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MATH 534 Complete Course Project, Homework-Quiz, Discussions, Homework Problems, Quiz (Bundle) $430.48
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MATH 534 Complete Course Project, Homework-Quiz, Discussions, Homework Problems, Quiz (Bundle)

MATH 534 Complete Course Project, Homework-Quiz, Discussions, Homework Problems, Quiz (Bundle)

44 items

MATH 534 Week 1 Addendum; Homework-Quiz Review


1. Question: Is each item below an example of descriptive or inferential statistics? 2. Question: In each case, identify the type of data (or level of data): 3. Question: For the following frequency distribution: 4. Question: Assuming that the dataset 17, 15, 3, 22, 11, 7, 9 is a sample. 5. Ques...

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MATH 534 Week 1 Discussion; Study and Sample Design (Keller)


A company makes men's button-up dress shirts and is considering changes to its design. Howmight the company go about finding a good sample of individuals? These decisions wouldincludemethodofsampling,locationofsampling,populationtoconsider,andnumberinsample,in additionto any other considerations.

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MATH 534 Week 1 Discussion; Study and Sample Design


A company makes men's button-up dress shirts and is considering changes to itsdesign.Howmightthecompanygoaboutfindingagoodsampleofindividuals?Thesedecisions would include method of sampling, location of sampling, population toconsider,and numberin sample,inaddition toanyotherconsiderations.

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MATH 534 Week 1 Homework Problems


1. Question: Suppose you are an operations manager for a plant that manufactures batteries. Give an example of how you could use descriptive statistics to make better managerial decisions. Give an example of how you could use inferential statistics to make better managerial decisions.Say whether thi...

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MATH 534 Week 1 Quiz


1. Question: Classify each of the following as nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio data. 2. Question: The activity or the process of collecting the data on the population is called . 3. Question: A company wants to learn the customers’ purchase habits of buying certain products. This company di...

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MATH 534 Week 2 Addendum; Homework-Quiz Review


1. Question: True/False. 2.13 in valid probability. 2. Question: True/False. The union of two events is the probability of both events occurring 3. Question: Determine if each variable below is discrete or continuous: 4. Question: Given: We have a sample space S with several events defined on it....

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MATH 534 Week 2 Course Project, Part A - Exploratory Data Analysis


Introduction Your instructor will provide you with a data file that includes data on five variables: SALES represents the number sales made this week. CALLS represents the number of sales calls made this week. TIME represents the average time per call this week. YEARS represents years of experi...

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MATH 534 Week 2 Discussion; Changing Probabilities into Conditional Probabilities (Keller)


MATH 534 Week 2 Discussion: Changing Probabilities into Conditional Probabilities Describe a situation where you see probabilities or might see probabilities. Then present thisprobabilityasaconditionalprobability.Inresponse,otherstudentscanmakeassumptionsaboutthe conditional probability table tha...

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MATH 534 Week 2 Discussion; Changing Probabilities into Conditional Probabilities


Describe a situationwhere youseeprobabilities or might see probabilities.Thenpresent this probability as a conditional probability. In response, other students canmake assumptions about the conditional probability table that could accompany such asituationandposeaquestionforaspecificprobability.Fina...

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MATH 534 Week 2 Homework Problems


1. Question: If the occurrence or non occurrence of one event does not affect the occurrence or non occurrence of another event, the two events are ___________ . 2. Question: In any statistical experiment if the occurrence of one event precludes the occurrence of the other events, the events of the...

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MATH 534 Week 2 Quiz


1. Question: If X = {1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 16} and Y = {3, 4, 7, 9, 15}, then X ∩ Y is _________. 2. Question: If the occurrence of one event precludes the occurrence of another other event, then the two events are ______________. 3. Question: A listing of all elementary outcomes (i.e. the outcomes...

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MATH 534 Week 3 Discussion; Determining a Normal Distribution (2 Versions)


When trying to determine probabilities, one must first assess whether the variable would have a normal distribution. Using the tools from this course, what are some methods that could be used to determine whether a variable has a normal distribution?

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MATH 534 Week 3 Discussion; Determining a Normal Distribution (Keller)


Whentryingtodetermineprobabilities,onemustfirstassesswhetherthevariable would have a normal distribution. Using the tools from this course, what are somemethodsthatcouldbeusedtodeterminewhetheravariable hasanormaldistribution?

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MATH 534 Week 3 Discussion; Determining a Normal Distribution (Keller)


Whentryingtodetermineprobabilities,onemustfirstassesswhetherthevariable would have a normal distribution. Using the tools from this course, what are somemethodsthatcouldbeusedtodeterminewhetheravariable hasanormaldistribution?

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MATH 534 Week 3 Discussion; Determining a Normal Distribution


When trying to determine probabilities, one must first assess whether the variable wouldhave anormaldistribution. Usingthetoolsfromthiscourse,whataresomemethodsthatcouldbeusedtodeterminewhethera variablehasanormaldistribution?

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MATH 534 Week 3 Homework Problems (v1)


1. Question: Scores on a certain exam are normally distributed with a mean of 90 and a variance of 25. What is the z-value for a score of 80? 2. Question: Scores on a certain exam are normally distributed with a mean of 90 and a variance of 25. What is the probability of obtaining a score less than...

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MATH 534 Week 3 Homework Problems (v2)


1. Question: Scores on a certain exam are normally distributed with a mean of 90 and a variance of 25. What is the z-value for a score of 80? 2. Question: Scores on a certain exam are normally distributed with a mean of 90 and a variance of 25. What is the probability of obtaining a score less than...

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MATH 534 Week 3 Quiz


1. Question: Given a random variable X follows a Normal distribution with mean 10 and standard deviation 2. Question: Scores on a certain exam are normally distributed with a mean of 90 and a variance of 25. 3. Question: A normal distribution is defined by two parameters, the mean and the Standard...

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MATH 534 Week 4 Addendum; Homework-Quiz Review Problems and Notes


1. Question: A random sample of 100 selected from a population with a standard deviation of 10 yielded a mean = 225. The mean and the standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means are __________. 2. Question: Suppose a random sample of 49 is selected from a population of size N = 500 w...

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MATH 534 Week 4 Discussion; Confidence Intervals in Business (Keller)


Confidenceintervalsrepresenttherangeofuncertaintyassociatedwiththeestimation of a statistic (mean, proportion, or standard deviation, etc.). There is always a risk ofsampling error associated with an estimate. Confidence intervals are useful forestablishing bounds for estimating, in particular, the...

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MATH 534 Week 4 Discussion; Confidence Intervals in Business


Consider when businesses might use confidence intervals to estimate values, such asin sales projections, marketing results, and so forth. Describe a business decision thatcould be helped with confidence intervals. Be specific! Then create a problem withnumbers from which another student could calcul...

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MATH 534 Week 4 Homework Problems


1. Question: A random sample of 100 selected from a population with a standard deviation of 10 yielded a mean = 225. The mean and the standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means are __________. 2. Question: Suppose a random sample of 49 is selected from a population of size N = 500 w...

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MATH 534 Week 4 Quiz (v1)


1. Question: Suppose a random sample of 400 is selected from a population with a standard deviation of 5. If the sample mean is 25, the 98% confidence interval to estimate the population mean is between ________. 2. Question: The point estimate of the population mean is _________. 3. Question: Sup...

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MATH 534 Week 4 Quiz (v2)


1. Question: Suppose a random sample of 400 is selected from a population with a standard deviation of 5. If the sample mean is 25, the 98% confidence interval to estimate the population mean is between ________. 2. Question: The point estimate of the population mean is _________. 3. Question: Sup...

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MATH 534 Week 5 Discussion; Hypothesis Testing


MATH 534 Week 5 Discussion; Hypothesis Testing

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MATH 534 Week 5 Discussion; Hypothesis Testing


For this discussion, create and post a 1-2 minute video describing a real-world example of whenahypothesistestcouldbeused.Yourvideoshouldalsoincludeanumericalexampleforanotherstudent to work through in their response. The example can use real data or data that you makeup, such as values for the mean...

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MATH 534 Week 5 Discussion; Hypothesis Testing


MATH 534 Week 5 Discussion; Hypothesis Testing

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MATH 534 Week 5 Homework Problems


1. Question: In hypothesis testing the statistical conclusion is either to reject or not to reject the null hypothesis based on the sample data. Which of the following statements is true? 2. Question: If a company wants to prove that the proportion (p) of its revenues from overseas operations is mo...

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MATH 534 Week 5 Homework Problems


1. Question: In hypothesis testing the statistical conclusion is either to reject or not to reject the null hypothesis based on the sample data. Which of the following statements is true? 2. Question: If a company wants to prove that the proportion (p) of its revenues from overseas operations is mo...

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MATH 534 Week 5 Quiz


1. Question: In a hypothesis test, the test statistic computed from the sample data is considered extreme or significant if it is __________ 2. Question: A test of the hypotheses, H0: p = 0.18 and H1: p ≠ 0.18 is a _______________. 3. Question: An analyst tested the null hypothesis µ ≥ 30 ag...

