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Test Bank For Nutritional Foundations and Clinical Applications A Nursing Approach 7th Edition By Michele Grodner; Sylvia Escott-Stump; Suzanne Dorner 9780323544900 Chapter 1-20 Complete Guide .
Nutritional Foundations And Clinical Applications
Nutritional Foundations And Clinical Applications
Test Bank For Nutritional Foundations and Clinical Applications A Nursing Approach 7th Edition By Michele Grodner; Sylvia Escott-Stump; Suzanne Dorner 9780323544900 Chapter 1-20 Complete Guide .
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Your hjreadings hjin hjchapter hj9 hjthis hjweek hjand hjthe hjhandout hjdiscussing hjthe hjrisk hjcompanies hjface
hjover hjunstructured hjdata hjraise hjconcerns hjthat hjneed hjto hjbe hjaddressed hjwhen hja hjcompany hjuses
hjsocial h j media. hjWith hjyour hjindustry hjin hjmind, hjidentify hjand hjdiscuss hjthese hjconcerns hjand
hjaddress hjhow hjthey hjcan hjbe hjeffectively hjhandled
,Nutritional hjFoundations hjand hjClinical hjApplications hj7th hjEdition hjGrodner hjTest hjBank
Nutritional Foundations and Clinical Applications 7TH Edition
hj hj hj hj hj hj
Chapter hj1. h j Wellness hjNutrition
1. Examples hjof hjinformal hjeducation hjinclude
a.attending hja hjworkshop hjon hjcoronary hjartery hjdisease hjsponsored hjby hjthe hjAmerican hjHeart
b.watching hja hjtelevision hjshow hjabout hjdiabetes.
c.learning hjabout hjfood hjsafety hjtechniques hjin hja hjhigh hjschool hjeconomics hjcourse.
hjd.joining hja hjsupport hjgroup hjto hjhelp hjovercome hjan hjeating hjdisorder.
ANS: hjB
Watching hja hjtelevision hjshow hjabout hjdiabetes hjis hjan hjexample hjof hjinformal hjeducation hjbecause hjit
hj is hjan hjexperience hjthat hjoccurs hjthrough hja hjdailyhjactivity. hjAttending hja hjworkshop hjor hjjoining hja
hj support hjgroup hjwould hjbe hjconsidered hjnonformal hjeducation; hja hjhigh hjschool hjcourse hjwould hjbe
hj considered hjformal hjeducation.
DIF:Cognitive hjLevel: hjApplyingREFage hj6
TOP: hjNursing hjProcess: hjImplementation hjMSC: hjClient hjNeeds: hjHealth hjpromotion hjand
2. A hjcollege hjstudent hjexercises hjregularly hjand hjgenerally hjeats hja hjhealthy hjvariety hjof hjfoods, hjis
taking hja hjcourse hjin hjgeneral hjnutrition, hjbuys hjlocally hjproduced hjfood hjwhenever hjpossible, hjis hjan
active hjmember hjof hjan hjon-campus hjfaith-based hjorganization, hjand hjkeeps hja hjjournal hjto hjhelp
hj process hjher hjemotions. hjWhat hjelse hjcould hjbe hjimportant hjfor hjher hjto hjinclude hjin hjher hjlife hjin
hj order hjto hjdevelop hjher hjoverall hjwellness?
a. Growing hjsome hjof hjher hjown hjfood
b. Keeping hja hjfood hjrecord hjto hjhelp hjevaluate hjwhat hjshe hjeats
c. Eating hjmeals hjwith hjfriends hjthroughout hjthe hjweek
d. Meeting hjwith hja hjregistered hjdietitian hjto hjreview hjher hjfood hjchoices
,Nutritional hjFoundations hjand hjClinical hjApplications hj7th hjEdition hjGrodner hjTest hjBank
ANS: hjC
Wellness hjenhances hja hjpersons hjlevel hjof hjhealth hjthrough hjdevelopment hjof hjeach hjof hjthe hjsix
hj dimensions hjof hjhealth: hjphysical hjhealth, hjintellectual hjhealth, hjemotional hjhealth, hjsocial hjhealth,
hj spiritual hjhealth, hjand hjenvironmental hjhealth. hjExercise hjand hjeating hja hjhealth hjvariety hjof hjfoods
help hjdevelop hjphysical hjhealth; hjtaking hja hjcourse hjin hjgeneral hjnutrition hjhelps hjdevelop hjintellectual
hj health; hjbuying hjlocally hjproduced hjfood hjhelps hjdevelop hjenvironmental hjhealth; hjbeing hjpart hjof hja
hj faith-based hjorganization hjhelps hjdevelop hjspiritual hjhealth; hjand hjkeeping hja hjjournal hjhelps hjdevelop
hj emotional hjhealth. hjThe hjmissing hjdimension hjin hjthis hjexample hjis hjdevelopment hjof hjsocial hjhealth;
hj eating hjmeals hjwith hjfriends hjthroughout hjthe hjweek hjwould hjadd hjthis hjdimension. hjGrowing hjher
hj own hjfood hjwould hjbe hjanother hjexample hjof hjenvironmental hjhealth; hjkeeping hja hjfood hjrecord
hj would hjbe hjanother hjcontributor hjto hjphysical hjhealth; hjand hjmeeting hjwith hja hjregistered hjdietitian
hj may hjcontribute hjto hjphysical, hjintellectual, hjand hjemotional hjhealth.
