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package deal for PSY120 2024/2025(passed)

1 Exam (elaborations) Psy120 Midterm with verified solutions 2024/2025 2 Exam (elaborations) Psy120 Spring 2017 Purdue Chapter 2 question n answers graded A+ 3 Exam (elaborations) PSY120 - Chap 13 + 14 question n answers graded A+ 2024/2025 4 Exam (elaborations) PSY120 Exam #2, Chapter 5 questio...

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53 items

PSY 120 Final Exam Spring 2022 updated already passed


PSY 120 Final Exam Spring 2022 tabula rasa - correct answer Aristotle's term describing the mind as a "blank slate" when individuals are born applied research - correct answer Research done in an effort to discover a new or more effective way to solve a specific practical problem clinica...

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Psychology 120 | Final Exam Study Guide with 100% correct answers


Psychology 120 | Final Exam Study GuideWhat is psychology? - correct answer the scientific study of behavior and mental processes Behavior of Psychology can be... - correct answer directly observed What are examples of behavior? - correct answer - discrimination - suicide - conformity -...

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PSY 120 EXAM 1: CHAPTERS 1,2,3&4 fully solved 2024/2025


PSY 120 EXAM 1: CHAPTERS 1,2,3&4American Psychological Association - correct answer professional organization representing psychologists in the United States Behaviorism - correct answer focus on observing and controlling behavior Biopsychology - correct answer study of how biology influen...

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Psych 120 Final Exam Study Guide fully solved graded A+


Psych 120 Final Exam Study GuidePsychology - correct answer scientific study of behavior and mind clinical psychologist - correct answer specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems applied psychologist - correct answer extend the principles of scientific psychology t...

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psy120 exam 1 study guide correctly answered


psy120 exam 1 study guidehealth psychology - correct answer a subfield of psychology that provides psychology's contribution to behavioral medicine Dualism vs. Monism - correct answer idea the mind/body are separate vs. the idea that brain creates consciousness; dualism: the mind and body are ...

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PSY120 FINAL EXAM questions and answers


PSY120 FINAL EXAMaddiction - correct answer a disorder of the brain reward system characterized by compulsive and repetitive engagement in activities associated with immediate pleasure, even when the long-term outcomes are negative case formulation - correct answer an explanation of an individu...

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PSY 120 exam 2 correctly answered graded A+


PSY 120 exam 2 Sensation - correct answer detection of signals from the environment Perception - correct answer organization and interpretation of sensations signal detection theory - correct answer asks how much stimulation is needed absolute threshold - correct answer minimum amount ...

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PSY120 - Exam 1 questions with 100% correct answers


PSY120 - Exam 1Plato - correct answer The Ring of the Gyges Will a person be good or bad if given the opportunity to be either? Locke - correct answer tabula rasa (blank slate) children are born with blank slates and how they interact with their surroundings will determine who they will be ...

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Psychology 120 Chapter 1 fully solved graded A+


Psychology 120 Chapter 1 research psychologists - correct answer psychologists who try to discover the basic principles of behavior and mind eclectic approach - correct answer the idea that it is useful to select information from several sources rather than to rely entirely on a single perspec...

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PSY 120 EXAM 1 questions and answers graded A+


PSY 120 EXAM 1double blind study - correct answer neither the researchers nor the subject know condition (placebo) confirmation bias - correct answer how convenient the facts fit your views within vs. between subjects - correct answer within is when using same person between is when using...

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PSY 120 - Exam 2 Purdue with complete solutions 2024/2025


PSY 120 - Exam 2 Purduetransduction - correct answer conversion from sensory stimulus energy to action potential absolute threshold - correct answer the minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus 50% of the time subliminal messages - correct answer stimuli below our absolute...

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Psychology 120 Final Exam question n answers graded A+


Psychology 120 Final ExamCommon Sense Theory of Emotion - correct answer we cry because we're sad, blush because we're embarrassed, tremble because we're afraid Lay Theory - correct answer personal theory that one has that does not have to be scientifically backed James-Lange Theory of Em...

