Cephalosporin - -broad spectrum
-Similar to PCN/ don't give if PCN allergy
-can cause bleeding w/ other bleeding meds monitor bleeding time (tonsil story)
- Disulfiram reaction (puke & puke & puke) just like Flagyl, the protozoal drug
- Store in fridge & take with food
ALL antibiotics have these side effects - - allergy, hypersensitivity
- suprainfection
- organ (kidney & ear) toxicity
- lowers OC effectiveness
Vancomyocin - - serious infections like MRSA
- colitis by c-diff
- ototoxicity: get hearing test, tell dr. if hearing getting worse
-given over 60 minutes
Tetracyclines - - Sumycin, Doxycycline (Vibramycin)
- broad, rocky mtn fever, lyme disease, acne, GI infections by H. Pylori
- bad GI discomfort
- Don't give to kids ≤8; teeth permanently yellow
- Bad photosensitivity- wear sunscreen!
- Can't take with milk, iron, or antacids
- Take on empty stomach with a full glass of water
When is Arythromycin given? What class of drugs is it? worse adverse effect? - When pt allergic
to PCN and needs abx. Bacteriostatic inhibitor
bad GI issues
Aminoglycosides - ototoxicity, Renal toxicity, Can't take with PCN at all!
- gentamicin, neomycin, streptomycin
TMP-SMZ - -Contains Sulfa
- use for UTI
- Blood problems; get CBC baseline
-photosensitivity wear sunscreen and glasses!
- empty stomach with a full glass of water
Isoniazid (INH) - -antiTB
- take daily for 6-12 months and most likely with other meds too
-worked if 3 neg. sputum cultures, no temp.
- Liver toxicity (hepato) check liver fxn
- Don't take with alcohol (liver fxn remember?)
- Take on empty stomach
Antiviral: Acyclovir, Ganciclovir - Teratogenic preg. X; put on rubber gloves if topical! remember
my purple glove experience
-thrombocytopenia, lowers WBC
, What class of drugs if Flagyl? What is the weird effect it has? - protozoal. works on C. diff & H.
Pylori PUD. Antibuse effect if taken with alcohol
Amphotericin B - anti-fungal. HIGHLY TOXIC
- infusin rxns (fever and chills)
- nephrotoxicity
- hypokalemia
- hepatoxicity
- gynecomasita
- C/I with aminoglycosides (just like PCN)
-azole - Fungal
______ causes malignant hyperthermia. Use ____ to stop it - succinylcholine,
Morphine adverse effects - -Constipation
-Resp depression
-urinary retention
- Orthostatic HOTN
- Cough suppression
Morphine drug-drug interactions (think of what morphine does to the body) - - MAOIs
-CNS depressants
-hypotensive drugs
-opiod antagonists (narcan)
- antihistamines
Morphine patient education re how to take - Take with food for N/V, lie still will help
Opiod withdrawl (stop abruptly is taking ≥6weeks). Is it life-threatening? Will it subside? -
sweating, restless, agitated, dilated pupils, tremors, tachycardia, increased BP, N/V, cramps,
muscle spasms with kicking movements. NO, subside in 7-10 days.
Migraine medicine & can you take them right after each other? - vasoconstriction, ergot's and
triptans. NO, space out ergot and triptan by at least 24 hours.
What pain meds reduces fever? - ibuprofen, tylenol
What pain med reduces platelet aggregation? - NSAIDS (aspirin), reduce thrombus but will bleed
easier, too
What pain med reduces fever but has NO anti-inflammatory effect and NO platelet effect? - tylenol
What can give child Reye's syndrome if they have viral illness? - Aspirin
NSAIDS education w/ how to take med. NSAIDS= - with food, milk, or full glass of water to
reduce gastric discomfort. Ibuprofen, Celebrex, Naproxen, Aspirin