DIF:Cognitive hjLevel: hjAnalyzingREFages hj1-3
TOP: hjNursing hjProcess: hjAssessment hjMSC: hjClient hjNeeds: hjHealth hjpromotion hjand hjmaintenance
3. For hja hjclient hjwho hjis hjmissing hjmeals hjbecause hjof hjpoor hjplanning hjor hjis hjtoo hjbusy hjto hjeat,
emotional hjhealth hjcan hjbe hjaffected hjby
hj , hjwhich hjcan hjcause hjconfusion hjor hjanxiety.
a.low hjblood hjsugar
hjlevels hjb.high hjblood
hjsugar hjlevels hjc.high
hjblood hjpressure
d.extremelyhjlow hjblood hjpressure
hj ANS: hjD
Poor hjeating hjhabits hjaffect hjemotional hjhealth. hjMissing hjmeals hjmay hjcause hjblood hjsugar hjlevels hjto
hj decrease, hjwhich hjcan hjcause hjanxiety hjor hjconfusion hjor hjmake hjit hjdifficult hjto hjcontrol hjemotions.
hj Late hjnight hjbinges hjon hjsnack hjfood hjare hjlikelyhjto hjresult hjin hjexcessive hjenergy hjintake hjbut hjwould
have hja hjless hjdirect hjeffect hjon hjemotional hjhealth. hjEating hjsmall hjmeals hjthroughout hjthe hjday hjis
hj likely hjto hjmaintain hjmore hjconstant hjblood hjsugar hjlevels, hjwhich hjwould hjactually hjhave hja hjpositive
hj effect hjon hjemotional hjhealth. hjExcessive hjcaffeine hjconsumption hjmay hjcontribute hjto hjanxiety, hjbut
hj 2 hjcups hjof hjcaffeinated hjcoffee hjis hjnot hjconsidered hjexcessive.
DIF:Cognitive hjLevel: hjAnalyzingREFage hj2
, Nutritional hjFoundations hjand hjClinical hjApplications hj7th hjEdition hjGrodner hjTest hjBank
TOP: hjNursing hjProcess: hjAssessment hjMSC: hjClient hjNeeds: hjPsychosocial hjintegrity
4. The hjbest hjexample hjof hjthe hjtype hjof hjconcern hjthat hjis hjlikely hjto hjbe hjaddressed hjby hjthe hjU.S.
Department hjof hjHealth hjand hjHuman hjServices hjwhen hjtarget hjgoals hjfor hjHealthy hjPeople hj2030
hj are hjupdated hjis
a.preference hjfor hjvegetarian hjeating hjpatterns hjamong hjwhite hjwomen.
hjb.low hjintake hjof hjfruits hjand hjvegetables hjby hjAfrican hjAmerican
hjchildren. hjc.widespread hjuse hjof hjbottled hjwater hjin hjhigher
hjsocioeconomic hjgroups. hjd.common hjuse hjof hjprotein hjand hjvitamin
hjsupplements hjin hjathletes.
ANS: hjB
Healthy hjPeople hjis hjused hjto hjset hjtargets hjfor hjhealth hjpromotion hjto hjimprove hjthe hjhealth hjof hjall
hj individuals. hjIt hjaddresses hjenvironmental hjand hjsocial hjissues hjthat hjaffect hjhealth hjoutcomes. hjLow
hj intake hjof hjfruits hjand hjvegetables hjby hjAfrican hjAmerican hjchildren hjis hjlikely hjto hjhave hjan hjadverse
effect hjon hjtheir hjhealth hjand hjso hjmay hjbe hjaddressed hjwhen hjtarget hjgoals hjare hjset. hjVegetarian
hj eating hjpatterns, hjuse hjof hjbottled hjwater, hjand hjuse hjof hjprotein hjand hjvitamin hjsupplements hjdo hjnot
hj necessarily hjhave hjan hjadverse hjeffect hjon hjnutritional hjhealth hjand hjso hjare hjless hjlikely hjto hjbe
hj addressed.
DIF: hjCognitive hjLevel: hjApplying hjREF: hjPages hj4-6 hjTOP: hjNursing hjProcess:
Planning hjMSC: hjClient hjNeeds: hjHealth hjpromotion hjand hjmaintenance
5. An hjexample hjof hjcommunity hjsupport hjfor hjhealth hjpromotion hjis
a.teaching hja hj young hjmother hjskills hjin hjsafe hjfood hjpreparation.
b.watching hja hjtelevision hjdocumentaryhjabout hjindustry hjerrors hjin hjfood hjprocessing.
hjc.labeling hjfresh hjpoultry hjpackages hjwith hjinformation hj about hj proper hjfood hjstorage.
d.being hjaware hjthat hjSalmonella hjcan hjbe hjtransmitted hjbecause hjof hjinadequate hjfood hjpreparation.
hj ANS: hjC
Food hjlabeling hjinformation hjis hjan hjexample hjof hjcommunity hjsupport hjbecause hjit hjis hja hjregulatory
hj measure hjthat hjsupports hjnew hjhealth-promoting hjbehaviors hjwithin hja hjsocial hjcontext. hjTeaching,
hj watching hjtelevision hjand hjawareness hjmay hjincrease hjknowledge, hjbut hjtheyhjdo hjnot hjalter hjthe hjsocial
hj context hjby hjregulation hjor hjenvironmental hjchange.