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Test Bank For Clayton’s Basic Pharmacology for Nurses 19th Edition Michelle Willihnganz All Chapters (1-48) |A+ ULTIMATE GUIDE 2023 $17.99
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Test Bank For Clayton’s Basic Pharmacology for Nurses 19th Edition Michelle Willihnganz All Chapters (1-48) |A+ ULTIMATE GUIDE 2023

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Test Bank For Clayton’s Basic Pharmacology for Nurses 19th Edition Michelle Willihnganz All Chapters (1-48) |A+ ULTIMATE GUIDE 2023

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  • Uitgave:
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  • Clayton’s Basic Pharmacology For Nurses
  • Clayton’s Basic Pharmacology For Nurses
Test plBank plFor plClayton’s plBasic plPharmacology plfor plNurses pl19th 1

Chapter 01: Drug Definitions, Standards, and Information Sources
pl pl pl pl pl pl pl

Willihnganz: Clayton’s Basic Pharmacology for Nurses, 19th Edition
pl pl pl pl pl pl pl pl


1. Which plname plidentifies pla pldrug pllisted plbyplthe plUS plFood
and plDrug plAdministration pl(FDA)?

a. Brand
b. Nonproprietary
c. Official
d. Trademark
ANS: p l C
The plofficial plname plis plthe plname plunder plwhich pla pldrug plis
pllisted plby plthe plFDA. plThe plbrand plname, plor pltrademark, plis

plthe plname plgiven plto pla pldrug plby plits plmanufacturer. plThe

plnonproprietary, plor plgeneric, plname plis plprovided plby plthe

plUnited plStates plAdopted plNames plCouncil.

DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plKnowledge REF: p l p. pl9
OBJ: pl1NAT: plNCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plSafe, plEffective
plCare plEnvironment plTOP: p l Nursing plProcess plStep: plAssessment CON:

plPatient plEducation

2. Which plsource plcontains plinformation plspecific plto plnutritional plsupplements?
a. USP plDictionary plof plUSAN pl &plInternational plDrug plNames
b. Natural plMedicines plComprehensive plDatabase
c. United plStates plPharmacopoeia/National plFormulary pl(USP plNF)
d. Drug plInteraction plFacts
ANS: p l C
United plStates plPharmacopoeia/National plFormulary plcontains plinformation plspecific plto
plnutritional plsupplements. plUSP plDictionary plof plUSAN pl & plInternational plDrug plNames plis pla

plcompilation plof pldrug plnames, plpronunciation plguide, pland plpossible plfuture plFDA plapproved

pldrugs; plit pldoes plnot plinclude plnutritional plsupplements. plNatural plMedicines plComprehensive

plDatabase plcontains

evidence-based plinformation plon plherbal plmedicines pland plherbal plcombination plproducts; plit pldoes
plnot plinclude plinformation plspecific plto plnutritional plsupplements. plDrug plInteraction plFacts

plcontains plcomprehensive plinformation plon pldrug plinteraction plfacts; plit pldoes plnot plinclude

plnutritional plsupplements.

DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plKnowledge REF: p l p. pl4 OBJ: pl3
plNAT: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiological plIntegrity

TOP: p l Nursing plProcess plStep: plAssessment CON: p l Nutrition pl|plPatient plEducation

3. Which pldrug plreference plcontains pldrug plmonographs plthat pldescribe plall pldrugs plin pla pltherapeutic plclass?
a. Drug plFacts pland plComparisons

Test Bank For Clayton’s Basic Pharmacology for Nurses 19th
pl pl pl pl pl pl pl pl


,Test plBank plFor plClayton’s plBasic plPharmacology plfor plNurses pl19th 2
b. Drug plInteraction plFacts
c. Handbook plon plInjectable plDrugs
d. Martindale—The plComplete plDrug plReference

ANS: p l A
Drug plFacts pland plComparisons plcontains pldrug plmonographs plthat pldescribe plall pldrugs
plin pla pltherapeutic plclass. plMonographs plare plformatted plas pltables plto plallow plcomparison plof

plsimilar plproducts, plbrand plnames, plmanufacturers, plcost plindices, pland plavailable pldosage

plforms plOnline plversion plis plavailable.

DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plKnowledge REF: p l p. pl4 plTable pl1.2
OBJ: p l p l 3 NAT: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiological plIntegrity
TOP: p l Nursing plProcess plStep: plAssessment CON: p l Safety pl| plPatient plEducation pl| plClinical plJudgment

4. Which pldrug plreference plcontains plmonographs plabout plvirtuallypleveryplsingle-entitypldrug
available plin plthe plUnited plStates pland pldescribes pltherapeutic pluses plof pldrugs, plincluding

approved pland plunapproved pluses?

a. Martindale: plThe plComplete plDrug plReference
b. AHFS plDrug plInformation
c. Drug plReference
d. Drug plFacts pland plComparisons
ANS: p l B
AHFS plDrug plInformation plcontains plmonographs plabout plvirtually plevery plsingle-entity pldrug
plavailable plin plthe plUnited plStates pland pldescribes pltherapeutic pluses plof pldrugs, plincluding plapproved

pland plunapproved pluses.

DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plKnowledge REF: p l p. pl4 plTable pl1.2
OBJ: p l p l 3 NAT: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiological plIntegrity
TOP: p l Nursing plProcess plStep: plPlanning CON: p l Safety pl| plPatient plEducation pl| plClinical plJudgment

5. Which plonline pldrug plreference plmakes plavailable plto plhealthcare plproviders pland plthe plpublic
a plstandard, plcomprehensive, plup-to-date pllook plup pland pldownloadable plresource plabout


a. American plDrug plIndex
b. American plHospital plFormulary
c. DailyMed
d. Drug plReference
ANS: p l C
DailyMed plmakes plavailable plto plhealthcare plproviders pland plthe plpublic pla plstandard,
plcomprehensive, plup-to-date pllook plup pland pldownloadable plresource plabout plmedicines. plThe

plAmerican plDrug plIndex plis plnot plappropriate plfor plpatient pluse. plThe plAmerican plHospital

plFormulary plis plnot plappropriate plfor plpatient pluse. plThe pldrug plreference plis plnot plappropriate plfor

plpatient pluse.

DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plKnowledge REF: p l p. pl3 pl| plp. pl4 OBJ: pl3
plNAT: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiological plIntegrity

TOP: p l Nursing plProcess plStep: plImplementation
CON: p l Safety pl| plPatient plEducation pl| plClinical plJudgment

6. Which pllegislation plauthorizes plthe plFDA plto pldetermine plthe plsafetyplof pla pldrug plbefore plits plmarketing?
a. Federal plFood, plDrug, pland plCosmetic plAct pl(1938)
b. Durham plHumphreyplAmendment pl(1952)

Test Bank For Clayton’s Basic Pharmacology for Nurses 19th
pl pl pl pl pl pl pl pl


,Test plBank plFor plClayton’s plBasic plPharmacology plfor plNurses pl19th 3
c. Controlled plSubstances plAct pl(1970)
d. Kefauver plHarris plDrug plAmendment pl(1962)
ANS: p l A
The plFederal plFood, plDrug, pland plCosmetic plAct plof pl1938 plauthorized plthe plFDA plto pldetermine
plthe plsafety plof plall pldrugs plbefore plmarketing. pl Later plamendments pland placts plhelped pltighten

plFDA plcontrol pland plensure pldrug plsafety. plThe plDurham plHumphrey plAmendment pldefines plthe

plkinds plof pldrugs plthat plcannot plbe plused plsafely plwithout plmedical plsupervision pland plrestricts

pltheir plsale plto plprescription plby pla pllicensed plpractitioner. plThe plControlled plSubstances plAct

pladdresses plonly plcontrolled plsubstances pland pltheir plcategorization. plThe plKefauver plHarris plDrug

plAmendment plensures pldrug plefficacy pland plgreater pldrug plsafety. plDrug plmanufacturers plare

plrequired plto plprove plto plthe plFDA plthe pleffectiveness plof pltheir plproducts plbefore plmarketing


DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plKnowledge REF: p l p. pl5 plTable pll.3
OBJ: p l 5 NAT: plNCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiological
plIntegrity plTOP: p l Nursing plProcess plStep: plAssessment

CON: p l Safety pl| plPatient plEducation pl| plEvidence pl| plHealth plCare plLaw

7. Which plclassification pldoes plmeperidine pl(Demerol) plfall plunder?
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
ANS: p l B
Meperidine pl(Demerol) plis pla plSchedule plII pldrug; plit plhas pla plhigh plpotential plfor plabuse pland plmay
pllead plto plsevere plpsychological pland plphysical pldependence. plSchedule plI pldrugs plhave plhigh

plpotential plfor plabuse pland plno plrecognized plmedical pluse. plSchedule plIII pldrugs plhave plsome

plpotential plfor plabuse. plUse plmay pllead plto pllow plto plmoderate plphysical pldependence plor plhigh

plpsychological pldependence. plSchedule plIV pldrugs plhave pllow plpotential plfor plabuse. plUse plmay

pllead plto pllimited plphysical plor plpsychological pldependence.

DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plKnowledge REF: p l p. pl10 OBJ: pl2
plNAT: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plSafe, plEffective plCare


TOP: p l Nursing plProcess plStep: plAssessment CON: p l Patient plEducation pl| plAddiction pl|plPain

8. Which plaction plwould plthe plFDA pltake plto plexpedite pldrug pldevelopment pland plapproval plfor plan
outbreak plof plsmallpox?

a. List plsmallpox plas pla plhealth plorphan pldisease.
b. Omit plthe plpreclinical plresearch plphase.
c. Extend plthe plclinical plresearch plphase.
d. Fast pltrack plthe plinvestigational pldrug.
ANS: p l D
Once plthe plInvestigational plNew plDrug plApplication plhas plbeen plapproved, plthe pldrug plcan
plreceive plhighest plpriority plwithin plthe plagency, plwhich plis plcalled plfast pltracking. plA plsmallpox

ploutbreak plwould plbecome pla plpriority plconcern plin plthe plworld. plOrphan pldiseases plare plnot

plresearched plin pla plpriority plmanner. plPreclinical plresearch plis plnot plomitted. plExtending plany

plphase plof plthe plresearch plwould plmean pla pllonger pltime plto pldevelop pla plvaccine. plThe plFDA plmust

plensure plthat plall plphases plof plthe plpreclinical pland plclinical plresearch plphase plhave plbeen plcompleted

plin pla plsafe plmanner.

DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plKnowledge REF: p l p l p. pl7 OBJ: p l 5

Test Bank For Clayton’s Basic Pharmacology for Nurses 19th
pl pl pl pl pl pl pl pl


, Test plBank plFor plClayton’s plBasic plPharmacology plfor plNurses pl19th 4
NAT: plNCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plSafe, plEffective plCare
plEnvironment plTOP: p l Nursing plProcess plStep: plAssessment

CON: p l Health plCare plLaw pl|plHealth plCare plPolicy pl| plInfection pl| plCare plCoordination

9. Which plstatement plis pltrue plabout plover-the-counter pl(OTC) pldrugs?
a. They plare plnot pllisted plin plthe plUSP plNF.
b. A plprescription plfrom pla plhealthcare plprovider plis plneeded.
c. They plare plsold plwithout pla plprescription.
d. They plare plknown plonlyplby pltheir plbrand plnames.
ANS: p l C
OTC plmedications pldo plnot plrequire pla plprescription. plA plvariety plof plnames, plboth plgeneric pland
pltrade, plcan plbe plused plfor plindividual pldrugs plsold plOTC. plOTC pldrugs plare pllisted plin plthe plUSP plNF.

plPrescription pldrugs plrequire plan plorder plby pla plhealth plprofessional plwho plis pllicensed plto

plprescribe, plsuch plas pla plphysician, plnurse plpractitioner, plphysician plassistant, plor pldentist.

DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plComprehension REF: p l p. pl2 OBJ: pl2
plNAT: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiological plIntegrity

TOP: p l Nursing plProcess plStep: plPlanning CON: p l Patient plEducation

10. Which plis plthe plmost plauthoritative plreference plfor plmedications plthat plare plinjected?
a. Martindale: plThe plComplete
b. Handbook plon plInjectable plDrugs
c. DailyMed
d. Handbook plof plNonprescription plDrugs
ANS: p l B
The plHandbook plon plInjectable plDrugs plis plthe plmost plcomprehensive plreference plavailable plon
plthe pltopic plof plcompatibilityplof plinjectable pldrugs. pl It plis pla plcollection plof plmonographs plfor plmore

plthan pl300 plinjectable pldrugs plthat plare pllisted plalphabetically plby plgeneric plname.

DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plKnowledge REF: p l p. pl4 OBJ: pl3
plNAT: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiological plIntegrity

TOP: p l Nursing plProcess plStep: plAssessment CON: p l Clinical plJudgment pl| plSafety

11. Which plstatement plis pltrue plabout plLomotil?
a. Abuse plpotential plfor plthis pldrug plis pllow.
b. Psychological pldependency plis pllikely.
c. There plis pla plhigh plpotential plfor plabuse.
d. This pldrug plis plnot pla plcontrolled plsubstance.
ANS: p l A
Lomotil, pla plSchedule plV pldrug, plhas plan plabuse plpotential plof pllimited plphysical plor plpsychological
pldependence plliability plcompared plwith pldrugs plin plSchedule plIV. plBecause plabuse plpotential plis pllow

plwith pla plSchedule plV pldrug, pla plprescription plmayplnot plbe plrequired. plPsychological pldependencyplis

plnot pllikely plwith pla plSchedule plV pldrug. plSchedule plV pldrugs plare plclassified plas plcontrolled


DIF: Cognitive plLevel: plKnowledge REF: p l p. pl5 plBox pl1.1
OBJ: pl2 plNAT: p l NCLEX plClient plNeeds plCategory: plPhysiological

TOP: p l Nursing plProcess plStep: plAssessment CON: p l Clinical plJudgment pl| plSafety pl| plPatient plEducation

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