
c. American Nurses Association (ANA).
d. National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses.
The National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses modified the standards published by the
ANA in 2015 to better fit the role of the LPN. In 2015 the American Nurses Association (ANA)
revised the Standards of Nursing Practice which contained 17 standards of national practice of
nursing, describing all facets of nursing practice: who, what, when, where, how.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: p. 6 OBJ: Theory #2 TOP: Standards of
Care KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A MSC: NCLEX: N/A
6. The LPN demonstrates an evidence-based practice by:
a. using a drug manual to check compatibility of drugs.
Test Bank For Dewits Fundamental Concepts And Skills For Nursing 5th Edition By Williams 4
b. using scientific information to guide decision making.
c. using medical history of a patient to direct nursing interventions.
d. basing nursing care on advice from an experienced nurse.
The iuse iof iscientific iinformation ifrom ihigh-quality iresearch ito iguide inursing idecisions iis
ireflective iof ithe iapplication iof ievidence-based ipractice.
DIF: Cognitive iLevel: iKnowledge i REF: i p. i7 OBJ: iTheory i#3 iTOP: iEvidence-
Based iPractice KEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A iMSC: iNCLEX: iN/A
7. Lillian iWald iand iMary iBrewster iestablished ithe iHenry iStreet iSettlement iService iin
iNew iYork iin i1893 iin iorder ito:
a. offer ia ishelter ito iinjured iwar iveterans.
b. found ia inursing iapprenticeship.
c. provide ihealth icare ito ipoor ipersons iliving iin itenements.
d. offer ibetter ihousing ito ilow-income
ifamilies. iANS: iC
Henry iStreet iSettlement iService ibrought ithe iprovision iof icommunity ihealth icare ito ithe ipoor
, people iliving iin itenements.
DIF: Cognitive iLevel: iComprehension REF: i p. i2 OBJ: iTheory i#4 iTOP: iGrowth
iof iNursing KEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A iMSC: iNCLEX: iN/A
8. An ieducational ipathway ifor ian iLPN/LVN irefers ito ian iLPN/LVN:
a. learning ion ithe ijob iand ibeing ipromoted ito ia ihigher ilevel iof iresponsibility.
b. moving ifrom ia imaternity iunit ito ia imore icomplicated isurgical iunit.
c. obtaining iadditional ieducation ito imove ifrom ione ilevel iof inursing ito ianother.
d. learning ithat iadvancement irequires iconsistent iwork iand
icommitment. iANS: iC
By ibroadening ithe ieducational ibase, ian iLPN/LVN i may iadvance iand ibuild ia inursing icareer.
Test iBank iFor iDewits iFundamental iConcepts iAnd iSkills iFor iNursing i5th iEdition iBy iWilliams
DIF: Cognitive iLevel: iKnowledge i REF: i p. i7 OBJ: iTheory i#7 iTOP: iNursing
iEducation iPathways KEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A
9. When idiagnosis-related igroups i(DRGs) iwere iestablished iby iMedicare iin i1983,
ithe ipurpose iwas ito:
a. put ipatients iwith ithe isame idiagnosis ion ithe isame iunit.
b. attempt ito icontain ithe icosts iof ihealth icare.
c. increase ithe iavailability iof imedical icare ito iolder iadults.
d. identify ia ipatient‘s icondition imore
iquickly. iANS: iB
The ipurpose iof iinstituting iDRGs iwas ito icontain iskyrocketing icosts iof ihealth icare.
DIF: Cognitive iLevel: iKnowledge i REF: i p. i9 OBJ: iTheory i#10 iTOP: iHealth
iCare iDelivery KEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A iMSC: iNCLEX: iN/A
10. The iadvent iof idiagnosis-related igroups i(DRGs) irequired ithat inurses iworking iin
ihealth icare iagencies:
a. record isupportive idocumentation ito iconfirm ia ipatient‘s ineed ifor icare iin iorder ito
iqualify ifor ireimbursement.
b. use ithe iDRG irather ithan itheir iown iobservations ifor ipatient iassessment.
c. be iaware iof ithe ispecific idrugs irelated ito ithe idiagnosis.
d. acquire icross-training ito imake istaffing imore
iflexible. iANS: iA
DRGs irequired ithat inurses iprovide imore isupportive idocumentation iof itheir iassessments iand
iidentified ipatient‘s ineeds ito iqualify ithe ifacility ifor iMedicare ireimbursement. iObservant
iassessment imight ialso iindicate ianother iDRG iclassification iand iconsequently imore
ireimbursement ifor ithe ifacility.
DIF: Cognitive iLevel: iComprehension REF: i p. i10 OBJ: iTheory i#10 iTOP:
iManaged iCare KEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A iMSC: