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Test Bank Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems 12th Edition By Harding & Kwong $17.99
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Test Bank Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems 12th Edition By Harding & Kwong

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  • Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing
  • Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing
Test Bank for Lewis\'s Medical-Surgical Nursing,
co co co co co

co 12th Edition by Mariann M. Harding, Jeffrey Kwong,
co co co co co co co

Debra Hagler Chapter 1-69
co co co co co

,Chapter 01: Professional Nursing
co co co

Harding: Lewis’s Medical-Surgical Nursing, 12th Edition
co co co co co


1. The conurse cocompletes coan coadmission codatabase coand coexplains cothat cothe coplan coof cocare coand
codischarge cogoals cowill cobe codeveloped cowith cothe copatient‗s coinput. coThe copatient coasks, co―How cois
cothis codifferent cofrom cowhat cothe cophysician codoes?‖ coWhich coresponse cowould cothe conurse

a. ―The corole coof cothe conurse cois coto coadminister comedications coand coother cotreatments
coprescribed coby coyour cophysician.‖

b. ―In coaddition coto cocaring cofor coyou cowhile coyou coare cosick, cothe conurses cowill cohelp coyou
coplan coto comaintain coyour cohealth.‖

c. ―The conurse‗s cojob cois coto cocollect coinformation coand cocommunicate coanycoproblems
cothat cooccur coto cothe cophysician.‖

d. ―Nurses coperform comanycoof cothe cosame coprocedures coas cothe cophysician, cobut conurses
coare cowith cothe copatients cofor coa colonger cotime cothan cothe cophysician.‖

ANS: c o B
The coAmerican coNurses coAssociation co(ANA) codefinition coof conursing codescribes cothe corole coof
conurses coin copromoting cohealth. coThe coother coresponses codescribe codependent coand cocollaborative

cofunctions coof cothe conursing corole cobut codo conot coaccurately codescribe cothe conurse‗s counique corole

coin cothe cohealth cocare cosystem.

DIF: c o c o Cognitive coLevel: coAnalyze co(Analysis)
TOP: c o Nursing coProcess: coImplementation c o c o c o MSC: co NCLEX: coSafe coand coEffective coCare

2. Which costatement coby cothe conurse coaccurately codescribes cothe couse coof coevidence-based copractice co(EBP)?
a. ―Patient cocare cois cobased coon coclinical cojudgment, coexperience, coand cotraditions.‖
b. ―Data coare coanalyzed colater coto coshow cothat cothe copatient cooutcomes coare coconsistently comet.‖
c. ―Research cofrom coall copublished coarticles coare coused coas coa coguide cofor coplanning copatient cocare.‖
d. ―Recommendations coare cobased coon coresearch, coclinical coexpertise, coand
co patient copreferences.‖
ANS: c o D
Evidence-based copractice co(EBP) cois cothe couse coof cothe cobest coresearch-based coevidence
cocombined cowith coclinician coexpertise coand coconsideration coof copatient copreferences. coClinical

cojudgment cobased coon cothe conurse‗s coclinical coexperience cois copart coof coEBP, cobut coclinical

codecision comaking coshould coalso coincorporate cocurrent coresearch coand coresearch-based

coguidelines. coEvaluation coof copatient cooutcomes cois coimportant, cobut codata coanalysis cois conot

corequired coto couse coEBP. coAll copublished coarticles codo conot coprovide coresearch coevidence;

cointerventions coshould cobe cobased coon cocredible coresearch, copreferably corandomized cocontrolled

costudies cowith coa colarge conumber coof cosubjects.

DIF: Cognitive coLevel: coUnderstand co(Comprehension) TOP: coNursing coProcess:
coPlanning coMSC: c o NCLEX: coSafe coand coEffective coCare coEnvironment

3. Which costatement coby cothe conurse coprovides coa coclear coexplanation coof cothe conursing coprocess?
a. ―The conursing coprocess cois coa coresearch comethod coof codiagnosing cothe copatient‗s cohealth
care coproblems.‖

b. ―The conursing coprocess cois coused coprimarily coto coexplain conursing cointerventions coto
coother cohealth cocare coprofessionals.‖

c. ―The conursing coprocess cois coa coproblem-solving cotool coused coto coidentify coand comanage cothe

, patients‗ cohealth cocare coneeds.‖
d. ―The conursing coprocess cois cobased coon conursing cotheorycothat coincorporates
the cobiopsychosocial conature coof cohumans.‖

ANS: c o C
The conursing coprocess cois coa coproblem-solving coapproach coto cothe coidentification coand cotreatment
coof copatients‗ coproblems. coNursing coprocess codoes conot corequire coresearch comethods cofor

codiagnosis. coThe coprimary couse coof cothe conursing coprocess cois coin copatient cocare, conot coto coestablish

conursing cotheory coor coexplain conursing cointerventions coto coother cohealth cocare coprofessionals.

DIF: Cognitive coLevel: coUnderstand co(Comprehension) TOP: coNursing coProcess:
coEvaluation coMSC: c o NCLEX: coSafe coand coEffective coCare coEnvironment

4. A copatient coadmitted coto cothe cohospital cofor cosurgerycotells cothe conurse, co―Icodo conot cofeel
cocomfortable coleaving comy cochildren cowith comy coparents.‖ coWhich coaction cowould cothe
conurse cotake conext?

a. Reassure cothe copatient cothat cothese cofeelings coare cocommon cofor coparents.
b. Have cothe copatient cocall cothe cochildren coto coensure cothat cothey coare codoing cowell.
c. Gather coinformation coon cothe copatient‗s coconcerns coabout cothe cochild cocare coarrangements.
d. Call cothe copatient‗s coparents coto codetermine cowhether coadequate cochild cocare cois
cobeing coprovided.

