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Newest Exploring American Histories, Volume 1, Value Edition summaries

Hist 405 Midterm
- Study guide • 14 pages • 2020
- $7.49
- 4x sold
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This study guide is complete for the first half of the semester. It is a very detail and well done study guide. I got a 93% using the information. It is easily understood and helps learn a lot (if you have no idea what is going on).
Study guide
Hist 405 Midterm
Last document update:
This study guide is complete for the first half of the semester. It is a very detail and well done study guide. I got a 93% using the information. It is easily understood and helps learn a lot (if you have no idea what is going on).
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HIST 405 Final
- Study guide • 16 pages • 2020
- $7.49
- 1x sold
- + learn more
This study guide contains the second half of information for the class. This study guide is well done and got me a 95% on the final exam. There is plenty of information and examples that will give you a good understanding of what your learning.
Study guide
HIST 405 Final
Last document update:
This study guide contains the second half of information for the class. This study guide is well done and got me a 95% on the final exam. There is plenty of information and examples that will give you a good understanding of what your learning.
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How much did you already spend on Stuvia? Imagine there are plenty more of you out there paying for study notes, but this time YOU are the seller. Ka-ching! Discover all about earning on Stuvia