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Best selling Psychology notes

Chap3 - Introduction to Psychology (PSY1013) - Organized Ready-to-Print Class Notes
- Class notes • 5 pages • 2024 Popular
- $8.79
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Introduction to Psychology (PSY1013) - Organized Ready-to-Print Class Notes 
Are you struggling to keep up with your psychology lectures? Look no further! Prof: David Weber 
Key Features: 
Clear and Concise: The notes are presented in a clear and concise format, making it easy to follow along and review key points. 
Comprehensive Coverage: These notes cover all the essential topics in Introduction to Psychology, including: 
Module 8 : Basic Consciousness Concepts 
Module 9: Sleep and Dr...

Chap2 - Introduction to Psychology (PSY1013) Organize Ready-to-Print Class notes
- Class notes • 13 pages • 2024 Popular
- $9.29
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Are you struggling to keep up with your psychology lectures? Look no further! Prof: David Weber 
Key Features: 
Clear and Concise: The notes are presented in a clear and concise format, making it easy to follow along and review key points. 
Comprehensive Coverage: These notes cover all the essential topics in Introduction to Psychology, including: 
Module 4 : Neuronal and Hormonal Systems 
Module 5 : Tools of Discovery: Having Our Head Examined 
Module 6 : Brain Regions and Structures 
Newest Psychology summaries

Chap2 - Introduction to Psychology (PSY1013) Organize Ready-to-Print Class notes
- Class notes • 13 pages • 2024 New
- $9.29
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Are you struggling to keep up with your psychology lectures? Look no further! Prof: David Weber 
Key Features: 
Clear and Concise: The notes are presented in a clear and concise format, making it easy to follow along and review key points. 
Comprehensive Coverage: These notes cover all the essential topics in Introduction to Psychology, including: 
Module 4 : Neuronal and Hormonal Systems 
Module 5 : Tools of Discovery: Having Our Head Examined 
Module 6 : Brain Regions and Structures 

Chap3 - Introduction to Psychology (PSY1013) - Organized Ready-to-Print Class Notes
- Class notes • 5 pages • 2024 New
- $8.79
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Introduction to Psychology (PSY1013) - Organized Ready-to-Print Class Notes 
Are you struggling to keep up with your psychology lectures? Look no further! Prof: David Weber 
Key Features: 
Clear and Concise: The notes are presented in a clear and concise format, making it easy to follow along and review key points. 
Comprehensive Coverage: These notes cover all the essential topics in Introduction to Psychology, including: 
Module 8 : Basic Consciousness Concepts 
Module 9: Sleep and Dr...

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