ANS: c o C
Because coa cocomplete coassessment cois conecessary coin coorder coto coidentify coa coproblem coand
cochoose coan coappropriate cointervention, cothe conurse‗s cofirst coaction coshould cobe coto coobtain comore

coinformation. coThe coother coactions comay cobe coappropriate, cobut comore coassessment cois coneeded

cobefore cothe cobest cointervention cocan cobe cochosen.

DIF: Cognitive coLevel: coAnalyze co(Analysis)
TOP: c o Nursing coProcess: coAssessment MSC: c o NCLEX: coPsychosocial coIntegrity

5. A copatient cowith coa cobacterial coinfection cois cohypovolemic codue coto coa cofever coand coexcessive
diaphoresis. coWhich coexpected cooutcome cowould cothe conurse coselect cofor cothis copatient?

a. Patient cohas coa cobalanced cointake coand cooutput.
b. Patient‗s cobedding cois cokept coclean coand cofree coof comoisture.
c. Patient counderstands cothe coneed cofor coincreased cofluid cointake.
d. Patient‗s coskin coremains cocool coand codrycothroughout cohospitalization.
ANS: c o A
Balanced cointake coand cooutput cogives comeasurable codata coshowing coresolution coof cothe coproblem coof
codeficient cofluid covolume. coThe coother costatements cowould conot coindicate cothat cothe coproblem coof

cohypovolemia cowas coresolved.

DIF: Cognitive coLevel: coApply co(Application) TOP: coNursing coProcess:
coPlanning coMSC: c o NCLEX: coPhysiological coIntegrity

6. Which costatement codescribes cothe copurpose coof cothe coevaluation cophase coof cothe conursing coprocess?
a. To codocument cothe conursing cocare coplan coin cothe coprogress conotes coof cothe cohealth corecord
b. To codetermine coif cointerventions cohave cobeen coeffective coin comeeting copatient cooutcomes
c. To codecide cowhether cothe copatient‗s cohealth coproblems cohave cobeen cocompletely coresolved
d. To coestablish coif cothe copatient coagrees cothat cothe conursing cocare coprovided cowas cosatisfactory
ANS: c o B

, Evaluation coconsists coof codetermining cowhether cothe codesired copatient cooutcomes cohave cobeen
comet coand cowhether cothe conursing cointerventions cowere coappropriate. coThe coother coresponses codo

conot codescribe cothe coevaluation cophase.

DIF: c o Cognitive coLevel: coUnderstand co(Comprehension) TOP: co Nursing Process:

coEvaluation coMSC: c o NCLEX: coSafe coand coEffective coCare coEnvironment

7. Which costatement codescribes cothe copurpose coof cothe coassessment cophase coof cothe conursing coprocess?
a. To coteach cointerventions cothat corelieve cohealth coproblems
b. To couse copatient codata coto coevaluate copatient cocare cooutcomes
c. To coobtain codata coto codiagnose copatient costrengths coand coproblems
d. To cohelp cothe copatient coidentify corealistic cooutcomes cofor cohealth coproblems
ANS: c o C
During cothe coassessment cophase, cothe conurse cogathers coinformation coabout cothe copatient coto
codiagnose copatient costrengths coand coproblems. coThe coother coresponses coare coexamples coof cothe

coplanning, cointervention, coand coevaluation cophases coof cothe conursing coprocess.

DIF: Cognitive coLevel: coUnderstand co(Comprehension)
TOP: c o Nursing coProcess: coAssessment MSC: c o NCLEX: coSafe coand coEffective coCare coEnvironment

8. When codeveloping cothe coplan coof cocare, cowhich cocomponents cowould cothe conurse coinclude coin cothe
clinical coproblem costatement?

a. The coproblem coand cothe cosuggested copatient cogoals coor cooutcomes
b. The coproblem, coits cocauses, coand cothe cosigns coand cosymptoms coof cothe coproblem
c. The coproblem cowith cothe copossible coetiology coand cothe coplanned cointerventions
d. The coproblem, coits copathophysiology, coand cothe coexpected cooutcome
ANS: c o B
When cowriting coclinical coproblems coor conursing codiagnoses, cothe cosubjective coas cowell coas
coobjective codata coto cosupport cothe coproblem‗s coexistence coshould cobe coincluded. coGoals, cooutcomes,

coand cointerventions coare conot coincluded coin cothe coproblem costatement.

DIF: Cognitive coLevel: coUnderstand co(Comprehension) TOP: coNursing coProcess:
coDiagnosis coMSC: c o NCLEX: coSafe coand coEffective coCare coEnvironment

9. Which copatient cocare cotask cowould cothe conurse codelegate coto coexperienced coassistive copersonnel co(AP)?
a. Instruct cothe copatient coabout cothe coneed coto coalternate coactivity coand corest.
b. Monitor colevel coof coshortness coof cobreath coor cofatigue coafter coambulation.
c. Obtain cothe copatient‗s coblood copressure coand copulse corate coafter coambulation.
d. Determine cowhether cothe copatient cois coready coto coincrease cothe coactivity colevel.
ANS: c o C
AP coeducation coincludes coaccurate covital cosign comeasurement. coAssessment coand copatient coteaching
corequire coregistered conurse coeducation coand coscope coof copractice coand cocannot cobe codelegated.

DIF: Cognitive coLevel: coApply co(Application) TOP: coNursing coProcess:
coPlanning coMSC: c o NCLEX: coSafe coand coEffective coCare coEnvironment

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