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Best selling A textbook of organic chemistry : (for B.Sc. students) notes
It has all the information about carbonyl compounds.

Classification of organic compounds
- Class notes • 58 pages • 2022 Popular
- Available in package deal
- $10.49
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It contains all information about the classification of organic compounds. It covers the entire topic of hydrocarbons, alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes
Newest A textbook of organic chemistry : (for B.Sc. students) summaries

Classification of organic compounds
- Class notes • 58 pages • 2022 New
- Available in package deal
- $10.49
- + learn more
It contains all information about the classification of organic compounds. It covers the entire topic of hydrocarbons, alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes
It has all the information about carbonyl compounds.
It contains all the information about the introduction and classification of organic compounds.
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