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Best selling Flashcard Study System for the Ardms Vascular Technology Exam notes
ASRT - Vascular Sonography Registry Review/ Ultrasound Vascular Registry Review Complete.
- Summary • 22 pages • 2023 Popular
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- $9.49
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Ultrasound Vascular Registry Review 
What is the first branch of the aortic arch? - (correct answer): Innominate artery/ Brachiocephalic 
Name the three branches of the aortic arch? - (correct answer): a. Innominate artery/ Brachiocephalic 
b. Lt CCA 
c. Lt Subclavian artery 
The radial artery runs on what side of the forearm? - (correct answer): Lateral side 
The radial artery branches to form what part of the palmar arch? - (correct answer): Superficial palmar arch 
Where does the r...
Newest Flashcard Study System for the Ardms Vascular Technology Exam summaries
ASRT - Vascular Sonography Registry Review/ Ultrasound Vascular Registry Review Complete.
- Summary • 22 pages • 2023 New
- Available in package deal
- $9.49
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Ultrasound Vascular Registry Review 
What is the first branch of the aortic arch? - (correct answer): Innominate artery/ Brachiocephalic 
Name the three branches of the aortic arch? - (correct answer): a. Innominate artery/ Brachiocephalic 
b. Lt CCA 
c. Lt Subclavian artery 
The radial artery runs on what side of the forearm? - (correct answer): Lateral side 
The radial artery branches to form what part of the palmar arch? - (correct answer): Superficial palmar arch 
Where does the r...
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