Exam (elaborations)
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1. 37-year-old Ifemale Ipatient Iwith Ia Ihistory Iof Ia Isingle Iepisode Iof Idepression Iand Ifrequent Icomplaints
Iof IPMS Iis Ibeing Itreated Ifor Ihypothyroidism. IToday Ishe Icomplains Iof Ipoor Iconcentration Iand
Ifatigue. IInitially, Ithe INP Ishould:
a. Question Iher Ifurther
2. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ian Iexample Iof Isecondary Iprevention?
a. Annual Iinfluenza Ivaccination
3. A I35-year Iold Ifemale Iwith Ia Ihistory Iof Imitral Ivalve Iprolapse Iis Ischeduled Ifor Iroutine Idental
Icleaning. IAccording Ito Ithe I2007 IAmerican I___Association’s Iguideline Ifor Iendocarditis
Iprophylaxis, Iwhat Iwould Iyou Iadvise Ithis Ipatient?
a. She Idoes Inot Ineed Iprophylaxis Ifor Iany Idental Iprocedure
4. IA Ipatient Irecovering Ifrom Ia Irecent Istroke Iis Istarting Ianticoagulant Itherapy. IThe Inurse Ipractitioner
Ishould Iteach Ithe Ipatient Ito Iavoid Iall Iof Ithe Ifollowing IEXCEPT:
a. b. Imilk Iand Imilk Iproducts
5. IA Ipatient Ipresents Iwith Iperiorbital Ierythema Iand Iedema, Ifever, Iand Inasal Idrainage. IThe Inurse
Ipractitioner Ishould
a. Istart Iaggressive Iantibiotic Itherapy
6. IA Ipositive Idrawer Isign Isupport Ia Idiagnosis Iof I
b. Icruciate Iligament Iinjury
7. IA I50-year-old Ipatient Iwith Idiabetes Icomplains Iof Ipain Ibilaterally Iin Iher Ilower Ilegs Iwhile
Iwalking. IThe Ipain Idisappears Iat Irest. IWhat Ielse Iwould Iyou Iexpect Ito Iidentify Ion Iher Ilower Iextremities. I
b. Iperipheral Iartery Iinsufficiency
12. IA I16-year-old Iathlete Icomplains Iof Ipain Iunderneath Ihis Iheel Ievery Itime Ihe Iwalks. IThere Iis Ia Iverrucous
Isurface Ilevel Iwith Ithe Iskin Iof Ithe Iheel. IWhat Ipharmacologic Iinterventions Ishould Ithe Inurse Ipractitioner
Iprescribe Ifor Ithis Ipatient?
a. Isalicylic Iacid Iplasters
13. IA I__-year-old Iwith IType II Idiabetes Ihas Ihad Iitching Iand Iburning Ilesions Ibetween Iher Itoes Ifor I6 Imonths.
IScrapings Iof Ithe Ilesion Iconfirm Ithe Idiagnosis Iof Itinea Ipedis. IWhat Iis Ithe Ibest Itreatment Ioption Ifor Ithis
a. Iprescribe Ian Ianti-fungal Ipowder Ifor Iapplication Ibetween Iher Itoes Iand Iin Iher Ishoes Iand Ia
Itopical Iprescription Istrength Ianti-fungal Icream Ifor Iother Iaffected Iareas. IMonitor Ifor Ia
Isecondary Ibacterial Iinfection.
c. IPrescribe Ian Ioral Ianti-fungal Ifor I4 Ito I12 Iweeks. IMonitor Iliver Ienzymes, IBUN Iand Icreatinine Iat
Ione Iweek, I2 Iweeks, Iand Ievery Imonth Ithereafter.
d. IPrescribe Ia Iprescription Istrength Iantifungal/steroid Icombination Icream. IMonitor Ifor Ia Isecondary
Ibacterial Iinfection.
14. IWhat Iis Ian Iappropriate Idrug Ifor Iprophylactic Itreatment Iof Imigraine Iheadaches Iin Ia I21-year-old Ifemale?
a. ISumatriptan I(Imitrex)
b. Ipropranolol I(Inderal)
c. Iibuprofen I(Motrin)
d. Idihydroergotamine I(DHE)
15. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iare Ithe Iclassic Ifeatures Iof Iulcerative Icolitis?
a. IRLQ Ipain, Ifrequently Iaccompanied Iby Ia Ipalpable Imass, Ifever, Iand Ileukopenia
b. IMassive Ipainful Ihematemesis, Ioccasionally Iaccompanied Iby Imelena
c. IRapidly Iprogressive Idysphagia Ito Isolid Ifoods, Ianoriexia, Iand Iweight Iloss Iout Iof Iproportion Ito Ithe
d. IRemission Iand Iexacerbations Iof Ibloody Idiarrhea, Itenesmus, Ifecal Iincontinence, Iabdominal Ipain,
Iand I___.
