On Stuvia you will find summaries, practice questions and other study documents for all subjects. Find all the summaries you need by looking for your subject.
You can also search for study books on Stuvia. Use your textbook as a starting point to find the best summaries, practice exams or notes.
Do you need summaries or notes to study for a course or specific exam? On Stuvia you'll find all kinds of documents that make studying easier.
Tens of thousands of people are searching for notes on Stuvia every day. Including yours! Some documents even sell hundreds of times.
Each time your document is sold, you earn money. This money is immediately credited to your account.
In less than a minute, you have created an account, set the price of your document and started selling!
Find the most downloaded documents of all studies in The Netherlands. Are you looking for summaries for your field of study? We have the most recent and best written summaries of The Netherlands!
These are the notes and summaries that are most recently published by sellers on Stuvia.
Volledige samenvatting klop 2024/2025 beide tentamens Package deal
Child abuse and neglect: lectures + literature! Package deal
Integrale opdracht hbo management 2&3 (cijfers 8 & 9) Package deal
Samenvatting, begrippenlijst, modellen en theorieën en leerdoelen psychopathologie 2025 Package deal
Voordeelbundel werkgroep en hoorcollege uitwerkingen Package deal
Examenbundel geschiedenis Package deal
Samenvatting artikelen en college aantekeningen - preventie, fm en behandeling in de forensische context Package deal
Samenvatting artikelen en college aantekeningen - fgp: ontwikkelingspsychopathologie en diagnostiek Package deal
Summary literature and college notes - child abuse and neglect Package deal
Duaal hbo-v pakket Package deal
Boekverslag nederlandse literatuur p.c. hooft warenar Book review
Boekverslag nederlandse literatuur "karel ende elegast" Book review
Boekverslag nederlandse literatuur de avond is ongemak Book review
Boekverslag nederlandse literatuur het bittere kruid Book review
De complete gids voor tentamensucces: introduction to international and european union law Package deal
Financieel management samenvatting en formules Package deal
Smart ondernemerschap - alle essays van elk vak Package deal
Alle stof voor deeltentamen 1 en deeltentamen 2 arbeidspsychologie Package deal
Volledige cse samenvatting wiskunde b alles Package deal
Volledige samenvatting wiskunde b boek deel 4 Package deal
Volledige samenvatting klop 2024/2025 beide tentamens Package deal
Child abuse and neglect: lectures + literature! Package deal
Integrale opdracht hbo management 2&3 (cijfers 8 & 9) Package deal
Samenvatting, begrippenlijst, modellen en theorieën en leerdoelen psychopathologie 2025 Package deal
Voordeelbundel werkgroep en hoorcollege uitwerkingen Package deal
Examenbundel geschiedenis Package deal
Samenvatting artikelen en college aantekeningen - preventie, fm en behandeling in de forensische context Package deal
Samenvatting artikelen en college aantekeningen - fgp: ontwikkelingspsychopathologie en diagnostiek Package deal
Summary literature and college notes - child abuse and neglect Package deal
Duaal hbo-v pakket Package deal
Boekverslag nederlandse literatuur p.c. hooft warenar Book review
Boekverslag nederlandse literatuur "karel ende elegast" Book review
Boekverslag nederlandse literatuur de avond is ongemak Book review
Boekverslag nederlandse literatuur het bittere kruid Book review
De complete gids voor tentamensucces: introduction to international and european union law Package deal
Financieel management samenvatting en formules Package deal
Smart ondernemerschap - alle essays van elk vak Package deal
Alle stof voor deeltentamen 1 en deeltentamen 2 arbeidspsychologie Package deal
Volledige cse samenvatting wiskunde b alles Package deal
Volledige samenvatting wiskunde b boek deel 4 Package deal
Hundred thousands of people are searching for your content every day. You can easily upload your summaries to our platform and start earning money from your study notes. Your knowledge is worth money! Over 700,000 top sellers have already joined and are making money from their knowledge daily. Sign up for free today and start earning while helping others!
This service is great. I am very glad I am able to contribute to the learnings of other students through my own educational materials. Cheers to you Stuvia!
Best site to make money and at the same time get any study resource you need. I recommend it fully. It's genuine site with all you require as a student in terms of studying.
Stuvia is a wonderful place for hardworking students to help those who are in need. This could be either with study materials, tests, or worksheets. It's easy to use and even easier to get what you need to succeed.
Stuvia is fantastic for both students looking for study material and study assistance as well as for individuals who are looking for a place to sell their study material.
It honestly is a very useful site to make some extra money by studying a lot and uploading summaries and cases, and I hope that people think my documents are useful, they were at least very helpful for myself.
I think Stuvia is a great opportunity! I can share knowledge and hard work with other students, while earning some money. This also enhances your own motivation to make better notes and improve your own study results!
I believe that Stuvia is a great opportunity for those to feel appreciated when people are purchasing their documents! Stuvia allows a young person to develop a great sense of entrepreneurship.
Stuvia is amazing I used to think its only a buying place and not a selling place. Turns out its even more than because it works really well in boosting exam grades
I think Stuvia is magnificent! I am especially very impressed with the way the staff handle queries. They are very polite and patient. Stuvia offers me an opportunity to sell my notes - something that publishers will not do!