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PSY 120 Exam #4 question n answers graded A+


PSY 120 Exam #4What is social cognition? - correct answer How people process, store and apply information about other people and social situations Focuses on role that cognitive processes play in our social interactions Is physical appearance an important determinant of first impressions? Why o...

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PSY120 Midterm Practice fully solved


PSY120 Midterm Practiceaccording to the principle of ____ researchers are responsible for keeping all of the data they gather on individuals completely confidential and, when possible, completely anonymous - correct answer confidentiality ____ inhibits the firing of neurons in the central nervou...

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Purdue Psychology 120 exam 2 questions well answered graded A+


Purdue Psychology 120 exam 2learning - correct answer A relatively permanent change in behavior, or potential behavior, that results from experience. Orienting Response - correct answer An inborn tendency to notice and respond to novel or surprising events Habituation - correct answer The d...

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Psychology 120 Exam 4 fully solved


Psychology 120 Exam 4 Social cognition - correct answer The study of how people use cognitive processes - such as perception, memory, thought, and emotion - to help make sense of other people as well as themselves Yes. We tend to assume that physically attractive individuals are more intelligen...

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PSY 120 USASK questions well answered


PSY 120 USASKbiological rhythm - correct answer a period, moe or less regular fluctuation in a biological system, may not have psychological implication entrainment - correct answer the rhythm of physiological or behavioural events becomes matched to the environmental rhythm endogenous - co...

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Purdue Psychology 120 Chapter 4 questions and answers graded A+


Purdue Psychology 120 Chapter 4Summarize the nature of consciousness. - correct answer It is the awareness of external events and our internal feelings and sensations, including self-awareness and thoughts about our experiences. Lower Level Awareness - correct answer (Automatic processes and da...

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Psychology 120 Purdue University Exam 1 (Chapters 1-4) verified already passed


Psychology 120 Purdue University Exam 1 (Chapters 1-4) What two disciplines did psychology develop from? - correct answer Philosophy and physiology 3 Misconceptions of Psychology - correct answer Three misconceptions include: - Psychology is all about treating and studying mental disorders -...

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PSY 120: Chapter 6 with 100% correct answers 2024/2025


PSY 120: Chapter 6consciousness - correct answer subjective awareness of internal and external events; thoughts, feelings, sensations, external stimuli what consciousness is good for - correct answer developing strategies, thinking about what you want to do/say, imagine how something the future...

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Psy 120 - Chapter 5 - Consciousness fully solved rated A+


Psy 120 - Chapter 5 - ConsciousnessConsciousness - correct answer Our awareness of ourselves and our environment Alternate State of Consciousness (ASC) - correct answer A mental state, other than ordinary waking consciousness, that occurs during sleep, dreaming, psychoactive drug use and hypnos...

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Purdue PSY 120 - exam 1 questions and answers graded A+


Purdue PSY 120 - exam 1William Wundt - correct answer father of psychology, structuralism Edward Titchener - correct answer Student of Wilhelm Wundt; founder of Structuralist school of psychology. Charles Darwin - correct answer -Evolution by "natural selection" (the weaker die out) wrote...

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Psychology 120, Psychology 120 P, Purdue PSY 120 Exam 1 fully solved 2024/2025


Psychology 120, Psychology 120 P, Purdue PSY 120 Exam 1What two disciplines did psychology develop from? - correct answer Philosophy and physiology 3 Misconceptions of Psychology - correct answer Three misconceptions include: - Psychology is all about treating and studying mental disorders - ...

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Psychology 120 Exam #3 Purdue correctly answered 2024/2025


Psychology 120 Exam #3 PurdueIntrinsic motivation - correct answer the pursuit of activity because of internal factors Extrinsic motivation - correct answer the pursuit of an activity because of external factors Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - correct answer We are motivated by needs not bei...

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Psychology 120 questions with answers 2024/2025


Psychology 120Motivation - correct answer Alll the processes that initiate, direct, and sustain behavior Motive - correct answer Need or desire that energizes and directs behavior toward a goal Intrinsic Motivation - correct answer The desire to behave in a certain way because it is enjoyab...

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Psychology 120 Chapter 2 fully solved graded A+


Psychology 120 Chapter 2 Key Characteristics of the ideal scientist - correct answer Precision, Skepticism, Reliance on empirical evidence, Willingness to make "risky predictions, Openness. Theory - correct answer An organized system of assumptions and principles that purports to explain a sp...