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MATH 534 Week 5 Quiz


1. Question: In a hypothesis test, the test statistic computed from the sample data is considered extreme or significant if it is __________ 2. Question: A test of the hypotheses, H0: p = 0.18 and H1: p ≠ 0.18 is a _______________. 3. Question: An analyst tested the null hypothesis µ ≥ 30 ag...

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MATH 534 Week 6 Addendum; Homework-Quiz Review


1. Question: You can skip #16 in the homework and #9 and #10 in the quiz. Everyone will be given credit. The problems look something like this: 2. Question: Review definitions and concepts in the notes. 3. Question: We are developing a regression model to predict weight as function of height. a....

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MATH 534 Week 6 Course Project, Part B - Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals


Part B: Hypothesis Testing and ConfidenceIntervals Completethefollowingfourhypotheses,usingα=0.05foreach.Theweek5spreadsheetcanbeusedintheseanalyses. ▪ 1.Meansalesperweekexceed42.5persalesperson ▪ 2.Proportionreceivingonlinetrainingislessthan 55% ▪ 3Meancallsmadeamongthosewithnotrainin...

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MATH 534 Week 6 Discussion; Regression Analysis (Keller)


Here,wearetalkingaboutregressionanalysis.Regressionanalysisreferstoa statisticalmethodofmodelingtherelationshipsbetweendifferentvariables(dependentand independent). It is used to describe and analyze relationships between data. Also,the regression analysis is used to make predictions, the relations...

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MATH 534 Week 6 Discussion; Regression Analysis


Suppose you are given data from a survey showing the IQ of each person interviewed and the IQof his or her mother. That is all the information that you have. Your boss has asked you to puttogether a report showing the relationship between these two variables. What could you present,and why?

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MATH 534 Week 6 Homework Problems


1. Question: Which of the following is not an assumption of the regression model? 2. Question: Suppose for a given data set the regression equation is: y = 54.78 + 1.45x, and the point (0.00, 24.78) is in the data set. The residual for this point is _________. 3. Question: If the standard error of...

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MATH 534 Week 6 Homework Problems


1. Question: Which of the following is not an assumption of the regression model? 2. Question: Suppose for a given data set the regression equation is: y = 54.78 + 1.45x, and the point (0.00, 24.78) is in the data set. The residual for this point is _________. 3. Question: If the standard error of...

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MATH 534 Week 6 Quiz


1. Question: A value of -1 for the coefficient of correlation between two variables means that the two variables are _____________. 2. Question: If there is positive correlation between two sets of numbers, then ____________-. 3. Question: If the correlation coefficient between variables X and Y i...

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MATH 534 Week 6 Quiz


1. Question: A value of -1 for the coefficient of correlation between two variables means that the two variables are _____________. 2. Question: If there is positive correlation between two sets of numbers, then ____________-. 3. Question: If the correlation coefficient between variables X and Y i...

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MATH 534 Week 7 Course Project, Final Part C; Regression and Correlation Analysis


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Final Project: Regression and Correlation Analysis Use the dependent variable (labeled Y) and one of the independent variables (labeled X1, X2, and X3) in the data file. Select and use one independent variable throughout this analysis. Use Excel to perform the regression and correlation analysis to...

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MATH 534 Week 7 Discussion; Predictive Analytics (Keller)


HelloProfessor&Class, Predictiveanalyticsisaninnovativeanalyticsdivisionthatuseshistoricaldatacombinedwith mathematical simulation, data mining techniques and machine learning to makeforecasts about future results.In order to detect threats and prospects, businessesemploy predictiveanalytics tofind...

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MATH 534 Week 7 Discussion; Predictive Analytics


Predictive analytics in business is an important application of multiple regression analysis.Generallyspeaking,whatismeantbypredictiveanalytics?Asabusinessowner,howcouldyouuseregressionanalysisand predictive analyticsto increase your company'ssales?

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MATH 534 Week 7 Homework Problems


1. Question:Arealestateanalysthasdevelopedamultipleregressionline,y=60+0.068x1–2.5x2,topredicty=themarketpriceofahome(in $1,000s),usingindependentvariables,x1=thetotalnumberofsquare feetoflivingspace,andx2=theageofthehouseinyears.The regressioncoefficientofx2suggeststhis: _____. 2. Question:Thef...

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MATH 534 Week 8 Discussion


The descriptive statistics summarize data from a sample, for example, demographicprofiles. Whenever there are several groups, it is useful to provide the descriptivestatistics by group and for the overall sample. This gives a visual impression of thecomparabilityofthe groupsin termoftheir baseline c...

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