Summary NSG 6001/ NSG6001 Study Guide for Final Exam for Advanced Nursing Practice (LATEST, 2022/2023) SOUTH UNIVERSITY
NSG 6001/ NSG6001 Study Guide for Final Exam for Advanced Nursing Practice (LATEST, 2022/2023) SOUTH UNIVERSITY
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Study IGuide Ifor IFinal IExam
1. Know Ithe Icauses Iof Ian Iabdominal Iaortic Ianeurysm.
The Iproposed Icauses Iof IAAA Iinclude Iatherosclerosis, Iinflammation, Imycotic Iinfection,
Iinheritable Iconnective Itissue Idisorders I(Marfan Isyndrome, Itype IIV IEhlers-Danlos
Isyndrome), Iand Itrauma. ITraditionally, Iatherosclerosis Ihas Ibeen Iconsidered Ithe Imost
Icommon Icause Iof IAAA. IHowever, Ianeurysm Iformation Iis Iassociated Iwith
Iatherosclerosis Iin Ionly I25% Iof Icases.
2. Why Iis ICT Iimaging Ilimited Iin Iwomen?
Single-photon Iemission ICT Iimaging Iis Itechnically Ilimited Iin Iwomen Ibecause Ibreast
Itissue Iand Ismaller Icoronary Iartery Isize.
3. What Iis Iself-management Isupport?
Self-management Isupport Iis Ia Icrucial Icomponent Iof Ithe ICCM Iand Ieffectively
Iimplemented Iby Iuse Iof Ia Ipopulation Iapproach. IThe Igoal Iof Iself-management Isupport Iis
Ito Iengage Ipatients Iin Itheir Iown Icare Iand Ito Iempower Ithem Ito Ireach Itheir Ifull Ipotential
Ias Iself-advocates Iand Ipartners Iin Icare. IBefore Ipatients Ican Ibegin Iself-management,
Ithey Imust Ihave Iaccess Ito Iinformation Ithat Iis Iappropriate Ifor Ihow Ithey Ilearn Iand Iwho
Ithey Iare—educationally, Icognitively, Iemotionally, Iculturally, Iand Iexperientially. I I
4. I I I I I IWhich IMedicare Ipart Icovers Iinpatient Ihospital Iservices? I
Part IA I– Ipaid Ithrough Ifederal Ipayroll Itaxes I– ICovers Iinpatient Ihospital Iservices Ias Iwell Ias Isome
Ipost-hospital Inursing Icare I& Ihome Ihealth Icare
5. I I I I I IUnderstand Irisk Ifactors Ifor Iabdominal Iaortic Ianeurysm.
Risk Ifactors Ifor IAAA Iinclude Iatherosclerotic Ivascular Idisease, Iwhite Irace, Imale Igender,
Iadvanced Iage, Ihypertension, Ismoking, Ichronic Iobstructive Ipulmonary Idisease I(COPD),
Ihistory Iof Ihernias, Ifamily Ihistory Iof IAAA, Iand Ipresence Iof Iother Ianeurysms.
4,5 IDespite
Iextensive Iinvestigation, Ithe Ilink Ibetween ICOPD Iand IAAA Iremains Ielusive. IEvidence
Isuggests Ithat Ithe Ihigh Iprevalence Iof IAAA Iin Ipatients Iwith ICOPD Imay Ibe Irelated Ito
Imedications I(oral Isteroids) Iand Icoexisting Idiseases Irather Ithan Ito Ia Icommon Ipathway
Iof Ipathogenesis Iinvolving Iplasma Ielastase Ior Iα1-antitrypsin I
6. I I I I I IStudy Iatrial Ifibrillation Iand Iat Iwhat Iage Iis Iit Imore Icommon.
Atrial Ifibrillation Iis Ithe Imost Icommon Isustained Icardiac Irhythm Idisturbance, Imore
Icommon Iin Imen Iand Iincreasing Iin Iprevalence Iwith Iage. IIt Iis Iestimated Ithat I2.3 Imillion
IAmericans Ihave Iatrial Ifibrillation, Iwhich Imore Icommonly Ioccurs Iafter Ithe Iage Iof
, 7. I I I I I IWhere Icould Iyou Ifind Isupporting Idata Ifor Iguidelines Ifor Iprevention Iof Ifuture Iheart Idisease?