16. IWhich Idrugs Ibelow Iwould Ibe Iexpected Ito Iproduce Ithe Ileast Iamount Iof Ihypokalemia?
a. IFurosemide I(Lasix)
b. Ihydrochlorothiazide I(HCTZ) Iand Ispironolactone I(Aldactone)
c. ISpironolactone I(Aldactone)
d. Ihydrochlorothiazide I(HCTZ)
17. IWhat Iinformation Ishould Ipatients Iwith Idiabetes Iand Itheir Ifamilies Ireceive Iabout Ihypoglycemia?
a. IHypoglycemia Iis Ivery Irare I
b. IHypoglycemia Irequires Iprofessional Imedical Itreatment
c. IHypoglycemia Iis Iserious, Idangerous, Iand Ican Ibe Ifatal Iif Inot Itreated Iquickly
d. IHypoglycemia Ioccurs Ionly Ias Ia Iresult Iof Ioverdose Iof Iinsulin
18. IA I60-year-old Imale Ipatient Iwith Ia Ipast Ihistory Iof Iglaucoma Iand Ifrequent Isinusitis Ipresents Itoday Iwith
Ihypertension. IOn Ihis Ilast I2 Ivisits Ito Ithe Iclinic Ihis Iblood Ipressures Iwere I150-160/90-98. IThe Inurse
Ipractitioner Idecides Ito Itreat Ithe Ihypertension Iwith Ilong-acting Ipropranolol I(Inderal). IBefore Iprescribing Iit,
Ithe Inurse Ipractitioner Ishould Iask:
a. Iwhether Ihe Ismokes Ior Iconsumes Ialcohol Ion Ia Idaily Ibasis
b. Iwhat Iother Imedications Ihave Ibeen Iprescribed Ifor Ihim
c. Iif Ihe Itakes Ia Idaily Iantihistamine
d. Iif Iother Ifamily Imembers Iare Ihypertensive
19. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis INOT Iassociated Iwith IType I2 Idiabetes Imellitus?
a. IGestational Idiabetes, Ibirth Iof Ia Imacrosomic Iinfant
b. IHispanic, IAfrican-American, Ior INative IAmerican Idescent
c. IAlcohol Ior Iother Idrug Iabuse
d. IObesity, Ihypertension, Ihypertriglyceridemia
20. IA I35-year-old Imale Ipresents Iwith Ia Isevere Iunilateral Iheadache Iover Ihis Ileft Ieye. IHe Isays Iit Istarted
Iabout Ione Ihour Iago Iand Ihas Irapidly Igotten Iworse. IHe Igives Ia Ihistory Iof Isimilar Iheadaches Iover Ithe Ipast I2
Iyears. IPhysical Iexamination Iis Inegative Iexcept Ifor Ileft Ieye Ilacrimation. IWhat Iis Ithe Imost Ilikely Idiagnosis?
, 3
c. ICluster Iheadache
d. IClassic Imigraine Iheadache
21. IA I16-year-old Isexually Iactive Ifemale Ipresent Ito Ithe Iclinic. IShe Ihas Inever Ihad Ivaccination Ifor Ihepatitis
IA Ior IB, Ishe Ihas Ihad Ione IMMR Iimmunization, Iand Iher Ilast Itetanus Ivaccination Iwas I4 Iyears Iago. IWhich
Ivaccination Iwould Ibe Icontraindicated Iwithout Ifurther Itesting?
22. IA I15-year-old Imale Ipresents Iwith Iabdominal Ipain Ithat Ibegan Iin Ithe Iperi-umbilical Iarea Ithen Ilocalized
Ito Ithe Iright Ilower Iquadrant. IHe Icomplains Iof Inausea, Ivomiting, Ianorexia, Iand Ilow-grade Ifever. IA Icomplete
Iblood Icount I(CBC) Ireveals Imoderate Ileukocytosis. IWhat Iis Ithe Imost Ilikely Idiagnosis?
d. IAcute Iappendicitis
23. IA I25-year-old Ihypertensive Ipatient Ihas Ia IBMI Iof I16. IHis Iblood Ipressure Iis I165/100. IThere Iis Ian
Iaudible Ibruit Iin Ihis Ileft Iupper Iabdominal Iquadrant. IHe Iprobably Ihas:
a. IEssential Ihypertension
b. ISecondary Ihypertension
24. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ithe Imost Icommon Ipresenting Isign Iof Isubstance Iabuse Iin Iadolescents?
d. Ichanges Iin Ibehavior
25. ITherapeutic Iinternational Inormalized Iratio I(INR) Ifor Ia Ipatient Itakein Iwarfarin I(Coumadin) Ifor Ichronic
Iatrial Ifibrillation Iis Iexpected Ito Ibe
a. Iincreased
26. IA I199-year-old Ifemale Ireports Ithat Ishe Iis Ihaving I“panic Iattacks.” IThe INP Iknows Ithat Ipanic Iattacks Iare
Icharacterized Iby
d. Isudden Ionset Iof Iintense Ifear Ior Iterror
27. IA I25-year-old Icomplains Iof Ifever Iand Ithroat Ipain. IThe Itonsils Ihave Iexudate Ibilaterally. IThe Ipatient
Idescribes Ihaving Ian Ianaphylactic Ireaction Ito Ipenicillin Iin Ithe Ipast. IWhat Iantibiotic Ishould Ithe INP
Iprescribe Iif Ishe Ibelieves Ithe Icausative Iagent Iis Ibacterial?
a. Iamoxicillin I(Amoxil) I
b. Ierythromycin
28. IA Idiagnostic Ifinding Iof IHodgkin’s Ilymphoma Iis Ithe Ipresence Iof I
b. IReed-Sternberg Icells
29. IWith Ia Ihistory Iof Iankle Isprain, Ithe Inurse Ipractitioner Iwould Imost Ilikely Ielicit Ia Ihistory Iof
d. Iankle Iinversion
30. ICertification Ifor Inurse Ipractitioners Iis Ioffered Ithrough:
c. Inational Icertifying Iorganizations
31. ISimple Icases Iof Iimpetigo Iand Ifolliculitis Iare Iusually Isuccessfully Itreated Iwith: