insurance adjusting
10% removal squares by 1.10 - ANSGable roofs have what waste factor so multiply what by
15% removal squares by 1.15 - ANSHip roofs have what waste factor so multiply what by what?
.33, .67, or whole number - ANSAlways round composition and laminate shingle replacement
.25, .50, .75, or whole number - ANSAlways round wood shingle replacement to?
Up- eave to ridge + eave to ridge
Over- length of ridge - ANSGable roof square footage calculated by up and over explain?
Up- eave to ridge + eave to ridge
Over- end of eave to end of eave - ANSHip roof square footage calculated by up and over
walls, walls and ceiling, floor, perimeter ceiling, half ceiling, ceiling, perimeter, perimeter floor,
square, half wall - ANSWhat do these codes mean in Xactimate ( W, WC, F, PC, .5C, C, P, PF,
SQ, .5W)?
remove, replace, remove and replace, detach and reset, standard grade, average grade, high
grade, premium grade) - ANSWhat do these codes mean in Xactimate ( -, +, &, R, AV-, AV, AV+,
living area sq footage multiplied by current construction cost in area - ANSHow do you
determine replacement cost of a home?
length x height - ANSArea of a wall?
length x width - ANSArea of ceiling?
length x width - ANSArea of floor?
divide the inch by 12 - ANSHow do you convert inches to a decimal?
Additional Living Expenses (ALE) - ANSOver and above normal expenses (i.e. hotel stay)
Coverage A Limit of Liability - ANSIf you have a percentage deductible where is that percentage
always taken from?
, Structure or Dwelling - ANSWhat does Coverage A mean?
Personal property or contents - ANSWhat does Coverage B mean?
Limit of Liablity - ANSMaximum amount of coverage available
if removal of item will diminish value of home - ANSHow do you tell the difference between
structure and contents?
Determine deductible, determine where loss occurred, do calculations - ANS3 steps to handle
content claim
Absorbing the Deductible - ANSApplying the excess of a limit from a covered loss towards the
loss of use - ANSDo not absorb any excess that does not have a deductible like?
Item description, cost, adjusted column, excess, deductible - ANSYour calculations table should
include these categories?
Perils - ANSCauses of loss
Residence premises and attached structures - ANSCoverage A includes?
the greater of 10% of Coverage A or limit listed on declarations page - ANSWhat is coverage
limit on other structures?
Appraisal - ANSWhat is the process when an insurer and an insured have a dispute regarding
the amount of damage on a claim?
Material Misrepresentation - ANSWhat is a significant misstatement in an application form.
Age, Condition, Life Expectancy - ANSDepreciation is based on these factors?
Public Adjuster - ANSA person hired by the consumer/property owner to settle the claim with the
insurance company on their behalf?
HO-A - ANSType of Homeowner's policy that provides coverage only for those perils that are
listed in the policy?
Occurrence - ANSAn event that results in an insured loss/damage.