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Best selling The Art and Science of Learning from Data notes
Statistics 1: Entire course notes, organized by topic
- Class notes • 2 pages • 2023 Popular
- $15.49
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These are a set of organized notes from the entire class of statistics 1, otherwise known as MATH 2217 at my university. They include everything you need to know including pictures, definitions, examples, and detailed excel commands. These notes helped me get an A in my class, finishing with a 98% average.
Newest The Art and Science of Learning from Data summaries
Statistics 1: Entire course notes, organized by topic
- Class notes • 2 pages • 2023 New
- $15.49
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These are a set of organized notes from the entire class of statistics 1, otherwise known as MATH 2217 at my university. They include everything you need to know including pictures, definitions, examples, and detailed excel commands. These notes helped me get an A in my class, finishing with a 98% average.
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