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PSY120 - Chapter 1 quiz well answered 2024/2025


PSY120 - Chapter 1 quizWhich of the followings is not true about psychology? a. Psychology is just common sense. b. Psychology is just the study of mental health disorders. c. Psychology has no connection with everyday life. d. All of the above are not true - correct answer Answer : d Which...

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Psychology 120 Exam 3 at Purdue verified already passed


Psychology 120 Exam 3 at Purdue Thinking - correct answer the process that undelies the mental manipulation of knowledge usually in an attempt to reason a goal or solve a problem Grammer - correct answer rules of a communication system Three aspects of grammar: - correct answer 1)Phonology...

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U of S psychology 120 final question and answers graded A+


U of S psychology 120 finalTypes of Research - correct answer Applied-solve practical problems Basic(pure)- knowledge out of curiosity Types of Therapy - correct answer Clinical-diagnose mental problems Counselling-adjustment problems Educational- academic performance and career guidance ...

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Purdue Psych 120 Exam 4 questions correctly answered 2024/2025


Purdue Psych 120 Exam 4 Social Cognition - correct answer the processes by which people come to understand others Is physical appearance an important determinant of first impressions? - correct answer yes, negative first impressions can be formed over someone who is not adequately presentable ...

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PSY 120- Dr. Yates correctly answered 2024/2025


PSY 120- Dr. YatesPrior to 1879 - correct answer physiology and philosophy scholars studied questions about the mind Who is Wilhelm Wundt? - correct answer he campaigned to make psychology an independent discipline and established the first lab for the study at University of Leipzig, Germany in...

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Psych 120 - Midterm 2 correctly answered graded A+


Psych 120 - Midterm 2Metacognition - correct answer Knowledge about your own cognition; often accurate but sometimes leads to misconceptions Metamemory - correct answer knowledge about how your memory works and one's perception about memory Monitoring Learning - correct answer Distributed ...

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Psy 120 Exam 4 correctly answered 2024/2025


Psy 120 Exam 4Abnormal; cognitive model - correct answer abnormal thoughts or beliefs abnormal; sociocultural model - correct answer violation of local social norms abnormal; biological model - correct answer changes in biological funcitoning abnormality is inextricable attacted to cultu...

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PSY 120 Purdue EXAM III question n answers graded A+


PSY 120 Purdue EXAM IIICognitive Process Mental manipulation of knowledge and ideas Language System of communication (written or spoken) Defining Characteristic of Language Grammar Grammar Set of rules governing how symbols can be combined to convey meaning Linguistic...

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Psy120 questions with 100% correct answers graded A+


Psy120As baby Sanjay's physical development improves, he is able to crawl around and explore his environment. This advances his cognitive development, as he learns about the size and shape of objects, as well as how they function. His newfound crawling skills also contribute to changes in Sanjay'...

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psy 120 final exam question n answers graded A+


psy 120 final examFunctional Fixedness - correct answer The tendency to see objects and their functions in certain fixed and typical ways. Representative Heuristics - correct answer The tendency to make decisions based on an alternatives similarity in relation to an ideal. Phonology - corre...

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PSY 120 CH 10 Review Postquiz question n answers


PSY 120 CH 10 Review The force that causes us to do, think, and feel things is known as Emotion -incorrect Motivation Instinct Drive - correct answer Motivation? In psychology, questions that ask _______ people do things are really asking about motivation When How Why Where -...

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Psychology 120: Quiz #1 verified already passed 2024/2025


Psychology 120: Quiz #1 Empirical Approach - correct answer an evidence-based method that draws on observation and experimentation Critical Thinking - correct answer thinking that does not blindly accept arguments and conclusions. Rather, it examines assumptions, discerns hidden values, evalua...

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PSY 120 Exam 3 correctly answered graded A+


PSY 120 Exam 3Motivation - correct answer describes the wants or need that direct behavoir toward a goal Intrinsic - correct answer arising from internal factors (autonomy, mastery purpose) Extrinsic - correct answer arising from external factors (compensation, punishment, reward) Drive ...

