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Summary Administrative Law 411 Semester Notes 2020 $5.57
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Summary Administrative Law 411 Semester Notes 2020

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Complete and detailed Administrative Law notes. Includes detailed class notes, relevant textbook summaries, in depth case summaries and lecturer's test/exam tips and examples. Notes are set out in an organised, structured manner making it easy to understand.

vorschau 4 aus 215   Seiten

  • 4. januar 2021
  • 215
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung

2  rezensionen


von: sheeq • 1 Jahr vor


von: lizlaw • 3 Jahr vor

1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................3
Constitution: S33...............................................................................................................................3
Sources of Administrative Law...........................................................................................................4
2 Lawfulness........................................................................................................................................35
Rules around Lawfulness.................................................................................................................38
3 Procedural Fairness...........................................................................................................................74
Common Law...................................................................................................................................75
Legitimate Expectations...................................................................................................................77
Failure to follow a fair procedure....................................................................................................92
Legality and Fairness........................................................................................................................92
Rule against Bias..............................................................................................................................93
4 Reasons...........................................................................................................................................117
Right to Reasons............................................................................................................................117
PAJA – in addition to s5.................................................................................................................119
PAJA s5...........................................................................................................................................120
Failure to give Reasons..................................................................................................................127
What is the Remedy when the Reasons provided are Inadequate?..............................................128
PAJA s5 Summary..........................................................................................................................128
5 Reasonableness..............................................................................................................................136
Review and Appeal........................................................................................................................136
Reasonableness under the Common Law......................................................................................138
Reasonableness under the Constitution........................................................................................141


, Reasonableness under PAJA..........................................................................................................145
6 Regulation.......................................................................................................................................171
Types of Regulation.......................................................................................................................171



Textbook definition of admin law: that part of constitutional law which both empowers those
exercising public authority or performing public functions through the law, and which holds
accountable to rules of law all those who exercise public power or perform public functions

Constitution: S33
- S33 says everyone has the right to just administrative action
- We need to keep two perspectives in mind:
o Proactive perspective on administrative law
 Two sides of the same coin
 Meant to be more dominant in our legal system but we are struggling to
make this shift
 In SA we have very specific developmental challenges
 In our Constitution you see that our state is given the primary
responsibility to achieve those prospective goals
o Eg chapter 10 of Constitution
 Primary goal of state administration is to achieve the Constitution’s goal
 The goal is a developmental one
 Administrative law must help facilitate this by giving the state the
tools to do their job
 As important as reactive perspective
o Lecturer argues proactive perspective is more important
because we need to improve our administrative action in SA
 Eg improve Department of Home Affairs
o Reactive perspective on administrative law
 Dominant in our legal tradition
 We restrict the state
 Curb their power
 We do so by creating mechanisms in law that allows you to
challenge in law the actions of state admin
 We react to action already taken
 The aim of the reaction is to limit or to protect the person who is
feeling the administrative action
- When dealing with admin law we need to think which perspective we are dealing with
(reactive or proactive)
o Eg if you represent a refugee you will try to get Home Affairs to take a decision on
the refugee’s citizen status, but at the same time you need to consider how what
you are currently doing is going to get Home Affairs to up their game because this is
your ultimate goal


, Sources of Administrative Law
- When talking about sources of admin law we need to distinguish between two different
o The source of admin power and the source of admin law
 Both are laws, but they play very different roles in administrative analyses
o The sources of admin power are those sources in law, mostly statute, that grants an
administrator power to do something
 Usually a state official
 Eg person, institution, department
 Eg Companies Act
 The state can only do that which the law allows it to do
 The state does not have plenary power such as natural persons
o We can do anything unless the law says we cannot
 Thus, the state needs to point to the source of their power
o The basis of admin law
o In this module we study the sources of admin law (not power)
 Those are the rules that tells us how these administrators should act
 The body of legal rules that regulate incidences of public power or the
exercise of public functions
o Administrative law involves a combination of the source of admin power and the
source of admin law
 Thus, you always have a double layer of law
o Eg a kid in public school has been suspended from school
 You will take the School’s Act (source of admin power) and take Admin Law
and combine the two
o Eg the Local Government: Municipal Services Act
 Act authorises municipalities to impose and collect fees
 It is administrative power
 But administrative law remains relevant
 Whenever a municipality exercises its power to impose fees and
collect them, corresponding decisions would have to be lawful,
reasonable and procedurally fair if they qualify as administrative
- Sources of Admin Law
o Constitution
 Most important source of admin law
 The Interim Constitution in s24 introduced the right to administrative justice
 1996 Constitution: s33
 (1) Everyone has the right to administrative action that is lawful,
reasonable and procedurally fair.
 (2) Everyone whose rights have been adversely affected by
administrative action has the right to be given written reasons.
 (3) National legislation must be enacted to give effect to these
rights, and must—
o (a) provide for the review of administrative action by a
court or, where appropriate, an independent and impartial
o (b) impose a duty on the state to give effect to the rights in
subsections (1) and (2); and
o (c) promote an efficient administration.


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