1 © 202 4 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible
website, in whole or in part. Solution and Answer Guide LAMBERT , FUNDAMENTALS OF PYTHON : FIRST PROGRAMS , 3E, CY24, 9780357881019; CHAPTER 2, SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT , DATA TYPES, AND EXPRESSIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Exercise Solutions ................................................................................................................. 1 Exercise 2.1 .................................................................................................................................... 1 Exercise 2.2 .................................................................................................................................. 2 Exercise 2.3 .................................................................................................................................. 3 Exercise 2.4 .................................................................................................................................. 4 Review Questions Answers .................................................................................................. 5 Programming Exercises Solutions ...................................................................................... 9 Debugging Exercise Solution .............................................................................................. 12 EXERCISE SOLUTIONS EXERCISE 2.1 1.List four phases of the software development process and explain what they
accomplish .
lution : Analysis describes what a system does in terms of its input, outputs, and functions from a user’s perspective. Design describes how a system accomplishes its tasks. Coding produces the software for the system. Testing examines whether or not the software does what it is supposed to do. 2. J
ack says that he will not bother with analysis and design but proceed directly t o
oding his programs. Why is that not a good idea?
nalysis and design provide detailed blueprints for coding a system. Without thes e
lueprints, it may be difficult to determine whether the system will do what it is
supposed to do, and it may be difficult to minimize errors in the code and structure itin a way that eases maintenance.All Files Download Link At The End Of This File. Solution and Answer Guide : Lambert, Fundamentals of Python: First Programs, 3e, CY24, 9780357881019; Chapter 2, Software Development, Data Types, and Expressions 2 © 202 4 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. EXERCISE 2.2 1. Let the variable x be "dog" and the variable y be "cat". Write the values returned by the following operations: a. x + y b. "the " + x + " chases the " + y c. x * 4. Solution: a. "dogcat" b. "the dog chases the cat" c. "dogdogdogdog" 2. Write a string that contains your name and address on separate lines using embedded newline characters. Then write the same string literal without the newline characters. Solution: "Ken Lambert \nComputer Science\ nWashington and Lee" """Ken Lambert Computer Science Washington and Lee""" 3. How does one include an apostrophe as a character within a string literal? Solution: An apostrophe can be included in a string that is enclosed within double quotes . 4. What happens when the print function prints a string literal with embedded newline characters? Solution: When the Python interpreter encounters a newline character while printing a string, the cursor moves to the next line of output before the rest of the characters are displayed . 5. Which of the following are valid variable names ? a. length b. _width c. firstBase d. 2MoreToGo e. halt! Solution: a, b, and c Solution and Answer Guide : Lambert, Fundamentals of Python: First Programs, 3e, CY24, 9780357881019; Chapter 2, Software Development, Data Types, and Expressions 3 © 202 4 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. EXERCISE 2.3 2. Which data type would most appropriately be used to represent the following data values? a. The number of months in a year b. The area of a circle c. The current minimum wage d. The approximate age of the universe (12,000,000,000 years) e. Your name Solution: a. int b. float c. float d. int e. string 3. Explain the differences between the data types int and float. Solution: int is the type of integers or whole numbers, whereas float is the type of numbers that include a whole part (digits to the left of a decimal point) and a fractional part (digits to the right of the decimal point). 4. Write the values of the following floating -point numbers in Python’s scientific notation: a. 355.76 b. 0.007832 c. 4.3212 Solution: a. 3.5576e2 Solution and Answer Guide : Lambert, Fundamentals of Python: First Programs, 3e, CY24, 9780357881019; Chapter 2, Software Development, Data Types, and Expressions 4 © 202 4 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. b. 7.832e- 3 c. 4.3212e0 5. Consult Table 2 -5 to write the ASCII values of the characters '$' and '&' . Solution: 36 and 38 . EXERCISE 2.4 1. Let x = 8 and y = 2. Write the values of the following expressions : a. x + y * 3 b. (x + y) * 3 c. x ** y d. x % y e. x / 12.0 f. x // 6 Solution: a. 14 b. 30 c. 64 d. 0 e. 0.66666666666666663 f. 1 2. Let x = 4.66 . Write the values of the following expressions: a. round(x) b. int(x) Solution: a. 5.0 b. 4 3. How does a Python programmer round a float value to the nearest int value ?