Legal English 3 Vocabulary List
Example sentence Synonym/antonym/… Explanation
Chapter 1
Land After years of saving, Mark finally S: terrain Face of the earth and everything of
bought a piece of land to build his A: sea a permanent nature over or under
new home. it
Premises The landlord provided a tour of the S: property The land itself and or the land with
premises, including the living A: Vacancy al structures attached
room, kitchen, and bedroom of the
rental apartment.
Real property Real property encompasses not <-> personal property Land and ordinarily anything
only the physical structure of a Real property is land, and erected on, growing on or affixed
home but also the land, making it everything erected on, growing on, to it, including buildings and crops
a comprehensive investment in the or affixed to it as opposed to
real estate market. personal property that is anything
that is not real property f.e.
The house, along with the land it computer, anything that you can
sits on, is considered real property. move (personal property can
become real property) f.e. a car
will never be real property, light
fixtures that are attached can
become real property.
S: real estate
A: Personal property
Real property= real estate+ bundle
of rights
Personal property The furniture, appliances, and <-> public property Personal property refers to
decorations inside the house are Private property belongs to one or movable assets that individuals or
considered personal property more persons whereas public businesses own, such as furniture,
rather than part of the real estate property is owned by a country, electronics, clothing, and other
itself. state or political subdivision. possessions that are not
, S: Chattels permanently attached to real
A:Real property estate.
Public property The local park, maintained by the S: government property Public property refers to assets,
city, is an example of public A: private property spaces, or resources that are
property accessible to all residents owned and maintained by the
for recreational use. government or a community for
the benefit and use of the general
public. Examples include parks,
libraries, and government
Private property The fenced-in backyard is part of S: personal possession Private property refers to land,
the private property owned by the A: public property possessions, or assets that are
Johnson family. owned by individuals, businesses,
or entities, and are not under the
direct control or ownership of the
government or the public.
To erect The construction crew will soon S: to build, to grow, to create, to To erect means to build, construct,
erect a new office building on the set up or set up, especially in the context
empty lot. A: to demolish of creating a structure such as a
building or monument.
To affix The tenants were required to affix S: attach To affix means to attach, stick, or
their signatures to the lease A: remove fasten something to another
agreement before moving into the object, often in a permanent or
rental property. secure manner.
A subdivision The real estate developer planned S: a part, division A subdivision is a residential area
to create a subdivision of new A: a whole, an entirety or housing development where a
homes on the large piece of land. large tract of land is divided into
smaller lots for the construction of
multiple houses or buildings.
To alter The homeowners decided to alter S: modify, change, adjust To change or make adjustments to
the layout of their kitchen by A: preserve something, often to improve or
expanding the space and adding adapt it to different needs or
modern appliances. preferences.
To retain The historic building underwent S: preserve, keep To keep, maintain, or preserve