ASCP Hematology Review
Name the locations of active marrow in adults: - ANSsternum, skull, ribs, pelvis, vertebrae
Where does hematopoiesis take place during the first 2 months of gestation? - ANSyolk sac
Where does the majority of hematopoiesis take place during the 2nd through 7th month of
gestation? - ANSspleen
When does the bone marrow take over hematopoiesis? - ANSafter birth
What are the stages in order of the erythrocyte lineage? - ANS(1)rubriblast, (2)prorubricyte,
(3)rubricyte, (4)metarubricyte, (5)reticulocyte, (6)erytrocyte
What are the stages in order of the granulocyte (neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil) lineage? -
ANS(1)myeloblast, (2)promyelocyte, (3)myelocyte, (4)metamyelocyte, (5)band, (6)segmented
What are the stages in order of the macrophage lineage? - ANS(1)monoblast, (2)promonocyte,
(3)monocyte, (4)macrophage
What are the stages in order of the platelet lineage? - ANS(1)megakaryoblast,
(2)promegakaryocyte, (3)megakaryocyte, (4)platelet
What are the stages in order of the lymphocyte lineage? - ANS(1)lymphoblast,
(2)prolymphocyte, (3)lymphocyte
Which growth factors stimulate the erythrocyte lineage? - ANSGM-CSF, EPO, IL-3
Which growth factors stimulate the granulocyte lineages? - ANSGM-CSF, IL-3
Which growth factors stimulate the platelet lineage? - ANSGM-CSF, IL-3, TPO
Which growth factors stimulate the lymphocyte lineage? - ANSIL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-7
Which protein functions in the transport of Fe? - ANStransferrin
What is the major storage form of Fe? - ANSferritin
What is the long-term (H20) insoluble Fe storage form called? - ANShemosiderin
, Excess Iron is stored where? What does this cause? - ANStissues and body organs,
hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis
Porphyrias are attributed to? - ANSexcessive formation of porphrins due to blockages in any
enzymatic step in the heme synthesis pathway.
Red or port wine colored urine can be seen in which condition related to the build up of heme
precursors? - ANSporphyria
Neuropsychiatirc symptoms are seen when a build up of which precursors occurs? - ANSearly
precursors (Delta-aminolevulinic acid/Porphobilinogen)
Cutaneous symptoms such as photo-sensitivity and facial hair are seen when a build up of
which precursors occurs? - ANSlater precursors (uroporphyrinogen/coproporphyrinogen,
Synthesis of heme requires what two components? - ANSiron, protoporphyrin
What are the heme precursors in order of synthesis? - ANS(1)delta-aminolevulinic acid,
(2)porphobilinogen, (3)uroporphyrinogen, (4)coproporphyrinogen, (5)protoporphyrin, (6)heme
What type of hemoglobin is seen primarily in newborns? - ANSHgb F
What type of hemoglobin is seen primarily in adults? - ANSHgb A2
What type of hemoglobin is rarely seen in adults as well as newborns? - ANSHgb A
What hemoglobin types are seen in embryos but not in adults or newborns? - ANSgower I,
gower II, portland
All non-embryonic hemoglobin types are comprised of what type of globin chain? - ANSalpha
Hemoglobin A2 is composed of what types of globin chains? - ANSalpha, beta
Hemoglobin A is composed of what types of globin chains? - ANSalpha, delta
Hemoglobin F is composed of what types of globin chains? - ANSalpha, gamma
Multiple transfusions can cause what kind of shift in the hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve?
- ANSleft shift
An increase in hemoglobin F can cause what kind of shift in the hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation
curve? - ANSleft shift