CPC Practice Exam - 150 Questions
Surgical removal - The suffix -ectomy means
Magnetic Resonance Imaging - MRI stands for
The removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries - The term "Salpingo-Oophorectomy" refers to
Freezing - Cryopreservation is a means of preserving something through
Paracentesis - Which of the following describes the removal of fluid from a body cavity
Gastrotomy - If a surgeon cuts into a patient's stomach he has performed a
Muscle - In the medical term myopathy the term pathy means disease. What is diseased?
Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella - The acronym MMRV stands for
Outer bone located in the forearm - The Radius is the
Hemic and Lymphatic - The spleen belongs to what organ system?
The distal portion - The portion of the femur bone that helps makes up the knee cap is considered
Middle - The Midsagittal plane refers to what portion of the body?
Cecum - Which of the following is not part of the small intestine?
Teres - One of the six major scapulohumeral muscles
Where to esophagus joins the stomach - The cardia fundus is
Amputation, arm through humerus; secondary closure or scar revision - The full description of
CPT code 24925 is:
The condition of the patient justifies the service provided - Medical necessity means what?
45392 - Which of the following codes allows the use of modifier 51?
It helps cover outpatient charges - Which of the following statements is not true regarding
Medicare Part A
External cause codes are only used in the initial encounter. - Which of the following statements
is false?
,Exploration, including enlargement, debridement, removal of foreign body(ies), minor vessel
ligation, and repair - Wound exploration codes include the following service (s) :
I12.9, N18.3 - What is the correct ICD-10-CM code(s) for malignant hypertension with stage III
kidney disease?
S51.822A, W07.XXXA, W25.XXXA, Y93.E9, Y92.030 - Lucy was standing on a chair in her
apartment's kitchen trying to change a light bulb when she slipped and fell. She struck the glass
top stove, which shattered. She presents to the ER with a simple laceration to her left forearm
that has embedded glass particles. Which is the correct code(s)?
T20.30XA, T24.319A, T22.299A, T31.42, X03.0XXA - Jim was at a bonfire when he tripped
and fell into the flames and sustained multiple burns. He came to the emergency room via an
ambulance and was treated for second and third degree burns on his face, second degree burns on
his upper arms and forearms, and third degree burns on the fronts of his thighs Which is the
correct code(s)?
O63.0, O09.513, Z37.0 - . A 35 year old woman who is pregnant in her 38th week with her first
child is admitted to the hospital. She experiences a prolonged labor during the first stage and
eventually births a healthy baby boy. Which is the correct code(s)?
S62.632A, Y93.64, W51.XXXA, Y92.320 - Henry was playing baseball at the town's sports field
and slid for home base where he collided with another player. He presents to the emergency
department complaining of pain in the distal portion of his right middle finger. It is swollen and
deformed. The physician orders an x-ray and diagnoses Henry with a displaced tuft fracture. He
splints the finger, provides narcotics for pain, and instructs Henry to follow-up with his
orthopedist in two weeks. Which is the correct code(s)?
F15.20, F10.20, F41.1, F43.10 - A 60 year old male is admitted for detoxification and
rehabilitation. He has continuously abused amphetamines to the point that he cannot voluntarily
stop on his own and has become dependent upon them. He also has a long documented history of
alcohol abuse and alcoholism. He experiences high levels of anxiety due to PTSD, which causes
him to use and abuse substances. Which is the correct code(s)?
E11.319 - A patient with uncontrolled type II diabetes is experiencing blurred vision and an
increase in floaters appearing in her vision. She is diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy. Which is
the correct code(s)?
Z21 - A patient who is known to be HIV positive but who has no documented symptoms would
be assigned code
L55.1 - A patient fell asleep on the beach and comes in with blistering on her back. She is
diagnosed with second degree solar radiation burns. Which is the correct code(s)?
, True - Signs and symptoms that are associated routinely with a disease process should not be
assigned as additional codes, unless otherwise instructed by classification.
A6252, A6219 - A patient has a home health aide come to his home to clean and dress a burn on
his lower leg. The aide uses a special absorptive, sterile dressing to cover a 20 sq. cm. area. She
also covers a 15sq. cm. area with a self-adhesive sterile gauze pad.
Q4010 - A 12 year old arrives in his pediatrician's office after colliding with another player
during a soccer game. He is complaining of pain in his right wrist. The physician orders an x-ray
and diagnoses him with a hairline fracture of the distal radius. He has a short arm fiberglass cast
applied and discharges him with follow up instructions.
J9070 - A patient with Hodgkin's disease takes Neosar as part of his chemotherapy regiment. He
receives 100 mg once a week through intravenous infusion. Which is the correct code(s)?
A5500-A5513 - A patient with diabetes is fitted for custom molded shoes. What is the code
range for such a fitting? Which is the correct code(s)?
E1222 - A 300lb. paraplegic needs a special sized wheelchair with fixed arm rests and elevating
leg rests. Which is the correct code(s)?
99211 - A patient comes into her doctor's office for her weekly blood sugar check. Her blood is
drawn by the LPN on staff, the visit takes about 5 minutes total. Which is the correct code(s)?
99234 - A three year old child is brought into the ER after swallowing a penny. A detailed
history and exam are taken on the child and medical decision making is of moderate complexity.
The child is admitted to observation for three hours and is then discharged home. Which is the
correct code(s)?
99471; J80; J18.9 - A 20 month old child is admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and acute
respiratory distress. The physician spends 3 minutes intubating the child and spends 90 minutes
of Critical Care time stabilizing the patient. Which is the correct code(s)?
99360;99465; 99460 - At the request of a physician who is delivering for a high risk pregnancy,
Dr. Smith, a pediatrician, is present in the delivery room to assist the infant if needed. After
thirty minutes the infant is born, but is not breathing. The delivering physician hands the infant to
Dr. Smith who provides chest compressions and resuscitates the infant. The pediatrician then
performs the initial evaluation and management and admits the healthy newborn to the nursery.
What codes should Dr. Smith submit on a claim?
99397, 99215 - Mr. Johnson is a 79 year old established male patient that is seen by Dr.
Anderson for his annual physical exam. During the examination Dr. Anderson notices a
suspicious mole on Mr. Johnson's back. The Doctor completes the annual exam and documents a
detailed history and exam and the time discussing the patient's need to quit smoking. Dr.
Anderson then turns his attention to the mole and does a complete work up. He documents a
comprehensive history and examination and medical decision making of moderate complexity.