Ik ben super blij met Stuvia! Het is een gemakkelijke manier om bij te verdienen tijdens je studie. Je harde samenvat-werk wordt beloond, en je helpt er ook nog eens anderen mee :)
Sooo happy with Stuvia!! It really helps me if i don't have any time to make a recap and earning a little bit extra with making recaps really helps studying!
Stuvia is the best platform to sell study materials. This is the best decision i ever made to sell my study resources on stuvia to earn extra money. The platform is reliable and efficient. The services are excellent. Thanks Stuvia.
I love that through Stuvia even as a student, I can not only help my fellow mates, but can also make some money off of summaries that I work a lot making. It has helped me do better summaries and motivated me to keep doing them!
Stuvia is the best place to get good and well graded study documents, I passed all TEFL course and have helped other students to pass theirs as well while making money out of it..How amazing is that.
I think Stuvia is a great service to publish resources to those needed for additional assistance. I found this website useful and it allows me to save some cash which is beneficial.
Best platform for students to share knowledge and make money like investors. Uploading my notes makes me enough cash for miscellaneous expenses and travel!
Stuvia is a perfect way to sell study guides and other class supplements. If you have done well in your classes, and want others to succeed in college. Use stuvia as an outlet, and get paid at the same time! - Ansel Ponce Diama
I love stuvia. It was fantastic motivation for me to write high quality notes for myself, and i've been making nearly £200 sporadically over the past 3 yeears. I's fantastic. Motivation for the writers a d the writees
I think Stuvia is a great way to share your work and help others, while also earning a little money for your efforts. I believe its a very useful tool
Stuvia has proved to be a great resource because it offers diverse study resources. You can find almost everything you're searching for thus saves time.
A very efficient,reliable and convenient site in uploading of documents.a great study resource for students and swift payer of earnings.i would recommend everyone that if you try stuvia,you will never go starving.
This service is great. I am very glad I am able to contribute to the learnings of other students through my own educational materials. Cheers to you Stuvia!
Best site to make money and at the same time get any study resource you need. I recommend it fully. It's genuine site with all you require as a student in terms of studying.
Stuvia is a wonderful place for hardworking students to help those who are in need. This could be either with study materials, tests, or worksheets. It's easy to use and even easier to get what you need to succeed.
Stuvia is fantastic for both students looking for study material and study assistance as well as for individuals who are looking for a place to sell their study material.
It honestly is a very useful site to make some extra money by studying a lot and uploading summaries and cases, and I hope that people think my documents are useful, they were at least very helpful for myself.
I think Stuvia is a great opportunity! I can share knowledge and hard work with other students, while earning some money. This also enhances your own motivation to make better notes and improve your own study results!
I believe that Stuvia is a great opportunity for those to feel appreciated when people are purchasing their documents! Stuvia allows a young person to develop a great sense of entrepreneurship.
Stuvia is amazing I used to think its only a buying place and not a selling place. Turns out its even more than because it works really well in boosting exam grades
I think Stuvia is magnificent! I am especially very impressed with the way the staff handle queries. They are very polite and patient. Stuvia offers me an opportunity to sell my notes - something that publishers will not do!
Ik ben super blij met Stuvia! Het is een gemakkelijke manier om bij te verdienen tijdens je studie. Je harde samenvat-werk wordt beloond, en je helpt er ook nog eens anderen mee :)
Sooo happy with Stuvia!! It really helps me if i don't have any time to make a recap and earning a little bit extra with making recaps really helps studying!
Stuvia is the best platform to sell study materials. This is the best decision i ever made to sell my study resources on stuvia to earn extra money. The platform is reliable and efficient. The services are excellent. Thanks Stuvia.
I love that through Stuvia even as a student, I can not only help my fellow mates, but can also make some money off of summaries that I work a lot making. It has helped me do better summaries and motivated me to keep doing them!
Stuvia is the best place to get good and well graded study documents, I passed all TEFL course and have helped other students to pass theirs as well while making money out of it..How amazing is that.
I think Stuvia is a great service to publish resources to those needed for additional assistance. I found this website useful and it allows me to save some cash which is beneficial.
Best platform for students to share knowledge and make money like investors. Uploading my notes makes me enough cash for miscellaneous expenses and travel!
Stuvia is a perfect way to sell study guides and other class supplements. If you have done well in your classes, and want others to succeed in college. Use stuvia as an outlet, and get paid at the same time! - Ansel Ponce Diama
I love stuvia. It was fantastic motivation for me to write high quality notes for myself, and i've been making nearly £200 sporadically over the past 3 yeears. I's fantastic. Motivation for the writers a d the writees
I think Stuvia is a great way to share your work and help others, while also earning a little money for your efforts. I believe its a very useful tool
Stuvia has proved to be a great resource because it offers diverse study resources. You can find almost everything you're searching for thus saves time.
A very efficient,reliable and convenient site in uploading of documents.a great study resource for students and swift payer of earnings.i would recommend everyone that if you try stuvia,you will never go starving.
This service is great. I am very glad I am able to contribute to the learnings of other students through my own educational materials. Cheers to you Stuvia!