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Voorbeeld scriptie marketingplan Duitsland marketingstrategie HAN geslaagd $13.38
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Voorbeeld scriptie marketingplan Duitsland marketingstrategie HAN geslaagd

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Uitgebreide 4e jaars eindscriptie HAN van 2019. Eindcijfer: 7.8. Onderwerp: een bedrijf wil de Duitse markt betreden, maar heeft hiervoor geen concreet plan. Onderwerpen: marketsegmentatie, positionering, cultuurverschillen, interne- en externe analyse, doelgroep analyse, een implementatieplan en p...

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  • December 12, 2020
  • 133
  • 2018/2019
  • Thesis
  • Unknown
  • Unknown

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By: jordy2000gerritsen • 1 year ago


By: jet_aarntzen • 2 year ago


By: Frubsienator • 3 year ago


By: charlybrugman • 3 year ago


By: Mariavanhijfte • 3 year ago


By: Scriptiebibliotheek • 3 year ago

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Thank you for your review! Sincerely, Daan

,Toestemmingsformulier afstudeeropdracht


Hoofdstuk 1 - Introductie......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Organisatie-identiteit..................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problematiek................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Doelstelling.................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Onderzoeksvragen........................................................................................................................ 3
1.5 Verantwoording onderzoekmethodes............................................................................................ 5
1.6 Kwaliteit onderzoek....................................................................................................................... 6
Hoofdstuk 2 - Theoretisch kader............................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Segmentatie.................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Positionering................................................................................................................................ 11
2.3 Interculturele verschillen.............................................................................................................. 13
Hoofdstuk 3 - Interne analyse............................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Markten en assortiment............................................................................................................... 15
3.2 7S-model..................................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Website-analyse.......................................................................................................................... 17
3.4. Financiële situatie....................................................................................................................... 17
3.5 Marketingmix............................................................................................................................... 19
3.6 Sterktes / zwaktes....................................................................................................................... 21
Hoofdstuk 4 - Externe analyse.............................................................................................................. 22
4.1 Macro-omgeving.......................................................................................................................... 22
4.2 Meso-omgeving........................................................................................................................... 26
Hoofdstuk 5 - Strategische opties......................................................................................................... 32
5.1 SWOT-analyse............................................................................................................................ 32
5.2 Confrontatiematrix....................................................................................................................... 32
5.3 Ontwerp strategische opties........................................................................................................ 33
5.4 Toetsing strategische opties........................................................................................................ 35
Hoofdstuk 6 - Marketingstrategie voor product.....................................................................................36
................................................................................................................................................... 36
6.1 Marktsegmentatie........................................................................................................................ 36
6.2 Doelgroep bepaling Duitse markt................................................................................................ 36
6.3 Positionering................................................................................................................................ 37
6.4 Implementatieplan....................................................................................................................... 39
6.5 Marketingcommunicatiedoelstelling.............................................................................................41
6.6 Implementatie monitoring............................................................................................................ 42
6.7 Organisatorische aanpassingen.................................................................................................. 42
6.8 Mijlpaalplanning........................................................................................................................... 43
Hoofdstuk 7 - Financiële verwachtingen............................................................................................... 44

, 7.1 Gemiddeld scenario.................................................................................................................... 44
Hoofdstuk 8 - Conclusies en aanbevelingen......................................................................................... 46
8.1 Conclusies................................................................................................................................... 46
8.2 Aanbevelingen............................................................................................................................. 46
Literatuurlijst.......................................................................................................................................... 47
Plan van Aanpak................................................................................................................................... 58
Bijlage I - landenselectie vooronderzoek..............................................................................................75
Bijlage II - omzetraming 3 jaar.............................................................................................................. 76
Bijlage III – Transcripties interviews...................................................................................................... 77
................................................................................................................................................... 96
Bijlage IV - Modellen theoretisch kader................................................................................................. 97
Bijlage V - Snelheidsmeting van de website.......................................................................................103
Bijlage VI - Winst- en verliesrekening................................................................................................. 105
Bijlage VII – Financieel overzicht........................................................................................................ 106
Bijlage VIII - Canvas-model................................................................................................................. 108
Bijlage IX - Huidige marketingmix....................................................................................................... 108
Bijlage X - Groeistrategieën................................................................................................................ 110
Bijlage XI – Bedrijfskolom.................................................................................................................. 110
Bijlage XII - Koopkracht per deelstaat................................................................................................. 111
Bijlage XIII - Concurrentieanalyse....................................................................................................... 113
Bijlage XIV - Financiële verwachtingen...............................................................................................125
XIV-I: Worst case scenario.............................................................................................................. 125
XIV-II: Average case scenario......................................................................................................... 125
XIV-III: Worst case scenario............................................................................................................ 126

