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Real Estate Vocabulary Guide with complete Solution verified 100% Correct.

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  • July 19, 2024
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  • PSI National Real Estate
  • PSI National Real Estate
Real Estate Vocabulary Guide with complete Solution verified 100% Correct. acceleration NNclause A NNprovision NNin NNa NNwritten NNmortgage, NNnote, NNbond, NNor NNconditional NNsales NNcontract NNthat NNin NNthe NNeven NNof NNdefault, NNthe NNwhole NNamount NNof NNthe NNprincipal NNand NNthe NNinterest NNmay NNbe NNdeclared NNdue NNand NNpayable NNat NNonce. accession Title NNto NNimprovements NNor NNadditions NNto NNreal NNproperty NNis NNacquired NNas NNa NNresult NNof NNthe NNaccretion NNof NNalluvial NNdeposits NNalong NNthe NNbanks NNof NNstreams NNor NNas NNa NNresult NNof NNthe NNannexation NNof NNfixtures. accretion Increase NNor NNaddition NNto NNland NNby NNthe NNdeposit NNof NNsand NNor NNsoil NNwashed NNup NNnaturally NNfrom NNa NNriver, NNlake, NNor NNsea. accrued NNdepreciation The NNactual NNdepreciation NNthat NNhas NNoccurred NNto NNa NNproperty NNat NNany NNgiven NNdate, NNthe NNdifference NNbetween NNthe NNcost NNof NNreplacement NNnew NN(as NNof NNthe NNdate NNof NNthe NNappraisal) NNand NNthe NNpresent NNappraised NNvalue. acknowledgement A NNdeclaration NNmade NNby NNa NNperson NNto NNa NNnotary NNpublic NNor NNother NNpubic NNofficial NNauthorized NNto NNtake NNacknowledgments NNthat NNan NNinstrument NNwas NNexecuted NNby NNhis NNor NNher NNas NNa NNfree NNand NNvoluntary NNact. actual NNeviction The NNresult NNof NNlegal NNaction NNoriginated NNby NNa NNlessor, NNby NNwhich NNa NNdefaulted NNtenant NNis NNphysically NNousted NNfrom NNthe NNrented NNproperty NNpursuant NNto NNa NNcourt NNorder. actual NNnotice Express NNinformation NNor NNfact; NNthat NNwhich NNis NNknown; NNactual NNknowledge. ad NNvalorem NNtax A NNtax NNlevied NNaccording NNto NNvalue; NNgenerally NNused NNto NNrefer NNto NNreal NNestate NNtax. adjustable -rate NNmortgage NN(ARM) A NNmortgage NNin NNwhich NNthe NNinterest NNchanges NNperiodically, NNaccording NNto NNcorresponding NNfluctuations NNin NNan NNindex. NNAll NNare NNtied NNto NNindexes. adjustment NNdate The NNdate NNthe NNinterest NNrate NNchanges NNon NNan NNadjustable -rate NNmortgage. administrator The NNparty NNappointed NNby NNthe NNcounty NNcourt NNto NNsettle NNthe NNestate NNof NNa NNdeceased NNperson NNwho NNdied NNwithout NNleaving NNa NNwill. adverse NNpossession The NNactual, NNvisible, NNhostile, NNnotorious, NNexclusive, NNand NNcontinuous NNpossession NNof NNanother's NNland NNunder NNa NNclaim NNto NNtitle. affidavit A NNwritten NNstatement NNsigned NNand NNsworn NNto NNbefore NNa NNperson NNauthorized NNto NNadminister NNan NNoath agent One NNwho NNrepresents NNor NNhas NNthe NNpower NNto NNact NNfor NNanother NN(principal). NNThe NNauthorization NNmay NNbe NNexpress, NNimplied, NNor NNapparent. NNA NNfiduciary NNrelationship NNis NNcreated NNwhen NNa NNprincipal NNexecutes NNa NNlisting NNagreement NNor NNmanagement NNcontract NNauthorizing NNa NNreal NNestate NNbroker NNto NNbe NNhis NNor NNher NNagent. agreement NNof NNsale A NNwritten NNagreement NNby NNwhich NNthe NNpurchaser NNagrees NNto NNbuy NNcertain NNreal NNestate NNand NNthe NNseller NNagrees NNto NNsell, NNon NNthe NNterms NNand NNconditions NNset NNforth NNin NNthe NNagreement. air NNlot A NNdesignated NNairspace NNover NNa NNpiece NNof NNland, NNlike NNsuface NNproperty, NNmay NNbe NNtransferred. air NNrights The NNright NNto NNuse NNthe NNopen NNspace NNabove NNone's NNproperty. NNIt NNcan NNbe NNsold NNto NNbuild NNa NNsky-walk NNor NNfor NNthe NNutility NNcompany NNto NNerect NNpower NNlines, alienation The NNact NNof NNtransferring NNproperty NNto NNanother. NNMay NNbe NNvoluntary, NNsuch NNas NNby NNsale, NNor NNinvoluntary, NNsuch NNas NNthrough NNeminent NNdomain. alienation NNclause Clause NNin NNa NNmortgage NNinstrument NNthat NNdoes NNnot NNallow NNthe NNborro wer NNto NNsell NN(without NNlender NNapproval) NNon NNassumption NNor NNcontract -for-deed. alluvion The NNactual