Unit 14: Physiological Disorders
and their Care Assignment 2 (P2
P3 P4 M2 M3 D2)
Investigatory and diagnosis methods
A diagnosis is when a professional determines the nature of a service users’ illness and this helps
with the treatment and support that that service user might need for their illness. There are several
methods of professionals diagnosing their service users and different tools that they can use to help
them with their diagnosis, depending on the experience of the professional then they might be able
to diagnose their service users quicker, for example if the professional has been a doctor for over 30
years then they would be able to diagnose a service user a lot faster than someone with only 4
years’ experience. The professional would do several tests on the service user so be able to see what
is wrong with them and what they can do to treat their illness.
There are different things that can be used to try and diagnose a variety of conditions which include
blood pressure, body temperature, medical history, blood test, pulse, respiratory rate, BMI and urine
samples. These can be used to try and diagnose a service users’ condition alongside the symptoms
that they might have and when all put together the service provider would be able to know what is
wrong with that service user.
Blood pressure is measured by a sphygmomanometer or otherwise knows as a blood pressure
monitors and this measures force of the blood against the arteries and the device would show two
reading which one is the systolic pressure which is the maximum pressure in the arteries as the
ventricle are contracting and a diastolic pressure which is the minimum pressure as the ventricles
relax between beat and fill with blood. A normal reading would be between 90/60mmHg and
120/80mmHg. If a service users blood pressure if too high, then they might develop hypertension
which has unnoticeable symptoms and has long term affects like heart attack, strokes, blindness and
vascular dementia.
Body temperature is also measured to try and diagnose a service user and a normal body temp is
between 36.5 and 37.2 but it does vary between different people depending on what they are doing,
food and drink levels, time of day and point in menstrual cycle. Where the reading is taken from can
also vary the result as the rectum is the most accurate but only done is special circumstances. The
mouth is also about 0.5 degrees higher than the armpit.
A blood test is also another method of trying to diagnose a service user as the blood will give a lot of
information like haemoglobin, electrolyte levels, hormone levels, oxygen and CO2, enzymes, plasma
proteins, PH levels and blood cell count.
,Diagnosis methods for diabetes
When a service user is suspected to have diabetes, they would have symptoms of the condition
which would indicate that they are diabetic and these might be things like the service user having
weight loss, if they are going to the toilet more regularly, if they are thirsty more often and any other
symptoms of the condition then that might suggest that the service user have diabetes. If a service
provider suspect that the service user might be diabetic, then they would do a blood test on the
service user to see if they are diabetic or not. With type 1 diabetes being diagnosed at an early age
the service user would most likely be at a young age. There are several tests that are done to see if a
service user has the condition with one being a blood sugar test or a fasting plasma glucose test
(FPG) which tells professionals the amount of glucose circulating in a person’s blood at a specifit
time of the test. A blood-sugar level of 200 milligrams per decilitre suggests that the service user
would have diabetes.
The second test that is done to test for diabetes is a glycated haemoglobin test or otherwise known
as a A1C test, this test measures the average amount of glucose in the service user’s bloodstream
over the past 90 days as a percentage. The normal percentage for this test would be between 5%
and 5.5% whereas if its anything over 5.7% then the service user most likely is diabetic. Depending
on what the service user is experiencing in terms of their symptoms then the service provider would
be able to see how far they are in their illness so for example by doing tests and analysing their
symptoms the service provider would be able to tell if the service user is prediabetic so just at the
start of their condition or if they have had is for longer.
Type 2 diagnosis would be very similar to type 1 but would just be at a later stage in life as type 2
takes a lot longer to show itself so the service user won’t have symptoms for a long time in their life
and would start to get them around late 30’s and early 40’s. when a service user has type 2 diabetes
they would be tested and monitored regularly so that they are able to test their glucose levels
regularly so see if its high.
Diagnosis methods for Asthma
There are a variety of different methods to diagnosing asthma as one test that could be done is a
FeNO or a fractional exhaled nitric oxide test which is a machine that the service user would breathe
into to, and this would measure the nitric oxide in your breath which is a sign of inflammation in the
lungs, and this would also help identify what type of asthma a service user has.
Another test that could be done do see if a service user has asthma is a spirometry test which is a
machine that measures how fast the service user can breathe out and how much air they can hold in
their lungs, and this would show the doctors if there are any things that are obstructing a service
users breathing and this test could also be used to diagnose chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
cystic fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis. The result of the test is given immediately, and the service
provider would be able to identify if the service user has asthma.
A peak flow test is also another way that professionals can test to see if a service user has asthma or
not as this test will show how much a service user is able to blow out at once and this test could be
done several times over a space of time to measure any changes in the service users breathing. The
results would very between different service users as there are a lot of factors that affect the results.
A significant difference between the service users score and a normal score, or a difference in their
, scores in the morning and evening or when their symptoms are good and bad, may suggest that they
have asthma.
The two conditions have very different diagnostic procedures as with diabetes its mostly to do with
the blood whereas asthma would be testing the longer capacity and how a service user breathes.
With diabetes they would be checking the glucose levels in the blood to cheque how much sugar a
person has in their blood at a certain time whereas with asthma it's tracking the lung capacity of the
service user and how they breathing. The two conditions also have different symptoms as with
asthma is the respiratory system and diabetes is to do with the blood of the service user. There are
not a lot of similarities between the two conditions as they affect the body differently and have
different effects on the body and both have different medications and diagnostic procedures to try
identify what the service user has.
Treatment available in Buckinghamshire for diabetes
The local healthcare service for people with diabetes that our local is the Buckinghamshire
healthcare which provides a variety of different treatment plans for services with both type one
diabetes and type 2 diabetes. One treatment at the Buckinghamshire healthcare provide is that for
young people aged 16 to 20 as they have two clinics in the county which are in the Wycombe
hospital and the Stoke Mandeville Hospital and service users can discuss topics such as dieting and
alcohol in a friendly, confidential environment. The county also offers treatment for antenatal
diabetes which is for women that are pregnant or are thinking of having a child and have diabetes
and the treatment would involve pre-pregnancy counselling and, following pregnancy, joint
antenatal clinics with an obstetrician, these services are also in the Wycombe hospital and the Stoke
Mandeville Hospital. The county also offers outpatient care that monitors service users glucose
levels and this would help us when a service user is suspected to have diabetes they would need to
have their glucose levels monitored regularly to cheque if it's too high office to load and this would
indicate how severe their condition is and what they would need to do in order to lower rate or
increase it depending on what type of diabetes they have. The county also offers a diabetic renal
clinic which is treatment for kidney damage as this can be caused from diabetes and it’s associated
with increased cardiovascular risk. They manage patients from an early stage to minimise the risk of
them having kidney failure and they do this by having appointments with nephrologists with the
clinics being based in Amersham and Stoke Mandeville hospitals. As diabetics can have problems
with their eyesight the local county offers diabetic retinopathy and this is to treat service users that
have problems with their eyes or due to their diabetes there is damage in their retinal which is
caused by high blood glucose levels and this would be caused if the service user doesn't take their
medication on time or if the service user does not know about their condition and is left on treated
and the local county offers treatment for these service users as they would have appointments with
the ophthalmology department who assess the service users condition and see if they need any
referrals to any specialists, this treatment is offered three times a week at the Stoke Mandeville and
Wycombe hospitals. Another treatment available for service users with type one diabetes is an
insulin pump fit in and this is a pump that is attached to the service user should that they are able to
assess their glucose levels and if the device that takes that that service uses glucose levels are low
then it would automatically pump insulin into their blood. As diabetes causes problems with the field
for example some service users might lose feeling in their feet due to the high glucose levels in the
blood which damages the nerves and blood vessels in their feet so the local council provides a