,Executive Summary

X is mainly active in the market of high-tech projects and system integration. One of the new markets
X would like to focus on is the renewable energy market with modular energy storage systems with
using flow batteries. X would like to know how to segment and position itself in the German B2B
energy market with flow battery energy storage systems, in order to fully exploit potential
opportunities. However, X has insufficient experience to approach this market correctly. This is a new
product and therefore no market research has been done by the company or by external parties and
the product has not been sold yet.

The aim of this research is to give recommendations to the management before 16 January 2019,
about how the German B2B energy market should be entered with flow battery energy storage
systems and, consequently, to gain a turnover of €5,000.000 within three years. The main question
regarding this research is: '' What is the most suitable marketing strategy for X to introduce flow
battery energy systems, within the selected target group in the B2B market, in Germany with a
turnover of € 5,000,000 in the first three years?''. In summary, a positioning for the abovementioned
market should be proposed for the company and an implementation plan must be proposed to the
company in order to fully utilize the available potential in the market.

The research has been executed through desk and field research. Website, databases and study
books have been used during desk research. In field research, 13 experts in different fields have been
interviewed with a semi-structured in-depth interview. In the external research, there was extensively
looked at meso and macro factors that could be important. The size of the energy storage market in
Germany is currently approximately € 5.1 billion, which grew by 81 per cent in 2018. This means that
there is considerable growth in the market for energy storage systems in Germany. Furthermore, the
supply and demand of wind and solar energy is enormous in certain federal states. This offers a good
chance to work together with a project developer. Besides, there is a trend that companies
increasingly want to be more independent of the utilities and therefore look for green energy solutions
such as energy storage systems. The external analysis also showed that the best German States for
X to for solar parks are: Bavaria, Berlin, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Lower
Saxony. When the focus is on wind energy: Hamburg, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia,
Rhineland-Plats and Saarland are the best states.

However, there are also threats in the market of energy storage systems. Vanadis Power, Alfen and
Belectric are the main competitors in the market for flow battery energy storage systems in Germany.
The energy market is still filled with a lot of fossil fuels. Due to this, fossil fuels are still cheaper than
sustainable solutions. By contrast, renewable energy technologies are not yet so 'mature' that they
can replace it completely and many regulations for flow battery energy storage systems are in the
making. Semi-structured in-depth interviews have shown that utilities and large companies are the
most suitable target group in the B2B market for modular energy storage systems in Germany. In
addition, several in-depth interviews indicated that it there is not just one application. The case is that
it is about benefit stacking, multiple services must be offered to come to a good business case.

Two strategic options were drawn up, option one was directly approaching the market or option two:
through a project developer. In this model the strategic option has been examined on suitability,
feasibility and acceptability. Option two has been chosen as the best option through weightings and
scores in this model, so the most suitable option is via a project developer. This option makes, for
instance, a better use of the opportunities and strengths and there are fewer risks associated with it. In
addition to these two options, there was also a 'zero option', which means that the policy will be
continued with unchanged policy and that both options will not be implemented, that was not the case.

As far as marketing is concerned, renewable energy trade fairs will be used. X will represent itself at
three trade fairs and networking drinks. In the year 2019, the trade fairs where X can represent itself
are the Energie Messe in Osnabrück, Integrated Energy at the Hannover Messe and Energy Storage
Messe in Düsseldorf. When visiting trade fairs, catalogues and brochures will be used to strengthen
the sales. In addition, a German page needs to be set up on the website with information about the
energy storage systems and their applications. Search terms should also be added here, which results
in a better search term density.

,In an average scenario, it is expected that in the first year of sales a net turnover of €1,441,378 will be
obtained, but in the third year this will rise to €7,351,748. On the other hand, the total costs in the first
year of sales will be €1,473,881 and in third year it is €1,116,706. The number of units sold in first year
will be eight, this is the prognosis. In the second year of sales, this will already be 25 systems, with 42
systems in the third year. In the worst case, 20 percent less energy storage systems are sold, and the
best case is 20 percent more. In the average scenario, a profit of €246,196 will be booked in the
second year of sales; in the third year of sales a profit of €1,116,706 will be booked. In the second
year no profit is made yet. The estimated amount of sold energy storage systems in year three has
been calculated at 42. The net present value (NPV) is fixed at €6,432.166.47 with a return of
investment (ROI) of 20 per cent and a payback period of approximately five years. Both X and the
project developer both get a profit margin of 15 percent. In summary, X must put the energy storage
systems into the German renewable energy market.