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Quiz 8 - PSY120 correctly answered graded A+


Quiz 8 - PSY120 four markers of a psychological disorder - correct answer deviance, dysfunction, distress, danger depression - correct answer a mood state that may include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness, loss of interest and energy, increase in sleeping and eating, suicid...

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psy120 final 2 fully solved


psy120 final 2Hans Selye introduced the model of stress reaction called the general adaptation syndrome (GAS). Selye was convinced that reactions to stressful situations: - correct answer were general and nonspecific In the general activation syndrome (GAS), described by Selye, the physiological...

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PSY120 Chapter 12 question and answers graded A+


PSY120 Chapter 1210%??? - correct answer If you have an identical twin with schizophrenia, what is your chance of developing schizophrenia? Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa both strike women more than men - correct answer Which of the following statements is true regarding anorexia nervosa ...

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Psychology 120 Exam 3 question n answers graded A+


Psychology 120 Exam 3 Cognition - correct answer All of the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating Concepts - correct answer Help simplify thinking through mental grouping or similar objects, events, ideas, or people Algorithm - correct answer M...

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psy 120 ch 2 correctly answered graded A+


psy 120 ch 2chromosomes - correct answer a threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells, carrying genetic information in the form of genes. DNA - correct answer A complex molecule containing the genetic information that makes up the chromosomes. ...

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PSY 120 Final Exam Yates question n answers graded A+ 2024/2025


PSY 120 Final Exam YatesStructuralism Psychology - correct answer - Edward Titchener - Analyze consciousness into basic elements Functionalism Psychology - correct answer - William James - Investigate function of consciousness - Influenced by natural selection - Led to investigation of ...

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PSY 120 Yates Final question n answers


PSY 120 Yates FinalStructuralism Psychology - correct answer Created by Wilhelm Wundt and believes that human experience can be broken down into basic conscious mental elements Functionalism Psychology - correct answer The study of the purpose mental processes serve in enabling people to adapt ...

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PSY 120- Chapter 1 verified already passed


PSY 120- Chapter 1Which of the following correlations is the strongest? - correct answer -.93 To derive a standard deviation you - correct answer Subtract the mean from each score, and square this value, sum the squares and divide the sums by the number of scores minus 1, then take the square r...

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PSY120 TopHat Chapters 3-14 Review 2024/2025 updated already passed


PSY120 TopHat Chapters 3-14 Review Dr. Retchman is stimulating a patient's brain in different places to ensure that she is in the right spot for the surgery she is about to perform. When she stimulates an area, something will go wrong that has to do with the function of that particular area. For e...

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PSY120: Exam 1 review (chapter 1-8) fully solved 2024/2025


PSY120: Exam 1 review (chapter 1-8)Psychologists use the term behavior to refer: - correct answer to anything that can be observed and measured in a systematic way The general job description of a psychologist can be divided into three main categories. Which of the following is NOT one of them? ...

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PSY120 Exam 1 questions well answered


PSY120 Exam 1a hypothesis - correct answer When a researcher develops a tentative explanation for some phenomenon that can be tested and then either rejected or supported, that researcher has developed The amount of the drug administered to the patients. - correct answer If you want to experime...

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PSY120 Exam #2, Chapter 5 questions and verified solutions 2024


PSY120 Exam #2, Chapter 5What is the definition of learning? Be able to identify from examples what is learning and what is not learning. - correct answer A systematic, relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience. Examples would be the alphabet, driving, opening act at a ...

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PSY120 - Chap 13 + 14 question n answers graded A+ 2024/2025


PSY120 - Chap 13 + 14To produce change in a person through discussions with a therapist - correct answer What is the goal of psychotherapy? Biological - correct answer The _____________ approach to therapy involves treatments that address symptoms of psychological disorders by altering aspects ...

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Psy120 Spring 2017 Purdue Chapter 2 question n answers graded A+


Psy120 Spring 2017 Purdue Chapter 2 1. What is the scientific method? (book/lecture) - correct answer Slide 4. A technique that generates empirical knowledge (knowledge derived from systematic observations of the world) OR Systematically seeking answers to testable questions about mind and behavio...

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