NNsoil NNincrease NNresulting NNfrom NNaccretion. amendments Changes NNto NNpreviously NNapproved NNand NNadopted NNwritten NNagreements. amenities Neighborhood NNfacilities NNand NNservices NNthat NNenhance NNa NNproperty's NNvalue, NNoutside NNof NNthe NNproperty NN(swimming NNpools, NNthree -car NNgarages). Americans NNwith NNDisabilities NNAct NN(ADA) A NNfederal NNlaw NN(1992) NNdesigne d NNto NNeliminate NNdiscrimination NNagainst NNindividuals NNwith NNdisabilities. amortization The NNliquidation NNof NNa NNfinancial NNburden NNby NNinstallment NNpayments, NNwhich NNinclude NNprincipal NNand NNinterest. NNThe NNloan NNpayment NNconsists NNof NNa NNportion NNwhich NNwill NNbe NNapplied NNto NNpay NNthe NNaccruing NNinterest NNon NNa NNloan, NNwith NNthe NNremainder NNbeing NNapplied NNto NNthe NNprincipal. NNOver NNtime, NNthe NNinterest NNportion NNdecreases NNas NNthe NNloan NNbalance NNdecreases, NNand NNthe NNamount NNapplied NNto NNprincipal NNincreases NNso NNthat NNthe NNloan NNis NNpaid NNoff NNin NNthe NNspecified NNtime. amortized NNloan A NNloan NNin NNwhich NNthe NNprincipal NNand NNinterest NNare NNpayable NNin NNmonthly NNor NNother NNperiodic NNinstallments NNover NNthe NNterm NNof NNthe NNloan amortization NNschedule A NNtable NNwhich NNshows NNhow NNmuch NNof NNeach NNpayment NNwill NNbe NNapplied NNtoward NNprincipal NNand NNhow NNmuch NNtoward NNinterest NNover NNthe NNlife NNof NNthe NNloan. NNIt NNalso NNshows NNthe NNgradual NNdecrease NNof NNthe NNloan NNbalance NNuntil NNit NNreaches NNzero. annual NNpercentage NNrate NN(APR) This NNis NNnot NNthe NNnote NNrate NNon NNyour NNloan. NNIt NNis NNa NNvalue NNcreated NNaccording NNto NNa NNgovernment NNformula NNintended NNto NNreflect NNthe NNtrue NNannual NNcost NNof NNborrowing, NNexpressed NNas NNa NNpercentage. NNIt NNworks NNsort NNof NNlike NNthis, NNbut NNnot NNexactly, NNso NNonly NNuse NNthis NNas NNa NNguideline: NNdeduct NNthe NNclosing NNcosts NNfrom NNyour NNloan NNamount, NNthen NNusing NNyour NNactual NNloan NNpayment, NNcalculate NNwhat NNthe NNinterest NNrate NNwould NNbe NNon NNthis NNamount NNinstead NNof NNyour NNactual NNloan NNamount. NNBecause NNyou NNare NNusing NNthe NNsame NNpayment NNon NNa NNsmaller NNamount, NNit NNis NNalways NNhigher NNthan NNthe NNactual NNnot NNrate NNon NNyour NNloan. antitrust NNlaws The NNlaws NNdesigned NNto NNpreserve NNthe NNfree NNenterprise NNof NNthe NNopen NNmarketplace NNby NNmaking NNillegal NNcertain NNprivate NNconspiracies NNand NNcombinations NNformed NNto NNminimize NNcompetition. NNViolations: NNprice NNfixing NN(set NNfixed NNcompensation NNrates) NNor NNallocation NNof NNcustomers NNor NNmarkets NN(brokers NNagreeing NNto NNlimit NNtheir NNtrades NNto NNcertain NNareas NNor NNproperties. application The NNform NNused NNto NNapply NNfor NNa NNmortgage NNloan, NNcontaining NNinformation NNabout NNa NNborrower's NNincome, NNsavings, NNassets, NNdebts, NNand NNmore. appraisal A NNwritten NNjustification NNof NNthe NNprice NNpaid NNfor NNa NNproperty, NNprimarily NNbased NNon NNan NNanalysis NNof NNcomparable NNsales NNof NNsimilar NNhomes NNnearby. appraised NNvalue An NNopinion NNof NNa NNproperty's NNfair NNmarket NNvalue, NNbased NNon NNan NNappraiser's NNknowledge, NNexperience, NNand NNanalysis NNof NNthe NNproperty. NNSince NNan NNappraisal NNis NNbased NNprimarily NNon NNcomparable NNsales, NNand NNthe NNmost NNrecent NNsale NNis NNthe NNone NNon NNthe NNproperty NNin NNquestion, NNthe NNappraisal NNusually NNcomes NNout NNat NNthe NNpurchase NNprice. appraiser An NNindividual NNqualified NNby NNeducation, NNtraining, NNand NNexperience NNto NNestimate NNthe NNvalue NNof NNreal NNproperty NNand NNpersonal NNproperty. NNAlthough NNsome NNwork NNdirectly NNfor NNmortgage NNlenders, NNmost NNare NNindependent. appreciation The NNincrease NNin NNthe NNvalue NNof NNa NNproperty NNdue NNto NNchanges NNin NNmarket NNconditions, NNinflation, NNor NNother NNcauses. appurtenant Belonging NNto, NNincident NNto, NNannexed NNto. NNExamples: NNgarage NNto NNa NNhouse. NNPasses NNwith NNthe NNland NNwhen NNthe NNproperty NNis NNtransferred.

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