, Hoofdstuk 1 - Introductie
Voorafgaand aan dit onderzoek is er een plan van aanpak opgesteld. Deze is terug te vinden in bijlage
I: Plan van aanpak. Allereerst wordt de organisatie beschreven en daarna wordt de probleem- en
doelstelling beschreven. Hierop volgend worden de hoofd- en deelvragen benoemd. Ten slotte volgt
de verantwoording van de onderzoeksmethodes en de reflectie op het onderzoek.

1.1 Organisatie-identiteit
X Advanced Systems gevestigd te X , dikwijls afgekort als X , is een besloten vennootschap. Het
bedrijf is opgericht in 1905 onder de naam X en in 2012 is het onderdeel geworden van de X Group.
De X Group beschikt naast X ook over een locatie voor plaatwerkassemblage te X, genaamd X, en
een verkoop- en adviesorganisatie te X in Duitsland. X is vooral actief in de markt van
hightechprojecten en module- en apparatenbouw. Dit doet X zowel voor de publieke als industriële

Hetgeen hen uniek maakt is dat alles in huis wordt geproduceerd, dus van adviseren, ontwerpen,
integreren, testen, documenteren tot het onderhouden van systemen. X werkt hierin dus als
ketenmanager (X, 2018). De Kamer van Koophandel geeft als hoofdactiviteit: vervaardiging van
metalen constructiewerken (Company Dashboard, 2018). Bij X wordt er met name ordergericht
gewerkt, hierdoor worden uiteenlopende opdrachten uitgevoerd (X, 2018). Per 1 februari 2012 is X
onderdeel van een innovatie hub, genaamd X, samen met twee andere innovatiebedrijven: Van Raam
en Waterkracht (Innovar, z.d.).

Eén van de markten waar X zich op wil richten is de energiemarkt. Het bedrijf wil een verschil kunnen
maken met modulaire energieopslagsystemen, middels 20- of 40-voetcontainers die voorzien zijn van
zogeheten flowbatterijen, die beduidend langer mee gaan dan gewone batterijen (Forbes,

De container bevat vier pompen, acht tanks van elk 1200 liter vloeistof en is voorzien van vier flowbatterijen
(X , 2018). Er ontstaat stroom doordat de opgeloste stoffen met elkaar reageren, de uitgebreide illustratie is
te raadplegen in Bijlage XII (Trouw, 2015). Bovendien zijn deze containers eventueel stapelbaar om de
energieopslagcapaciteit uit te breiden. De flowbatterijen lenen zich perfect voor de B2B-markt en dan
specifiek voor regionale en überregionale toepassingen, hier moet er gedacht worden aan
bundeslandschalige projecten (DPG, 2015). De modulaire energieopslagsystemen kunnen bijvoorbeeld
dienen als back-up stroom of peakshaving voor bedrijven.

Daarnaast kan het functioneel zijn als frequentieregeling voor energiebedrijven. Deze hebben vaak te
kampen met schommeling in de vraag naar energie, waarbij men reserves moet aanleggen om de
pieken in het net op te vangen (Alfen, 2018). Daarnaast staan dit soort systemen dichterbij de
gebruiker, hierdoor vindt er minder verlies plaats (Ecovat, 2018).

Om het elektriciteitsnet enigszins te ontlasten op de momenten van piekvraag en -aanbod, is lokale
energieopslag een fundamentele factor in de energietransitie (Duurzaam bedrijfsleven, 2017).
Hierdoor is er veel vraag vanuit de markt én de netbeheerder, die het elektriciteitsnet namelijk op een
netfrequentie van 50Hz wil houden. Deze netfrequentie is op die piekmomenten moeilijk te garanderen
zonder energieopslagsystemen. De vraag is ook mede tot stand gekomen bij X , omdat ze al veel
ervaring hebben met containeroplossingen op het gebied van datacentra en willen innoveren in de
energiemarkt. Daarnaast spelen eisen vanuit de internationale gemeenschap een rol, wat is
vastgelegd in het Klimaatakkoord van Parijs.

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