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ECN 601 Full Course DQs, Problems, Exams (Package Deal) $429.49
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ECN 601 Full Course DQs, Problems, Exams (Package Deal)

ECN 601 Full Course DQs, Problems, Exams (Package Deal)

37 items

ECN 601 Topic 1 DQ 1 plus DQ 2


Topic1:FoundationsofEconomics-SupplyandDemand Topic1DQ1 Feb2-4,2023 Explainwhytheconsiderationofopportunitycostsmaybeveryrelevanttoafirm.Howcanopportunitycostsaffectabusinessdecision?Useanexampletosupportyouranswer. Topic1DQ2 Feb2-6, 2023 Thinkaboutagoodorserviceforwhichyoubelievethereha...

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ECN 601 Topic 1 DQ 1


Topic1DQ1 Feb2-4,2023 Explainwhytheconsiderationofopportunitycostsmaybeveryrelevanttoafirm.Howcanopportunitycostsaffectabusinessdecision?Useanexampletosupportyouranswer.

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ECN 601 Topic 1 DQ 2


Topic1DQ2 Feb2-6, 2023 Thinkaboutagoodorserviceforwhichyoubelievetherehasbeenashiftindemandorsupply.Explainthereasonsbehind theshiftand howthat hasinfluencedtheequilibrium price.

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ECN 601 Topic 1 DQ 2


Topic1DQ2 Feb2-6, 2023 Thinkaboutagoodorserviceforwhichyoubelievetherehasbeenashiftindemandorsupply.Explainthereasonsbehind theshiftand howthat hasinfluencedtheequilibrium price.

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ECN 601 Topic 2 DQ 1 plus DQ 2


Topic 2DQ1 Feb9-11,2023 Explainasituationyouhaveobserved(orreadabout)inwhichafirmmadeadecisionconsideringirrelevantcostsordidnotconsiderrelevantcosts.Whatwastheoutcomeofthedecision,andwhatcouldhavebeendonedifferently? Topic 2DQ2 Feb9-13,2023 Explain why pricing and production are extent decis...

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ECN 601 Topic 2 DQ 1


Topic 2DQ1 Feb9-11,2023 Explainasituationyouhaveobserved(orreadabout)inwhichafirmmadeadecisionconsideringirrelevantcostsordidnotconsiderrelevantcosts.Whatwastheoutcomeofthedecision,andwhatcouldhavebeendonedifferently?

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ECN 601 Topic 2 DQ 2


Topic 2DQ2 Feb9-13,2023 Explain why pricing and production are extent decisions and not decisions that should be tackled with break-even analysis. Does the same apply for investment decisions? Provide a rationale to support your response.

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ECN 601 Topic 2 Problems; Chapters 4, 5, 6


Chapter 4 1. Question: Memorial Hospital's CEO conducted performance reviews of the hospital’s departments and discovered that the average cost of deliveries ($5,000) was above their average revenue, and that the hospital was losing $700 on each delivery. From the information on how much the hos...

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ECN 601 Topic 3 DQ 1 plus DQ 2


Topic3DQ1 Feb16-18, 2023 Whatmarketstructurebestdescribestheenvironment withinwhichyourorganizationoperates?What challenges and opportunities would arise from higher and lower degrees of governmentintervention? Provide arationaleto supportyour selected marketstructure. Topic3DQ2 Feb16-20, 20...

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ECN 601 Topic 3 DQ 1


Topic3DQ1 Feb16-18, 2023 Whatmarketstructurebestdescribestheenvironment withinwhichyourorganizationoperates?What challenges and opportunities would arise from higher and lower degrees of governmentintervention? Provide arationaleto supportyour selected marketstructure.

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ECN 601 Topic 3 DQ 2


Topic3DQ2 Feb16-20, 2023 How do firms contribute to the efficiency of the market economy in ways that networks ofindependentcontractorsdonot?Useyourorganization, oronewithwhichyouarefamiliar, toillustrate your response.

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ECN 601 Topic 3 Problems; Chapters 7, 8, 9


Problems: Chapters 7, 8, and 9 1. Individual Problems 7-3 The variety of Riverside Ranger logo T-shirts includes 12 different designs. Setup between designs takes one hour (and $15,000), and, after setting up, you can produce 1,000 units of a particular design per hour (at a cost of $5,000). N...

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ECN 601 Topic 4 DQ 1 plus DQ 2


Topic 4DQ1 Feb23-25,2023 Identifyapersonaleconomicdecisionthatwasdrivenbyabehavioralbiasratherthanbypurerationalbehavior.Givenyourunderstandingofbehavioraleconomics,howwouldyourdecisiondiffertoday? Topic 4DQ1 Feb23-25,2023 Identifyapersonaleconomicdecisionthatwasdrivenbyabehavioralbiasrat...