The Irecommendation Ifor Iasymptomatic Iwomen Iwith Idiabetes, Iperipheral Ivascular
Idisease, Iand Ipossible Ikidney Idisease Iis Ifor Isecondary Iprevention Istrategies Ito Iprevent
Ifuture Icardiac Ievents.
8. I I I I I ICan Iischemic Ichanges Ion Ian IECG Iduring Ior Iafter Ian IETT Icorrelate Ito Ithe Ieffected Iartery Ior
It Iis Ihelpful Ito Icorrelate Ithe Iischemic Ileads Ion Iexercise Ielectrocardiography Ito Ithe
Iunderlying Icoronary Ianatomy Ito Iroughly Iidentify Ithe Iculprit Iartery Ior Iarteries.
9. I I I I I IWhat Iis Ithe Igoal Iof Iself-management?
Self-management Isupport Iis Ia Icrucial Icomponent Iof Ithe ICCM Iand Ieffectively
Iimplemented Iby Iuse Iof Ia Ipopulation Iapproach. IThe Igoal Iof Iself-management Isupport Iis
Ito Iengage Ipatients Iin Itheir Iown Icare Iand Ito Iempower Ithem Ito Ireach Itheir Ifull Ipotential
Ias Iself-advocates Iand Ipartners Iin Icare. IFor Imany Ipatients Iand Iproviders Ialike, Ithis
Ipatient-centered Ipractice Iis Ia Inew Imethod. IIn Ithe Iacute Icare Imodel, Iclinicians Iprescribe
Iand Ipatients Icomply. ISelf-management Isupport Iin Ithe ICCM Irequires Idifferent
Iassumptions, Iprocesses, Iand Iskills.
10. I IKnow Ithe Isymptoms Iof Ian Iabdominal Iaortic Ianeurysm.
Thromboembolic Iphenomena Imay Iherald Ithe Ipresence Iof Ian IAAA. IMicroembolic
Iinfarcts Iin Ithe Ilower Iextremity Iof Ia Ipatient Iwith Ieasily Ipalpable Ipedal Ipulses Imay
Isuggest Ieither Iabdominal Ior Ipopliteal Ianeurysm. IEmbolization Iof Imural Ithrombus Ifrom
Ian Iabdominal Ianeurysm Imay Ibe Iseen Iwith Iacute Ilimb Iischemia Icaused Iby Ifemoral Ior
Ipopliteal Iocclusion. IThe Iclassic Idiagnostic Itriad Iof Iruptured IAAA Iis Ihypotension I(42%),
Ipulsatile Iabdominal Imass I(91%), Iand Iabdominal Ipain I(58%) Ior Iback Ipain I(70%). IThe
Itriad Iis Iencountered Iin Ionly I50% Iof Ipatients Iwith Ia Iruptured IAAA. IRuptured IAAAs
Ishould Ibe Isuspected Iin Iany Ipatient Iwho Icomes Iin Iwith Icomplaints Iof Ihypotension Iand
Iatypical Iabdominal Ior Iback Ipain Isymptoms. IIn Ia Ipatient Iwith Ia Ihistory Iof Ianeurysm Ior
Ipulsatile Imass, Iabdominal Ipain Imust Ibe Iconsidered Ito Irepresent Ia Irapidly Iexpanding Ior
Iruptured Ianeurysm Iand Imust Ibe Itreated Iaccordingly. IIn Ithe Icommunity Isetting, Ithe
Ideath Irate Ifrom Iruptured IAAAs Iis Ialmost I80%.
11. I IKnow Ithe Idifference Ibetween Ithe Iprinciples Iof Ifidelity, Iveracity, Iself-reflection, Iand Ifinance.
Justice, Ifidelity, Iand Iveracity Iare Iethical Iprinciples Ithat Ihealth Icare Iproviders Iuse Ito
Iguide Itheir Iprofessional Iinteractions. IWhen Ihealth Icare Iproviders Itreat Iall Iwith Irespect
Iand Iaddress Itheir Ipatient's Ihealth Icare Ineeds, Ithey Iare Ifollowing Ithe Iprinciple Iof Ijustice.
IAdherence Ito Ithe Iprinciple Ioffidelity Imandates Ithat Ihealth Icare Iproviders Ihonor Itheir