Laboratory Techniques and their Application
Pathology first/SYNLAB is an organisation that provides pathology tests and analyse on blood, swabs,
saliva, urine, faeces and tissue. They work with the NHS, hospitals and private clinics to provide testing
in short turnaround times so the come back quickly. They also provide a handbook that contains details
of the tests they provide, request codes, turnaround times, sample requirements and labelling and
specimen acceptance criteria. In a workplace environment such as pathology first large amounts of data
needs to be collated, managed and stored correctly. Below is a table that shows different types of data,
why it is kept and who should have access to it.
Type of Data Reason to keep data Who should record it, have access
and be able to make changes
COSHH Records To ensure that the employees in the Store technicians, and anyone
organisation are informed of any health involved in the handling of the
and safety risks with substances used in substances
the workplace
Scientific data It is needed in any scientific work Heads of departments,
environment to be able to properly store supervisors and lab workers
and retrieve scientific data created by
that work environment as well as data
from other sources such as scientific
Scientific apparatus Dates of purchase, maintenance data Heads of departments,
and maintenance schedules are all supervisors and lab workers
examples of data that is needed for
scientific apparatus
Waste disposal To show the different types of waste Workers involved with the waste
created, how much of it is produced and disposal and heads of
how it is disposed of departments.
Health and safety Keep records of accidents if necessary, Heads of department and Health
checks and to show that health and safety and safety officers
requirements are being met.
Report Records Reports followings tests such as blood Medical and clinical staff would
tests for GPs or hospital reports need access, but nobody would
need to be able to change it
Sample throughput This provides information on the number Heads of department and
of samples processed in the lab in a organisational management
particular period of time and may serve
as a measure of the organization's
efficiency and effectiveness.
For example, when receiving a request for a blood test each stage requires various data to be collected
and stored.