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ECN 601 Topic 4 DQ 1


Topic 4DQ1 Feb23-25,2023 Identifyapersonaleconomicdecisionthatwasdrivenbyabehavioralbiasratherthanbypurerationalbehavior.Givenyourunderstandingofbehavioraleconomics,howwouldyourdecisiondiffertoday?

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ECN 601 Topic 4 DQ 2


Topic 4DQ2 Feb23-27,2023 Whatisthecorrelationbetween,andevidencebehind,marketconcentrationandpricelevels?Doyoufindanyrelationshipbetweenlackofcompetitionandothereconomicvariables?UseatleastonearticlefromTheWallStreetJournal,oranotherscholarlyreference,tosupportyourresponse.Whataretheethicalramif...

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ECN 601 Topic 4 Exam 1 (Multiple Choice)


1. Question:Theopportunity cost ofanactionis: 2. Question:Priceceilingscause: 3. Question:Acompanyinvested$400,000inatechnologythatreducedtheoverallcostsof production by reducing their cost per unit from $2 to $1.85. Later, amanagerhasanopportunitytooutsourceproductiontoanothercompanyatacostperuni...

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ECN 601 Topic 4 Problems Chapter 12, Chapter 14


Problems Chapter 12 1. Question:A top producer of tennis balls has recently started manufacturing tennis rackets, a complementary product to tennis balls. As a result, it should 2. Question:A very profitable, high-margin chain of ice cream shops has acquired its main competitor, a low-margin froze...

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ECN 601 Topic 5 DQ 1 plus DQ 2


Topic5DQ1 Mar2-4, 2023 The order of play tends to matter in sequential games where rivals must predict best reply-responses and counter-responses in order to achieve a desired payoff. Discuss an instance inwhich you or your firm used game theory and explain why the relationship between the playe...

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ECN 601 Topic 5 DQ 1


Topic5DQ1 Mar2-4, 2023 The order of play tends to matter in sequential games where rivals must predict best reply-responses and counter-responses in order to achieve a desired payoff. Discuss an instance inwhich you or your firm used game theory and explain why the relationship between the playe...

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ECN 601 Topic 5 DQ 2


Topic5DQ2 Mar2-6, 2023 In business, sports, politics, and many other fields there are probably countless situations akin totheprisoner'sdilemma whereplayersactingintheir ownself-interest donot produceanidealoutcome. Likewise, some player dynamics also illustrate other game theory concepts like ...

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ECN 601 Topic 5 Problems; Chapter 15, Chapter 16.


1. Consider the following sequential game in which player 1 selects first between A, B, C, and D,andplayer2selects secondeitherXorY.Whichstrategy doesplayer1selectinequilibrium? 2. fr1me05h.Ch15-2.01: What is the Nash equilibrium of the following game? 3. fr1me05h.Ch15-3.01: Which of the following...

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ECN 601 Topic 6 DQ 1 plus DQ 2


Topic 6DQ1 Mar9-11,2023 Whatisthedifferencebetweenriskanduncertainty?Provideexamplesofwhatyourorganizationhasdone,ornotdone,todealwithriskanduncertainty.Howdidthoseactionsaffectthefirmonceacontingencyofriskoruncertaintymaterialized? Topic 6DQ2 Mar9-13,2023 Howdoesthefinancialstrengthofanorg...

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ECN 601 Topic 6 DQ 1


Topic 6DQ1 Mar9-11,2023 Whatisthedifferencebetweenriskanduncertainty?Provideexamplesofwhatyourorganizationhasdone,ornotdone,todealwithriskanduncertainty.Howdidthoseactionsaffectthefirmonceacontingencyofriskoruncertaintymaterialized?

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ECN 601 Topic 6 DQ 2


Topic 6DQ2 Mar9-13,2023 Howdoesthefinancialstrengthofanorganizationinfluencedecisionmakingandoutcomes?Provideexamplesthatsupportyourrationale.

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ECN 601 Topic 6 Problems; Chapter 17, 19, 20


1. Question: The expected value of an uncertain outcome is: 2. Question: If your uncle offers you a deal with an expected value much greater than your cost to take part: 3. Question: You have to choose between risky options A and B. You calculate the expected value of A is greater than the expec...

