OCR • Sociology
Latest uploads for Sociology at OCR. Looking for Sociology notes at OCR? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Sociology at OCR.
Modules Sociology at OCR
Notes available for the following courses of Sociology at OCR
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Latest notes & summaries OCR • Sociology
Gender identities 
Changing and traditional
changing and traditional 
Ethnic identity 
Changing and traditional 
Changing and traditional identities 
Socialisation culture and identity
Age identities infographic 
Socialisation culture and identity
Base information for essay questions 
Some finished and some help to guide 
Exam structure included
in depth 
Gender, age, ethnicity , class 
Waves of feminism 
Weberian views 
Postmodernists view
In depth 
Essay questions 
Media effects on gender,age,race,class etc 
Postmodernists, Marxists, Pluralist 
Type of media models 
Effects on audience 
Case studies , Bobo Doll, Fiji 
Essay questions
In depth knowledge organiser of education inequalities on gender,race, material and cultural deprivation etc with exam style questions and base knowledge points
Strengths & Weaknesses of Positivism and Interpretivism