,Test Bank to Accompany Lee/Hunsley Introduction to Clinical Psychology 4e
Chapter 1
The Evolution of Clinical Psychology
Multiple Choice Questions
1. A national survey found that 1 of _____ Canadian adolescents and adults reported that
in the last year they experience symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of a mental
disorder such as abuse, alcohol dependence, mood disorder, or anxiety disorder.
a. 3 .
b. 10.
c. 25.
d. 50.
Answer: B Page: 2
2. In 2014, a health survey of active Canadian military personnel found that ______
reported a mental disorder in the previous year.
a. 3.6%
b. 10%
c. 16.5
d. 45.5%
Answer: C Page: 2
3. The cost of mental illness to Canadian society is estimated at ______ dollars.
a. $57 million
b. $121 million
c. $1.5 billion
d. $63 billion
Answer: D Page 2
4. In 2006, the London School of Economics released The Depression Report, which
translated epidemiological data into economic terms, and found that:
a. in order to meet the needs of the population, 20% of the National Health
Service’s expenditures are allocated to the treatment of anxiety & depression.
b. in order to meet the needs of the population, 10% of the National Health
Service’s expenditures are allocated to the treatment of anxiety & depression.
c. the cost of treating mental health issues is lower than the cost of prevention.
d. the cost of treating mental health issues is lower than the cost of paying
disability benefits due to mental disorders.
Answer: D Page: 2
5. Systematic literature reviews conducted by the UK National Institute for Health and
Care Excellence (NICE) find that evidence-based psychological treatments are
a. no more effective than placebo treatment for anxiety and depression.
b. at least as effective as medication for anxiety and depression.
c. more costly than disability payments associated with mental illness.
Chapter 1: The Evolution of Clinical Psychology
Copyright 2018 © John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.
,Test Bank to Accompany Lee/Hunsley Introduction to Clinical Psychology 4e
d. effective for less than 15% of people with anxiety or depression.
Answer: B Page: 3
6. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the accurate diagnosis and
treatment of mental disorders worldwide occurs for _________ of people who suffer
from mental disorders.
a. only a small percentage
b. a large percentage
c. approximately half
d. the majority of individuals
Answer: A Page: 2
7. Data from the World Health Organization (2004) indicate that most mental disorders
a. are diagnosed and treated effectively in developed countries, but not in
developing countries.
b. are overlooked and misdiagnosed and therefore remain untreated or mistreated.
c. are diagnosed accurately, but go untreated.
d. tend to go undiagnosed but remit on their own, regardless of the country’s level
of development.
Answer: B Page: 3
8. A large-scale study (Mokdad, Marks, Stroup, & Gerberding, 2004) demonstrated that
many of the leading causes of mortality in the United States are related to
a. chronic physical health issues that have been resistant to treatment.
b. violence and crime.
c. treatable or preventable factors, such as diet, exercise, tobacco use, and alcohol.
d. motor vehicle accidents.
Answer: C Page: 3
9. The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) is designed to
a. illustrate the incomplete and patchwork nature of mental health services that are
available across Canada.
b. spearhead fundraising and awareness efforts to promote the need for mental
health services among Canadians.
c. explicitly distinguish between provincial and federal responsibilities for health
d. encourage collaboration between those who provide and require services for
mental health (such as government, service providers, and clients).
Answer: D Page: 4
10. The nature and definition of clinical psychology has expanded and evolved over the
decades from an initial primary focus on assessment, evaluation, and diagnosis to now
a. a primary focus to help those with mental disorders or distress.
b. a branch of psychology that emphasizes assessment over research.
c. a focus on the individual rather than on the group.
Chapter 1: The Evolution of Clinical Psychology
Copyright 2018 © John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.
, Test Bank to Accompany Lee/Hunsley Introduction to Clinical Psychology 4e
d. intervention and prevention services for individuals, couples, and families..
Answer: D Page 5
11. One of the criticisms levelled at a science-based approach to clinical psychology is that
a. it discounts an individual psychologist’s experience and intuitionclinical
psychology is best conceptualized as a healing art.
b. drawing similarities across various groups of human experiences is a valuable
tool for therapy.
c. research covers so many human problems confronted by clinicians that it is
cumbersome to select the appropriate treatment.
Answer: A Page: 7
12. Evidence-based practice refers to the practitioner only offering services that:
a. have been demonstrated in a series of RCTs to be efficacious.
b. are listed in clinical practice guidelines.
c. are in areas in which the clinician has received training and demonstrated
d. are based on the synthesis of research evidence, client’s history and treatment
preferences, and the clinician’s experience.
Answer: D Page: 7
13. Compared to counselling psychologists, clinical psychologists have more training in the
treatment of
a. patients with more severe psychopathology.
b. a diverse clientele.
c. difficulties related to developmental transitions.
d. interpersonal problems.
Answer: A Page: 8
14. Traditional distinctions between clinical and counselling psychologists are currently
a. shrinking.
b. increasing.
c. the same as they have always been.
d. a topic of intense debate.
Answer: A Page: 8
15. Over recent years, many clinical psychologists have
a. narrowed their focus to treating mental disorders rather than interpersonal
b. begun to take on more of the roles of a psychiatrist.
c. begun to address health issues.
d. been granted prescriptive authority.
Answer: C Page: 8
16. School psychology has expanded in order to
Chapter 1: The Evolution of Clinical Psychology
Copyright 2018 © John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.