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ECN 601 Topic 7 DQ 1 plus DQ 2


Topic 7DQ1 Mar16-18,2023 Giveexamplesfromyouremploymenthistorywhereyouwitnessedmoralhazardintheworkplace.Whatweretheincentivesthatgaverisetomoralhazard?Didthefirmtakestepstoeliminatemoralhazard? Topic 7DQ2 Mar16-20,2023 Beginbylocatingascholarlyarticleregardingtheeffectsofincreasesonminim...

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ECN 601 Topic 7 DQ 1


Topic 7DQ1 Mar16-18,2023 Giveexamplesfromyouremploymenthistorywhereyouwitnessedmoralhazardintheworkplace.Whatweretheincentivesthatgaverisetomoralhazard?Didthefirmtakestepstoeliminatemoralhazard?

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ECN 601 Topic 7 DQ 2


Topic 7DQ2 Mar16-20,2023 Beginbylocatingascholarlyarticleregardingtheeffectsofincreasesonminimumwagesanddiscussitsfindings.Doesaminimumwageincreaseleadtoreductionsinemployment,oristheoveralleffectonemploymentnetpositive?Doyouagreeordisagreewiththeresultsofthestudy?Whatdoyouthinkareothervitalcons...

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ECN 601 Topic 7 Problems; Chapters 21 and 22


Problems:Chapters21and22Assessment Description CompleteProblemsinChapters21and22inMindTapforManagerialEconomics:AProblemSolvingApproach.AccessMindTapthroughthelearningmanagement systemclassroom. 1 .IndividualProblems21-1 Whenrealestateagentsselltheirown,ratherthanclients',houses,theyleavethe...

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ECN 601 Topic 8 DQ 1 plus DQ 2


Topic 8DQ1 Mar23-25,2023 GotoTheEconomistwebsiteandsearchfortheBigMacIndexforarecenttimeperiod.ComparethePurchasingPoweroftheUnitedStateswithanothercountry.Trytochooseacountrywithwhichyouarenotveryfamiliar.Whatdoesthisparitysayaboutthepotentialstandardoflivinginthecountryyouchose?Whatdoesitsayab...

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ECN 601 Topic 8 DQ 1


Topic 8DQ1 Mar23-25,2023 GotoTheEconomistwebsiteandsearchfortheBigMacIndexforarecenttimeperiod.ComparethePurchasingPoweroftheUnitedStateswithanothercountry.Trytochooseacountrywithwhichyouarenotveryfamiliar.Whatdoesthisparitysayaboutthepotentialstandardoflivinginthecountryyouchose?Whatdoesitsayab...

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ECN 601 Topic 8 DQ 2


Topic 8DQ2 Mar23-27,2023 Overseveraldecades,someindustries,suchastextileandclothing,whichwereonceasignificantpartoftheU.S.economy,haveshiftedmanufacturingabroad.Usingtheideaofopportunitycost,provideanexplanationofthereasoningbehindthisshift.Howhasthisshiftaffectedeconomicwell-beinglocally?Howdot...

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ECN 601 Topic 8 Exam 2 (40 MCQs)


1. Question:Forjointlyownedsubstituteproducts,cannibalizationleads toMR MC. 2. Question:Use the table provided to answer the following question. If the groups are of equal size andthe firm can onlysetoneprice,howshould the firmpricethehigh-end wok? 3. Question:TheoptimalstrategyinaVickeryauctionis...

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ECN 601 Topic 8 Exam 2 (40 Multiple Choice)


1. Question:Forjointlyownedsubstituteproducts,cannibalizationleads toMR MC. 2. Question:Use the table provided to answer the following question. If the groups are of equal size andthe firm can onlysetoneprice,howshould the firmpricethehigh-end wok? 3. Question:TheoptimalstrategyinaVickeryauctionis...

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ECN 601 Topic 8 Exam 2 Formula Sheet


1. Question:Indirectpricediscrimination differsfromdirectprice discriminationbecause: 2. Question:What is it called when each additional worker hired contributessuccessively smalleramountsofoutput? 3. Question:Jim has a better chance of having his offer accepted, since the seller doesnothaveanyout...

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ECN 601 Topic 8 Exam 2


1. Question:TheoptimalstrategyinaVickeryauctionisto: 2. Question:Tomwantstoavoidanyaccidentsontheworkfloorofhisfactory.Ifanaccidentdoesoccur,itwouldcosthim $500,000 in damages. Installing safety equipment would decrease the probability of an accidentoccurring from 20% to 10%. However, the equipment...

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ECN 601 Topic 8 Problems; Chapter 11


G11-2: Exchange Rate Effects on your Firm The equilibrium often entails a supply and a demand factor. Despite that a country’s currency value may fluctuate over a period, it must be noted the supply and demand for oil does not change. The petroleum industry for example is known for domestic oil r...

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