Summary NR328/NR 328 Exam 1 Study Guide (Latest 2022/2023) Pediatric Nursing - Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR328/NR 328 Exam 1 Study Guide (Latest 2022/2023) Pediatric Nursing - Chamberlain College of Nursing
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NR328/NR 328 Exam 1 Study Guide Pediatric Nursing - Chamberlain College of Nursing
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NR 328 Pediatric Nursing Exam 1 Study Guide
Ways Iwe Ican Ihelp Ikeep Ichildren Iout Iof Ihospital
Dental ICare: Ithe Isingle Imost Icommon Ichronic Idisease Iof Ichildhood.
-Energy Idrinks
-Coffee I(Starbucks)
- IHerd-Immunity: Ieveryone Iin Ia Iclass Igets Ivaccinated Ibesides Ione Iperson
-More Ithan Ilikely Ithat Ione Iperson Ithat Idid Inot Iget Ivaccinated Iwill Inot Iget Ithe Ivirus
IObesity I& IType I2 IDiabetes
-Define Ias Ia Ibody Imass Iindex Iat Ior Igreater Ithan Ithe I95th Ipercentile Ifor Iyouth Iof Ithe Isame Iage Iand
Causes: Inot Ienough Iexercise, Ikids Idon’t Iwant Ito Igo Ioutside Ianymore, Ieating Ibad, Isedentary Ilifestyle, Inot
Ienough Imoney Ifor Irecreational Iactivities
Childhood IInjuries: Iare Ithe Imost Icommon Icause Iof Ideath Iand Idisability Ito Ichildren Iin Ithe IUS
-Over I1 Iyear Iof Iage: Icar Iaccidents Iif Ithe I#1 Icase Iof Ideath
Others Icauses Iinclude: Idrowning, Ibums, Ipoisoning, Ifirearms
IPrevention Imethods: Icar Iseats, Ihelmets
Neonatal Iperiod: I<28 Idays Iof Ilife
IPostnatal Iperiod: I28 Idays Ito I1 Iyr
ILower Ibirth Iwt=higher Imortality
Risk Ifactors Ifor Iinfant Imortality: Ilower Ibirth Iwt, IAfrican IAmericans, Imale Igender, Ishort Ior Ilong Igestation,
Imaternal Iage I(younger Ior Iolder), Imaternal Ieducation
Top I3 Icauses Iof Iinfant Ideath: Icongenital Ianomalies, Idisorders Irelating Ito Ishort Igestation I& IunspecifiedIlow
Ibirth Iwt, Isudden Iinfant Ideath Isyndrome
5 Ileading Icauses Iof Ideath Iin Ichildren I15 Ito I19 Iyrs Iold: Iaccidents, Ihomicide, Isuicide, Icancer, Iheart Idisease
IFamily Icentered Icare: Ifamily Ias Ithe Iconstant Iin Ia Ichild’s Ilife
-Concept Iof Ienabling I& Iempowerment
-Family Imust Ibe Iincluded Iin Icare Ifor Ithese Ipts
-Needs Iof Iall Ifamily Imembers Imust Ibe Iaddressed
IAtraumatic ICare: IGoal Iis Ido Inot Iharm!
-Cluster Icare
-We Iallowed, Igive Ithem Ichoices
-Minimize Iharm
-Promote Ia Isense Iof Icontrol
-Leave Ichildren Iw/ Iparents Iat Iall Itime
Pain Iis Isubjective
-It Iis Iwhatever Ithe Ichild Isays Iit Iis
-Pain Iis Ithe I5th Ivital Isign
Pain IAssessment: Ibehavioral, Iphysiologic, Iself-report
, QUESTT: IQuestion, IUse, IEvaluate, ISecure, ITake Icause Iof Ipain, ITake Iaction
Signs/Symp Iof Ipain: Iskin Iflushing, Idiaphoresis, Ielevation Iof IBP, Itachycardia, Itachypnea, Idecrease Iin IO2,
Irestlessness, Idilation Iof Ipupils
After Ipharmacologic Iintervention
-Assess I10-30 Imins Iafter Iparenteral Itherapy
-One Ihr Iafter Ioral Iadministration
Assessment Iof Ipain: Iyou Ican Ihave Ithe Ichild Ipoint Ito Iarea
-Poker Ichip Itool
-Word-graphic Irating
-Numeric Iscale
-Color Itool
FLACC Ipain Iscale: Itool Iused Ifor Iinfants
Children Iwill Imetabolize Idrugs Ifaster Ithan Iadults
-Reason Iis Ibecause Ithey Iare Igrowing, Ieverything Iis Imaturing, Iand Imoving Ifaster
-Always Icalculate Idrug Idosage Iw/ Ikids’ Iwt
Opioid ISide Ieffects: Iresp. Idepression, Iconstipation, Ipruritis, In/v, Isedation, Iphysical Idependence,
Iwithdrawal Isymp, Itolerance
Prevention Iof Ipain Iis Ialways Ibetter Ithan Itreatment
-Around Ithe Iclock Ipain Imanagement
Communication & Physical Assessment
Communicating Iw/parents:
1st: IEstablish Ia Isetting
2nd: IEnsure Iprivacy Iand Iconfidentiality I(HIPAA-Health IInsurance IPortability Iand IAccountability IAct, I2003)I3rd:
IEncourage Italking
4th: IDirect Ithe Ifocus
5th: IListening Iand Icultural Iawareness
6th: ISilence, Iempathy, Iand Ianticipatory Iguidance: ITell Ithe Iparents Iwhat Ito Iexpect
I7 : IAvoid Icommunication Iblock
Communicating Iw/children:
1st: IMake Icommunication Idevelopmentally Iappropriate: IDo Inot Ionly Iacknowledge Ithe Iparent, Italk Ito Ithe
Ichild Ias Iwell
2nd: IGet Ion Ichild’s Ieye Ilevel
3rd: IApproach Ichild Igently Iand Iquietly: IToddlers Iare Iusually Iscared Iwhen Iyou Iapproach Ithem
I4 : IAlways Ibe Itruthful
5th: IGive Ichild Ichoices Ias Iappropriate
I6 : IAvoid Ianalogies Iand Imetaphors
I7 : IGive Iinstructions Iclearly
8th: IGive Iinstructions Iin Ipositive Imanner
9th: IAvoid Ilong Isentences, Imedical Ijargon; Ithink Iabout I“scary Iwords”
I10 : IGive Iolder Ichild Iopportunity Ito Italk Iwithout Iparents Ipresent
IWe Iuse Iplay Ias Ian Iassessment Itool
Assessment: IInspection, Iauscultation, Ipalpation, Ipercussion
IDuring Ireview Iof Isystems, Icheck Ithroat Ilast
-Some Ichildren Iwill Iget Iirritated Iand Inot Ilet Iyou Ido Ianything Ielse